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[Let's Troubleshoot]Riven - I hate DirectX 5

Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punkhedge witchRegistered User regular
edited October 2008 in Games and Technology
So welcome all to my first Let's Play. I will be playing the game Riven, the Sequel to Myst : DVD Edition. Or Riven for short. This is the second game in the wonderful Myst series of puzzle/adventure games. I have been motivated to do this, ever this came up during since discussion on games that were magic for us as kids, and how jaded we are reminded me of how much I loved this game. (lol awkward sentence)

So what is Riven, you ask? Basically, it's one of the best adventure games ever. Made by the geniuses at Cyan Worlds in 1997, the graphics still hold up amazingly. With minimalist controls and HUD, little dialogue, and an explorable world with a strange linearity, Riven is less a game and more a work of art with controls.

Now, it's been years since I played this, and this was when I was about 8, so I forget a lot. So I'm not gonna use a walkthrough. Instead, I'm gonna explore around, and let you guys in the thread help me out a bit. No spoilers, and no outright answers to puzzles. Hints are fine, though.

So let's get this ball rolling.

Current Status:Trying to fix my computer's graphics drivers because of a mishap involving the accidental installation and refusal to be removed of DirectX 5.

Mortal Sky on


  • DebaserZbsDebaserZbs Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Riven without a walkthrough? Godspeed, good sir. Godspeed.

    DebaserZbs on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Gah the game's not even running. What the fuck.

    Mortal Sky on
  • ScreampunkScreampunk TehSpectre Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    It's a puzzle to even load the game up.

    Screampunk on
  • ImpersonatorImpersonator Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    It's a puzzle to even load the game up.


    Impersonator on
  • DaxonDaxon Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I see this Let's Play has started brilliantly. Also, Riven never managed to confound me as much as Myst did. Though both did take forever to actually get through.

    Daxon on
  • AldoAldo Hippo Hooray Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Not to be an ass, but maybe it would be better to only make a thread if you're sure you can get the game to work and have some basic idea on what you're going to write down. How often you want to update, if you want to take a lot of screenshots and with what sort of choices you want to let the readers decide.

    Aldo on
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    You touched a nerve.

    You had to go there.

    I have all the games on DVD, now I have to play this. Now nothing is going to get done. I hope you're happy.

    Cantido on
    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
  • FireWeaselFireWeasel Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Gah the game's not even running. What the fuck.

    I'm sorry but this is quite possibly the greatest Let's Play ever.

    Also: I loved the hell out of Riven but damn did it ever stump me in ways Myst never did.

    FireWeasel on
    AC:CL Wii -- 3824-2125-9336 City: Felinito Me: Nick
  • UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Stuff wasn't as immediately logical as in Myst, but that was because it was designed less as a series of disjointed puzzles and more unified, as if these Riven islands had been running on these systems for ages and you have to learn how to use them.

    So instead of, like, seeing symbols related to sound effects and having to plug them in elsewhere, you have to figure out a native race's numbering system.

    UncleSporky on
    Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
  • MasoniteMasonite Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    There were still sound puzzles. I remember there being a puzzle at some point where you had to match symbols representing certain animals that inhabited the island with the sounds they made.

    I think I might have a solution to your problem as well. The first two games are apparently not compatible with newer versions of Quicktime, so you'll need to replace a few files. Send me a PM with your email address, and I can send you those files with instructions on what to do with them.

    Masonite on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    It's a puzzle to even load the game up.

    TehSpectre, you are a genius.
    Well, when a game is as old as Riven, with as many technical oddities, there are gonna be a ton of differences. One thing I think I'll try if I can't get it running on XP is running a virtual box of Windows 95.

    The weirdest thing is that the game doesn't even run. Like, the exe isn't even shown in the process listing.

    Mortal Sky on
  • ilmmadilmmad Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    One day I sat down and beat RealMYST, which is Myst with WASD controls and a full 3d world in a day.

    Time well spent.

    ilmmad on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    So I've made some progress. Now the game starts up, but crashes. With any luck, this should actually start sometime soon.

