Did anyone else get
this in their newspaper, or maybe even on its own into their mailbox?
I received it in my mail today, and was promptly disgusted. What was weirder was that I am a registered Democrat, and my parents are either Republicans or Independents, and yet I was the one to get it. It should be noted that I live in Michigan, and more importantly I live in a traditionally Upper-Class rich, white county that could go either way in the upcoming election.
The full title of the movie is Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, and it has been making rounds for two years now, but is being mailed out in swing states in time for the election. It's bankrolled by some shadowy organization called The Clarion Fund that has a lot of apparent Israeli ties, but also a lot of secret backers.
I don't know what to think. I'm considering watching it, but I have a feeling I'll be so disgusted that I'll end up just turning it off and walking away. I think I may have even seen a thread about this film at some point in the past.
In an attempt to make its case, it lists a number of film festivals it's won; all having some right wing patriot theme to them. It also quotes a producer from 24.
What information is floating around on this? Has anyone actually seen it?
That's about the only way I imagine I could drive out the brain-wash.
Too bad an NPO didn't send me Jesus Camp free of cost in the mail.
but they're listening to every word I say
I guess you can find it all on youtube in 10 parts. I will watch it later.
but they're listening to every word I say
Imagine if they countered with a movie for Muslims w/ OCD.
How I got there from deer, I'll never know.
The whole area has a large Middle Eastern population. One of my best friends growing up when I lived there was from Pakistan.
but they're listening to every word I say
Ugh, that movie was horrifying! Really, I felt disturbed after watching that movie.
Yeah I remember having to pause the movie every so often in a frail attempt to comprehend what was going on as I babbled incoherently at the screen.
As for this movie it looks like some good old fear tactics but I may be tempted to watch to see how hilarious it may be.
It's called Dearborn. Muslims are a plurality there, and last I heard they even had bells ring over the city three times a day as a call to prayer.
They sent it to you because you are a Democrat. They don't need to try to sway hardcore Republicans into voting Republican.
I'm curious now.
By the way, you guys are really on your anti-religion thing in the past few days.
Yeah I wish I could find something tangible that the movie is a piece of trash, but she knows Obama's the winner.
Also, if you want to know how good it is, consider: they felt like the best way to get it out there was to mail 28 million copies, free, to American homes.
Even michael moore can sell his schlock in theatres.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I posed the question asking if this happens often in the US - I dont think anyone said it was common. I was just trying to think whether the BNP could get away with something like that in the UK. Some of their flyers are pretty awful, but they are usually veiled in thin UK patriotism.
(As a side note, yeah, I'm also a registered Democrat. Weee~)
Wes, but you can find much worse in West Virginia. Even Tehran has a more substantive Jewish community than West Virginia.
yeah, i really wish the anti-fundamentalist left would attack islam as much as it does christianity
Why, to show how Fair & Balanced(TM) they are?
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
We don't give Islam a pass, but shit, having not seen the video, I virtually guarantee that the whole thing is about Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Palestine, conveniently leaving out Saudi Arabia. Which, I guess is fair, given that all of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis, right? Because really, it was the fundamentalist regime of Saddam Hussein that's been breeding that kind of extremism, right? And of course, this is unique to Islam, and if the poor people of these countries who are getting fucked over didn't have Islam, they certainly wouldn't be resorting to terrorism anyhow, right? And the people in the U.S., a first-world, educated country who are full of their anti-intellectualism and anti-secularism definitely have a better excuse for being total dickholes, right?
that salafism/wahhabism shit is fucked up to the core, i don't believe we should even allow any saudi funded muslim schools here
The only problem I have with it at this point is that it's blindingly obvious to anyone with a pulse that Radical Islamists want us dead, why make a movie about it?
Has anyone here actually seen the movie? Seems kind of lame to call it propaganda with no justification, just because it was shown on Fox News.
The 'free' copy is edited down to an hour, saying it's a special election edition or something along those lines. I wonder how long the real cut is.
Maybe my assumptions are wrong, and the website for the movie completely mischaracterizes the movie, showing it to be something it's not, but somehow, I doubt it.
It's probably more that they see the fundamentalist Christian folks as more of an immediate threat then the fundamentalist Muslims to the well being of the country.
Is this comment in response to anything in particular?
Are they not creating terror to further political goals?
That's the difference. Moore was trying to make money. These people aren't. If he was just trying to put something out, he'd only have released Fahrenheit 9/11 on tpb.
Technically yes. But their success has been to scare a small segment of isolationist, reactionary islamophobes who blew the response out of proportion by many magnitudes of order to the point where the cause of most other peoples' terror is now directly on their heads. IOW, al Qaeda lit a match, but the neocons and Bush administration took that match and put it to the fuse of a bundle of dynamite.
Triple digit oil, easy.
I won't deny that he was trying to make money. Another reason for going for a commercial release though is that it's seen as more legitimate by a large portion of the population. Though how it's released has nothing to do with how good it is one way or the other, many people look at that and say "Look, it's not just some random video online, it's in a theater! It must be more reputable!".
Though Moore films are biased as hell, there's some basis for that way of thinking, with videos like Loose Change and Zeitgeist floating around for free online.
Another think to point out is that for the "full" version of that Islam video (whatever the difference between the free and full version is), you have to pay money.