Need Some PAX Neskimos Pics for an Article

LusciousPearLusciousPear Registered User new member
edited October 2006 in PAX Archive
Hey there,

Since I'm not Eric Bauman, I don't want to hunt around and steal anything, so I'll ask ya'll instead. I'm writing a 3,000 word article about PAX and the NESkimos for, and I was hoping you all could provide me with some? I'd greatly appreciate it ^_^

Oh, and I'm Bradford. The tall, blonde kid. Some of you may remember me from various parties. (I brought the Bass and champagne).

Holy shit, a talking muffin!
LusciousPear on


  • HighfireHighfire Registered User regular
    edited September 2006

    Highfire on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    I saw this thread and immediately knew whose pictures were going to be posted.

    Raiden333 on
  • HighfireHighfire Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    Raiden333 wrote:
    I saw this thread and immediately knew whose pictures were going to be posted.

    You know it man!

    Highfire on
  • LusciousPearLusciousPear Registered User new member
    edited September 2006
    \m/ Thanks, any more from the rest of the attendees?

    LusciousPear on
    Holy shit, a talking muffin!
  • DarkphibreDarkphibre Photographer / Programmer / Data Scientist / Gamer Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Here's mine. Just email me with the ones you want. If you don't want to go through all 126 images, there's a subset on Flickr.

    Darkphibre on
    Gamertag: Darkphibre, or Me for Halo!, flickr

    Dark Fibre: Fiberoptic cable placed in anticipation of future demand

  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited October 2006
    Here's mine, I have more, those were just a few that I liked, email me if you want any more.

    Unknown User on
  • LusciousPearLusciousPear Registered User new member
    edited October 2006
    Hey homies,

    The interview is up at , so ptkfgs and enjoy!

    LusciousPear on
    Holy shit, a talking muffin!
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