    Mortal Sky on
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    The only good thing about Riven was messing with the Leviathan. There's a big fish somewhere underwater and it's trained to swim up to your porthole for food whenever you turn on a certain light that's also underwater. Da fish gets pissed if you call him three times and never give him food.

    emnmnme on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I believe that big fish was actually a Whelk, if memory serves.

    God I love the whole Myst series, but Riven will always have a special place in my heart for the first one I truly solved.

    Raiden333 on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    It's working now. Yay. Should be starting soon.

    Mortal Sky on
  • UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Raiden333 wrote: »
    I believe that big fish was actually a Whelk, if memory serves.

    God I love the whole Myst series, but Riven will always have a special place in my heart for the first one I truly solved.

    Exile has a special place in my heart. For being the only one I solved without ever using a hint, and for having the guy who was Wormtongue in Peter Jackson's LotR as the main bad guy.

    Myst I didn't get a chance to solve by myself, as somebody else showed the whole thing to me, and I bought the guide which was written in a story format that was actually interesting. Riven was too damn hard. Revelation I really tried, but it was too much, especially at the end.

    UncleSporky on
    Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
  • GumpyGumpy There is always a greater powerRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    In my previous school me and a friend spent about a years worth of lunch breaks playing our way through Myst. Finally we found the secret of getting the white page, and we were kings.

    And then this other guy asked us how we did it and then spent a months worth of lunch breaks just picking up the white page and completing the game with it.

    Repeatedly. And making sure we noticed every time he did it.

    but it was a wonderful game when playing through it :3

    Gumpy on
  • brynstarbrynstar Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    My favorite Myst is easily the last game, End of Ages, though I love all of them. Although, URU never did too much for me. I admired the concept though.

    I look forward to this LP!

    brynstar on
    Xbox Live: Xander51
    PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
  • AzioAzio Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Revelation was my favourite, but Riven was pretty great as well.

    Azio on
  • SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Shit yes, Riven. It was actually the first in the series I played, so when I played Myst there was basically no challenge there. Riven was just too balls hard. A great, atmospheric game though. I still need to finish 4 and 5, they're just sitting in my box o computer games there.

    SageinaRage on
  • victor_c26victor_c26 Chicago, ILRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Is Cyan still in operation?

    I'd be interested in seeing what they can do with today's hardware.

    Wikipedia wrote:
    On June 30th 2008, it was announced that Cyan Worlds had regained the rights to Uru, and are currently planning on relaunching it as Myst Online: Restoration Experiment, relying on user content for expansion. Cyan Worlds hopes to have it out by the end of the year.

    Huh, interesting.

    Although I'd still like for them to create another world as a stand alone game.

    victor_c26 on
    It's been so long since I've posted here, I've removed my signature since most of what I had here were broken links. Shows over, you can carry on to the next post.
  • DiscoPirateBunnyDiscoPirateBunny CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I'd have to throw in support for Riven. I remember when I first played it, thinking the graphics alone were just stunning.

    Although, I was playing the 5-CD version, which I can say just absolutely sucked about half way through the game, and I had to keep running back and forth between islands, swapping CDs about every 5 minutes (it might have actually not been that bad, but that's how I remember it :)

    Plus, I was *almost* able to beat it without a walkthrough. Almost. (I was upset at the time that I had to resort to a walkthrough to beat it, but in retrospect, I'm actually kinda proud I got that far without it :)

    Also, I'd have to throw my support for realMYST in here, as a beautiful recreation of MYST.

    I might, however, be slightly biased ;)

    DiscoPirateBunny on
    "Let's take a look at the scores! The girls are at the square root of Pi, while the boys are still at a crudely drawn picture of a duck. Clearly, it's anybody's game!"
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Gah, bad news. DirectX5 got installed by this game, and refuses to be replaced, meaning that my main desktop PC is now useless for other gaming. Things might get shaky. I'm still able to play the game and use my screencapture program, but things are still not good. if anyone has advice on how to fix this, it's very welcome.

    I'll have the first update after school today.

