Dear DubDub++,
It was supposed to be a fun night out with friends. We left on our journey to the local cinema to see a free showing of Pixar's latest hit, Wall-E. It turned out to be a night of sheer
The gang and I left the theater upon the completion of the movie. It was close enough that we decided to ride our bikes there, the lovely weather may have played a part in the decision as well. We made our way to the bike rack laughing and joking. "I fucked your mom last night" someone says. "Yeah well I sliced your sister's throat open, stuck my penis in the hole and out of her mouth and then blew myself" says someone else.
It was a pretty normal conversation. Until
it happened.
We stumbled upon a scene most grizzly and foul. A scene the likes of which Mr. Lovecraft himself could not have conjured up. The space that once held my bike
was now empty. A hasty inspection of the area revealed no clues. The bike was gone.
Many thoughts raced through my head. Was it aliens? Was it drunken frat boys? Was it the
I would not find the answers there at that gruesome place. I hitched a ride back home with a friend, with agony filling my very soul. I had just bought a headlight for the poor thing too.
So DubDub++, tell me about things that have been stolen from you. Tell me about things you have stolen from other people. Tell me which one of you fuckers stole my bike.
I bet it was graves
tldr; Someone stole my bike. Tell me about things you've had stolen and/or things you've stolen
i've lost some stuff though.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Or at least get a half-decent lock so some random schmuck can't just up and take it.
Easily got it back considering he never took my bike lock (and chain) with'm, which was a huge mistake.
it was my first new bike
the next time I had a new bike was my sixteenth birthday, the rest were all purchased at say, yard sales
Everyone wins.
I went and grabbed a pepsi, went up to the front and paid for it, and turned to grab my bag only to find it missing
who steals an eighth grader's backpack
trying to kill you with my mind now
It could have been some poor kid running for his life from some unlisted Men In Black type group and just happened upon your bike as a supportive tool in his escape. I mean, in the movies that shit happens ALL the time.
Most likely though, it was the minorities.
I think something here does not make sense.
I'm not sure what it is though.
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
I mean that would've been a horrible idea since it was locked.
I think this is the time when I go all vigilante on this town. What should my vigilante moniker be?
love you so much
that wasn't cool
I feel awful for laughing.
Pissbomb Joe
This type of racism is not going to get back this guy's whatever he lost
Apparently this happens to everyone there
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Also just steal our roommate's bike lock for your next bike. The ginger can walk.
somebody really poor who has a 6-year-old kid, maybe
That's hazing.
It's against the law.
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Do not ask why I did that, but I lost all my DS games, though my DS was saved because I put it in my pocket, neglecting the point of the case.
I didn't do nothin'
No it's more like
Every Freshman at UCSB is stupid enough to buy a brand new bike
And every Freshman is stupid enough to buy the cheapest kind of lock that is easy to break
Also students are regularly away from their bikes for hours at a time
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(the one on the left)
anyway, I have no idea what they wanted with it, but we later found it all mangled and thrown into the local creek
Thanks for ruining my joke.
those things were the bomb.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
I have a good idea of the kind of stupid shit you can do with one of those cars
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Stupid shit is my specialty
You already did that when you told it
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