That's right, guys.
This is a thread about the moving bags of rotting flesh that everyone loves to hate,
Zombies are a huge and awesome part of popular culture, appearing in such films as the old yet awesome (like Druhim) movie
And it's sequel
Which was remade in 2004.
Of course, following in the wake of success from these films, many other zombie flicks popped up, including the smash hit
Which features such awesome scenes as
That's right.
That fucking zombie is fighting a goddamn shark.
And if that weren't enough, during my google search for all of these images I located this.
Moving from unintentionally hilarious to actually hilarious, we have a personal favorite,
In the case of an actual zombie outbreak I tend to imagine that it would go down similarly to that for me.
Also in a similar vein to these is
Which, though it can be argued that it isn't a 'zombie' flick, is close e-fucking-nough so shut up and enjoy it.
Zombies don't just lurk in movies, though!
No, they also invade your
video games!
Possibly the most famous of these being the series known as
Which, though it
has strayed somewhat from it's original zombie origins, maintains the same atmosphere and awesomeness.
Other zombie games include the light gun series House of the Dead and Dead Rising, which was fun for a while but really how much are you gonna do in a mall full of zombies with like a broken leg or some shit?
Even music has had it's taste of zombies, as seen in Michael Jackson's hit music video, Thriller.
Yup, even Jacko digs zombies, and who are you to go against what a child molester thinks?
Nobody, that's who.
No, I didn't forget that literature has zombies, too.
Max Brooks is a cool guy who writes zombie books such as the above two, the first of which I have lying in front of me as I type, just in case I survive in a zombie fuckin' apocalypse.
The origin of zombies has something to do with some kinda black magic voodoo mumbo jumbo akalaka something something
But we're here for the kickass fiction zombies!
Be it hell's doing or some kind of virus, any reputable zombie killer will tell you that the only way to kill a goddamn zombie is to
blow it's fuckin' brains out, as demonstrated below.
This OP is light on words and big on pictures because seriously, you know you want to see some fucking zombie action.
Now let's talk about something we can all relate to, motherfucking zombies!
I stock up on whatever weapons I can find in one store and then run out into the mall and see how long I can last with just those
Fact: Most of the things in the supermarket that you can hit people with?
Terrible weapons, but fun to use
Fuck yeah I'm gonna club a zombie to death, again, with a can of soup
one of my roommates is scared to death of them
if you walk like one she will haul ass or throw heavy things at you
some sort of pathological fear
but really, zombies are just misunderstood and want to be our friends
I would do Pony's zombie thing
As a zombie or survivor?
That is also fun, just for the sheer speed with which you rack up kills
I tried to do the genocide achievement once, which you can only do by going through the tunnels nonstop
I got up to like 25k and stopped because I wanted to stab something
Also I once beat a bunch of cultists to death with the aforementioned can of soup
So there's Frank, in his undies, covered in blood, with a can of soup in his hand and surrounded by dead cultists
I laughed
A friend and I once scared another friend half to death with an elaborate zombie gag.
I assumed it was a random assignment
I would be fine with either
Oh yeah I remember him talking about that.
Good God I would do that so hard.
like those german dudes, they got that shit
I'm gonna go find that video
I think they might always have boners, if you go by the Max Brooks ones.
Their blood coagulates in their veins.
So if you're turned with a a boner you're always at full mast.
If you're turned normally then you'll be a zombie with a really hard nonboner.
EDIT: fucker
I know what I'm watching tonight!
Though when I finally saw Night, I was surprised how gruesome it was. I thought it was going to be a fairly tame film, mostly scary from atmosphere.
Dead wrong.
Dawn V2 is also good(never seen the original), if only for the excellent use of music.
And seriously, people should know to aim for the head. Why this isn't common knowledge by now is beyond me.
Now my list of shit to watch is something like 18 episodes of Oz, Night of the Living Dead, and two Saw flicks just because
And I guarantee you, tomorrow I'll find something else to start on
it's written by a guy in writer's block and it's gonna be called a-zombie a children's guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse (while learning their abcs)
and it's gonna be done in kind of a 50's style kid's book
i've finished 2 pages so far, here they are (already posted on ac):
Even kids can enjoy zombies!
one of mine will be zombies
I'm glad you like them
the whole alphabet is going to take me foreeeever
but it's going to be wicked cool when it's done to have some published work
A zombie film with kids taking up arms against the undead would be amazing.
As opposed to the (awful) second RE movie where they become zombies. I think it's one of the few films with the stones to have a scene like that.
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There's a zombie kid in 28 days later, isn't there?
He beats it to death with a bat?
Stop lying to us.
Oh fuck, yeah.
and the first zombie in the DotD remake is a little girl.