It seems to me that there has been an awful lot of negativity in SE++ lately
seems a lot of it was brought on by that terrible webcomic thread but in general it just feels like everyone is shouting and flinging shit and being dicks way more than usual
and maybe we're even justified in being dicks but let's give that a rest, hmm?
so think of forumers here who are cool and say something positive about them
-Belruel and ChicoBlue are really good at drawing things, that is a good thing to be good at
-Muse Among Men draws too I guess, but mostly she got me into MS Paint Adventures so that's enough
-Centipede Damascus has good opinions about stuff, I wish to subscribe to his newsletter
-I don't actually know any of the regulars all that well, but guys like Bale and Rank and Weaver are all intelligent and respectable dudes from what I can read, and have been known to be awesome on occasion
-I know I am forgetting a lot of people but you guys will fill those in
-Defender is actually really good at debating things, though this is mostly because he won't back down and just crushes people under the sheer weight of his opinions; I have disagreed with him at times but never said anything about it because I can't hold my own
-Skull Man was not a bad person, he just made some bad choices
-Wiggin, YES WIGGIN TOO, Wiggin may frequently regress to a circa-13-year-old mentality and lash out angrily, but to be honest, when I was 13 he is the sort of guy who would be in my circle of friends and we'd all be cool with him even if he got on our nerves because he's a friend and 13 year old friends stick together, so I guess this was kind of a backhanded hypothetical compliment
Ok guys, so try to put aside petty differences and come up with some compliments, as difficult as that might be for some people
there is no one i don't like
he's a witch
try the veal folks!
you are cool too
You weren't even there for that part.
and sometimes self-flagellations
Also, I haven't been posting much lately. So that may be why everyones in a foul mood, you know, they're all suffering from withdrawls. Everyones addicted to my razor sharp wit and amazing comedic timing.
I like everyone here.
i like like a large portion
but i only like like like a few
they are so needy
you can say that again !
how did i not see that coming
Fuckin french mother fucker
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
(I think it's shank posting)
Druhim made a thread about it, but I dont see you insulting him!
But I gave you half-life 2
No, but your mother has been begging for me to try.
He'd just forget about it after a minute or two. No fun there.
i'm wearing three pairs of pants
just in case
*shakes fist*
If I don't like you, I just tend to not associate with you - problem solved.