Latest Mac OS X Update Borked My Monitor

multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
edited September 2008 in Help / Advice Forum
Hdey - so I just downloaded the latest update to Mac OS X Leopard tonight (see date of post) and now my monitor will only display "Out Of Range" when it's turned on. I know what the problem is - the resolution is set either too high or too low and I need to change it manually. The problem is, it was in the middle of an OS update so I can't use Safe Boot. Is there any other way I can boot my Mac to some sort of "neutral" state where I can adjust the monitor settings? I'm unable to attach it to another monitor and can't afford to bring it to the shop - the sad fact is I work over the internet so I can't fix it till I earn my next check, which I can't do if I can't get my monitor set up to work. I'm doing this all on my PS3 - does any Mac expert have a suggestion?

multimoog on


  • powersspowerss Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Zap the PRAM.

    powerss on
  • multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Do you know how to do that? I don't.

    multimoog on
  • multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    n/m, found out, thx

    edit: that was super annoying and more than a little scary, I remember when OS X updates made a system MORE stable

    multimoog on
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