Well, I just finished Bioshock and after the lackluster ending (it was like a Studio Ghibli movie, all crazy, things going nuts and then OMFG END NOW CREDITS THANKS!) I decided to move onto System Shock 2, which I heard was a similar game.
I have only played about 40 minuted of SS2 but so far it is a total rip off of Bioshock.
Lets looks at how this game rips off Bioshock, except with crappier graphics.
Emails: Bioshock did it with class with old tape recorders. System Shock 2 has deicided that things need to be all advanced and instead use "e"mail to convey what is going on behind the scenes.
Psi Ops (or something equally as stupid) as Plasmids: What the hell. While Bioshock went on to make its name for itself with psychic powers System Shock 2 does the same thing and even goes as far to make the graphics look the same with your character holding a little ball in front of it that is used of this game's version of plasmids.
These guys have no shame.
That's right, just like Bioshock told us part of the backstory with ghosts scattered throughout Rapture SS2 does the same damn thing with spooks inside of a space ship. Gee wiz, more of this wow future stuff.
I have also discovered that they game has turrets, hacking stuff, security cameras that use the same color scheme as Bioshock (red for looking, green for not), different kinds of ammo (I laughed out loud when I saw that guns has the same ammo types as Bioshock), and even a wrench as the first weapon you find in the game.
Where is the legal system when you need it? This is plagiarism at it's worst. It's like they didn't have the budget of Bioshock and instead made a crappy looking port with a few extra "RPG" elements and "character creation options" to try to distinguish itself from it's big daddy (lolrz?).
Anyway, I guess I will keep playing to see just how far this rabbit hole goes. Mainly out of disgust though, not because I have some kind of respect for SS2, I just want to see how much they really did leech off of Bioshock and try to make it into something "deeper". Hell, the game doesn't even have Vitachambers, the developers expect me to die and reload a save game? F that noise.
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That's just a way to distinguish itself for having the graphics that it has, it needs something more than just 720p like Bioshock. It's like they dont have the memory that Bioshock had. in Bioshock you could hold everything you wanted and not have to worry about inventory management. In SS2 its like they put it in to make you think you were doing something clever but instead it's simply them not being able to fully utilize the gigs and gigs of memory that todays gaming systems have to offer.
So anyway, I just played a litte more and put a few more things together.
The game starts off in a Medical Center. Remind anyone of anything? That's right, Bioshock did it first.
Then I also take back my comment about the Vitachambers. System Shock 2 does the same thing, except they are called Bioreconstructive Centers, or some other BS, I can't remember, I am going to go alt+tab back in and futz around some more to see what I can come up with.
I'm so confused.
I couldn't believe anyone was even flirting with the notion of taking this seriously. Then I read his blog, and now I'm as puzzled as anyone.
I can sympathize completely. I felt the exact same rush of shock and disbelief recently when playing Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. I couldn't believe how blatantly they had ripped off World of Warcraft, it was shameful.
I don't know whether to report this for awesome or for trolling.
Which it is!
totally. fucking. serious.
The new and improved third option: both.
Looking Glass wasn't trying to rip it off, they just saw Bioshock and said, "Well, this is kinda cool, but it would be better if it had, say, armor-piercing bullets that actually did damage against armored opponents. Boy I really fucking hated that about Bioshock." The first thing they did was churn out a quick tech demo called Doom 3, just to get their feet wet and get a better look at the problems they would realistically face.
It's the same engine, too, if you look closely. System Shock 2 is just Doom 3 with tighter graphics and DBZ powers.
About the Bio-reconstruction devices, that was a conscious effort to cater to tournament-minded players who only wanted to have to camp one spawn point during death-matches.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Anyway, this thread is amazing
The OP is great but this post made me laugh my fucking ass off. :^:
And green.
She's just sick. Sick of racist bastards like you.
Xerxes = Ryan
Because I never got to play it when it released and I think I'd have a lot of problems if I tried it now, particularly with the graphics
But I'd really like to be scared by SHODAN and all that
I just feel like I missed out
PSN: TheScrublet
There are some decent graphics mods out there now.
And a widescreen hack.
I mean it won't look amazing but hey.
Actually it would have been interesting to see a Let's Play of SS2 from the perspective of a misinformed Bioshock fanboy, but it looks like he ran out of steam after the second post.