Is godly. Forget St. Anger, and forget "the day that never comes", weakest song on the album. If you like Metallica, you'll like Death Magnetic. Anyone else liking it?
I have to say, from what I have heard so far this could very well be the best album they have done in a long long time. Like, since the end of their eighties albums with . . . And Justice for All.
From a video I was watching one of the early reviews actually said it sounds like the aforementioned album but with bass, which honestly seems like a pretty apt description. I would recommend any longtime Metallica fan to at least give My Apocalypse a shot as its pretty fucking awesome.
i really doubt this is going to be any good at all
That was my attitude too. There are ways to listen to it free give it a shot.
Ways eh? Sounds mysterious.
EDIT: so is this album actually out now?
EDIT2: Yes. Yes it is. Ok.
Tweaked_Bat_ on
ReginaldWhen I am Pres., I will createthe Department of ______Registered Userregular
edited September 2008
Although Metallica is one of the bands that got me into metal in the first place, I'm not sure I can really endorse the band anymore. They come of as complete dicks in the documentaries I have seen, and Kirk Hammett gained his popularity by ripping off Dave Mustaine. I don't even really care about the whole Napster thing.
i really doubt this is going to be any good at all
That was my attitude too. There are ways to listen to it free give it a shot.
Ways eh? Sounds mysterious.
EDIT: so is this album actually out now?
EDIT2: Yes. Yes it is. Ok.
A local store called the exchange is selling it early today. The store is run by potheads they really couldn't care less. A lot of the people I know that got it early went there.
That was my attitude too. There are ways to listen to it free give it a shot.
From a video I was watching one of the early reviews actually said it sounds like the aforementioned album but with bass, which honestly seems like a pretty apt description. I would recommend any longtime Metallica fan to at least give My Apocalypse a shot as its pretty fucking awesome.
yo dogg do you mean like torrentz n' shit
I acquired the album in vain hope, but I listened to half the first track and turned that shit off.
None of the songs are horrible, but there are none that are particularly memorable either
Also. Vein Hope would be a good band name.
Pfft editing your post, jar. Pfffft. Face the music. The music of Vein Hope!
Steam - Talon Valdez :Blizz - Talonious#1860 : Xbox Live & LoL - Talonious Monk @TaloniousMonk Hail Satan
Actually, the entire album is up on their own website now.
Can't say I expected that one but maybe they finally see piracy and people listening to music for free as something that is inevitable.
Man, E is fully three keys away from A
They played The Unforgiven on the classic rock station here one time...
Ways eh? Sounds mysterious.
EDIT: so is this album actually out now?
EDIT2: Yes. Yes it is. Ok.
I wondered.
Steam - Talon Valdez :Blizz - Talonious#1860 : Xbox Live & LoL - Talonious Monk @TaloniousMonk Hail Satan
A local store called the exchange is selling it early today. The store is run by potheads they really couldn't care less. A lot of the people I know that got it early went there.
Such a cool dude.
I loves me some Megadeth.
I love Megadeth. Until he sings, in which case I would as another poster said "listen to cats fuck instead of Mustaine."
I feel the same way.
Amerikastahn was interesting maybe once.
At some point I will listen to the whole album.
Oh one of my friends played the new Slipknot in my room.
you really shouldnt
Because Mastadon's singer sounds like a dying animal.
Lamb of god doesn't even have a singer. Dude sounds like he is being attacked by rabid wildebeests.
It's annoying.
It ruins what might have been good.
Its alright though.
Listen to Dillinger Escape Plan, specifically their cover of "Come to Daddy" by Aphex Twin. Listen to it over and over again.
because man
I dunno, I told my friend to turn that shit off at the third song.
I'm picky.