    Mortal Sky on
  • AldoAldo Hippo Hooray Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Gah, bad news. DirectX5 got installed by this game, and refuses to be replaced, meaning that my main desktop PC is now useless for other gaming. Things might get shaky. I'm still able to play the game and use my screencapture program, but things are still not good. if anyone has advice on how to fix this, it's very welcome.

    I'll have the first update after school today.
    If you install DX10 or 9 it will probably recognize 5 and replace it. At least, that's how it is supposed to work in theory. :P

    Aldo on
  • carmofincarmofin Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Raiden333 wrote: »
    I believe that big fish was actually a Whelk, if memory serves.

    God I love the whole Myst series, but Riven will always have a special place in my heart for the first one I truly solved.

    Exile has a special place in my heart. For being the only one I solved without ever using a hint, and for having the guy who was Wormtongue in Peter Jackson's LotR as the main bad guy.

    Myst I didn't get a chance to solve by myself, as somebody else showed the whole thing to me, and I bought the guide which was written in a story format that was actually interesting. Riven was too damn hard. Revelation I really tried, but it was too much, especially at the end.

    Disregarding for the nostalgic bonus of the first one, from a neutral standpoint, I think Exile really is the best one of the series. It got just the right amount of content, never gets too convoluted and has a kick ass plot.
    Of coruse I love them all, but Exile is the one I'd place on the top.

    Riven... was nice. I dont like the fact that theres only one real island to explore and one of the puzzles I remember as downright TEDIOUS, but all that gets easily redeemed by the amazing ending... But yeah, youll get there I guess.

    carmofin on
    PSN | Steam
    NNID: carmofin
    3DS: 2852 6971 9745
    Throw me a PM if you add me
  • Bullfrogof7272Bullfrogof7272 Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    myst made feel like a genius when i finally figured out any of the puzzles. I must've been like...12? when i played it. This was before i knew what a walkthrough was. Myst took me like 3 weeks of playing every night for 3 hours or more to beat. Fuck, this + the joke SS2 thread have me wanting to track down copies of these.

    Bullfrogof7272 on
    the hammer, is my penis.
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I think Revelation is probably my favorite Myst game. It was definitely the best implementation of the QuickTime system, and was absolutely beautiful. I absolutely love Spire and wish I could live there. They're all fantastic games, though.

    URU is special to me mainly because of the fan service, like seeing D'ni and the Cleft. I like being able to own and customize your own age (Relto), but I would have liked more options in it. I should check into the modding scene as they were making progress with that way back.

    Sir Carcass on
  • InzignaInzigna Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I never got past the first three screens in Myst.

    I was 9, I was also 'what the fuck?'

    Inzigna on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Aldo wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Gah, bad news. DirectX5 got installed by this game, and refuses to be replaced, meaning that my main desktop PC is now useless for other gaming. Things might get shaky. I'm still able to play the game and use my screencapture program, but things are still not good. if anyone has advice on how to fix this, it's very welcome.

    I'll have the first update after school today.
    If you install DX10 or 9 it will probably recognize 5 and replace it. At least, that's how it is supposed to work in theory. :P
    Thing is, it isn't working.

    Mortal Sky on
  • victor_c26victor_c26 Chicago, ILRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Did the dialog box even show up during installation?

    Now I'm afraid of ordering the 10th Anniversary Pack.

    victor_c26 on
    It's been so long since I've posted here, I've removed my signature since most of what I had here were broken links. Shows over, you can carry on to the next post.
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    It showed up, but it gives you two options: Install, or advanced install (where it checks, and should let you get by if you have 9, but it didn't detect on my computer).

    Mortal Sky on
  • AzioAzio Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Aldo wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Gah, bad news. DirectX5 got installed by this game, and refuses to be replaced, meaning that my main desktop PC is now useless for other gaming. Things might get shaky. I'm still able to play the game and use my screencapture program, but things are still not good. if anyone has advice on how to fix this, it's very welcome.

    I'll have the first update after school today.
    If you install DX10 or 9 it will probably recognize 5 and replace it. At least, that's how it is supposed to work in theory. :P
    Thing is, it isn't working.
    First things first. Use System Restore to fix your machine. Then we can look into how to make Riven compatible with Vista.

