Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves..
I'm feeling expiramental, se++
So I dont know how long this will last as a serious "discussion" but how many of you folks have made this realization? I dont mean life being a dream, but I mean the realization that we truely are one (albeit still disharmonic) with the universe..
Have you realized that god is not a man, an entity, or a being of any kind.. but merely a state of being, a force of creation, a wave of energy that gave way to an idea then a name..
Think about it.. When it boils down to the smallest scale imaginable.. everything everywhere is made up of the same thing. we all know this
So perhaps then we arent god, but these atoms, these building blocks.. they are god.. They MUST be! If they create everything?
Or perhaps, again, we are god. The universe is only there because we percieve it.. and truthffully the only thing we know solid fact is that we _ARE_.. "I think, therefore I am"
if that is so, who is to say what else is real? What else is imagined? What else is a dream.
If we know only that one thing, it is very likely that the universe is of our creation.. that by concieving, no-- Entertaining the idea of life outside our own minds... colors/smells/people, we have created our own universe. Created the universe in the same isntance which we were born, and if we created the universe.. that would again, make us god.
I dont know where I'm going with this. I'd like to hear some additional thoughts from other forum goers. I dont expect to be taken seriously, but thank you ahead of time to those of you that actually put some thought into what you say and what you do
And the rest of you? It matters not.. because according to my own thoughts I placed you in my universe to PUNISH myself. And if you are one of the people who hijack the thread
that and GHB is awesome as a muscle relaxant
And yet
I just can't help myself
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Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
except suave did it better
Suave was pretty entertaining at times.
What I'm saying is you're a pussy
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and how he'd get angry at his threads being locked.
is all I'm saying.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
from a rock
to a blade of grass
It's like a line.. a long, continuous line.. which is, on a much grander scale, actually part of a circle.. and that energy, those fibers.. pass through everything.. you, me, the carpet Im standing on.. continuously, at the same time.
And death? Death is just the beginning.. can you imagine what it must feel like to pass through the universe on a molecular level?
I don't want it! I just need it! To breath, to feel, to know I'm alive!
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
lots of farmland though
I don't want it! I just need it! To breath, to feel, to know I'm alive!
My advice, soak in cold water, the egg should fall away without resistance.
im not an alt lmao
ive been on and off user for about.. 3 years I want to say? maybe longer. idk
I don't want it! I just need it! To breath, to feel, to know I'm alive!
Or use a nonstick pan and grease it up a little before frying the egg? That's what I do.
Hold on, let pull up this spreadsheet I've created, it'll straighten everything out.
what's your point?
I'm serious, let's assume that this is true. What would all of this mean? What difference would it make in the way we should be living our lives?