With all the horrible ______ Movie movies that have come out recently, it's sometimes easy to forget that there was a time when parody films were actually clever and entertaining.
Let's start with:
I really enjoy these movies. Yeah, they're pretty ham fisted, but Charlie Sheen does a great job in these flicks. Also, the dude who is in that show Charlie's in right now was also in these movies. Oh, and Ryan Styles. And of course, don't forget about Lloyd Bridges, who was also in:
The first one is an all-time classic. Just loaded with puns and sight gags. The second one is okay, but still better than recent parody movies. And it (along with Kentucky Fried Movie) kinda cemented the entirety of Leslie Nielsen's future career, starting with the TV series Police Squad, which led to:
Great first movie, the successive ones not quite as much, but still a lot of fun. Plus, they have pre-murder OJ in them. But we try to forget pretty much everything Leslie Nielsen has done after these because he got super-duper typecast and only did really bad parodies and Mr. Magoo and Three Ninjas.
And of course, we can't forget about this guy:
You could say that all his movies are parody movies, though some more subtle than others, riffing the general genre rather than specific movies. I'm not gonna post pictures of all of his films. Deal with it. And though I am ashamed to say, I have still yet to see a couple of his earlier films, such as High Anxiety and Silent Movie. But I love all his other stuff (except for that abortion, Dracula: Dead and Loving It). While Spaceballs and Men in Tights are closer to the time of my generation and as such, I know them much better and really, really enjoy them, I know that Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles are each highly superior.
What parody movies do you like?
P.S. No goddamned Wayanseses allowed in this thread.
best hitchcock parody i've ever seen
Airplane is one of them.
Let me through, I speak jive.
"I'm the angel of freakin death" looooooooooooooooool
Black. Like my men.
No.. I can't....
They've tied my shoes together.
*looks down*
Oh, Dexter.
apparently this david zucker guy thinks that david zucker is the master of movie satire it's probably worth a look.
Went to High School in Edmonton though...
It's one of our claims to fame! hahaha, I hate this city.
No that's cool you have your opinion.
I guess we can't all give sex away for money to communist fags.
"I loved you in wall street!"
every time I saw him in something or saw his face I thought it was steve martin
I didn't watch many of the movies either of them were in
I dunno man I think the humor is too old for me
but the rest of the movies in the OP are aces
What did they say to each other in that scene?
when i first saw that i only thought it was ok
but then we watched it in the last week of a hitchcock class i took and i thought it was the greatest of movies
i loved you in wall street
it's a joke because martin sheen was in apocalypse now which that scene was parodying
and then he actually goes by in a boat doing the scene from apocalypse now
and both martin and charlie sheen were in wall street
that is the joke
Man, don't Buckley my thread up.
Orik has explained it to death
And what does the Indian (Presumably Geronimo) say in that parachuting scene when he's about to jump?
And then the scene where the two romantic interests compete in American Gladiator.
When will then be now?