    Azio on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Azio wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Aldo wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Gah, bad news. DirectX5 got installed by this game, and refuses to be replaced, meaning that my main desktop PC is now useless for other gaming. Things might get shaky. I'm still able to play the game and use my screencapture program, but things are still not good. if anyone has advice on how to fix this, it's very welcome.

    I'll have the first update after school today.
    If you install DX10 or 9 it will probably recognize 5 and replace it. At least, that's how it is supposed to work in theory. :P
    Thing is, it isn't working.
    First things first. Use System Restore to fix your machine. Then we can look into how to make Riven compatible with Vista.
    I'm on XP.
    And trust me, we tried system restore. And that wouldn't even initiate.

    Mortal Sky on
  • AzioAzio Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Wow, seriously? I never had problems running Riven under XP, although my copy came from the "Ages Of Myst" boxset and might have had a different installer. I guess see if you can get System Restore to work in Safe Mode. If that doesn't work, if you haven't done so already you should check in Add/Remove Programs for a DirectX uninstaller.

    Azio on
  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Azio wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Aldo wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Gah, bad news. DirectX5 got installed by this game, and refuses to be replaced, meaning that my main desktop PC is now useless for other gaming. Things might get shaky. I'm still able to play the game and use my screencapture program, but things are still not good. if anyone has advice on how to fix this, it's very welcome.

    I'll have the first update after school today.
    If you install DX10 or 9 it will probably recognize 5 and replace it. At least, that's how it is supposed to work in theory. :P
    Thing is, it isn't working.
    First things first. Use System Restore to fix your machine. Then we can look into how to make Riven compatible with Vista.
    I'm on XP.
    And trust me, we tried system restore. And that wouldn't even initiate.

    Congratulations! MS can now name a problem after you! :)

    Though, I was really looking forward to this LP, since I've never played anything beyond the original Myst.

    ArcSyn on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    ArcSyn wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Azio wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Aldo wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Gah, bad news. DirectX5 got installed by this game, and refuses to be replaced, meaning that my main desktop PC is now useless for other gaming. Things might get shaky. I'm still able to play the game and use my screencapture program, but things are still not good. if anyone has advice on how to fix this, it's very welcome.

    I'll have the first update after school today.
    If you install DX10 or 9 it will probably recognize 5 and replace it. At least, that's how it is supposed to work in theory. :P
    Thing is, it isn't working.
    First things first. Use System Restore to fix your machine. Then we can look into how to make Riven compatible with Vista.
    I'm on XP.
    And trust me, we tried system restore. And that wouldn't even initiate.

    Congratulations! MS can now name a problem after you! :)

    Though, I was really looking forward to this LP, since I've never played anything beyond the original Myst.
    Trust me man, you have no idea how badly I wanna do this. Thing is, and I just found this out, Fraps won't work with old DX versions. So yeah,I'll try and get around to this, but fixing the DX5 problem is my bigger priority for now

    Mortal Sky on
  • brynstarbrynstar Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    It's weird, I thought that older DirectX versions couldn't install over newer ones, since they'd recognize the newer version and leave it alone.

    Apparently that's not always the case. Good luck with your troubleshooting!

    brynstar on
    Xbox Live: Xander51
    PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    ArcSyn wrote: »
    Though, I was really looking forward to this LP, since I've never played anything beyond the original Myst.

    Oh man. Don't get me wrong, Myst was a great game and revolutionary in many ways, but holy crap do later games in the series blow it away.

    Sir Carcass on
  • NailbunnyPDNailbunnyPD Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    brynstar wrote: »
    It's weird, I thought that older DirectX versions couldn't install over newer ones, since they'd recognize the newer version and leave it alone.

    Apparently that's not always the case. Good luck with your troubleshooting!

    I doubt DX5 on a Riven disc is looking for a more current version of DX.

    NailbunnyPD on
    XBL: NailbunnyPD PSN: NailbunnyPD Origin: NailbunnyPD
    NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
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