So I'm not sure what to do here, thought I would come here and ask.
The short of it: I saw my sister-in-law topless - do I tell her and/or my wife about it?
The long of it:
My sister-in-law was up from college this weekend. Saturday morning my wife and I took the kids to her in-laws to hang out so she could see them and play with them while she was here. We got there around 10:30 or so.
My wife and the kids go upstairs while I'm still getting diaper bag and other kid stuff from the car. Once I got everything, I headed upstairs since I heard them playing with the kids upstairs. When I walked into my sister-in-law's room, she was lying in bed with the blankets across her stomach, completely topless. As soon as I walked in she grabbed the blankets and pulled them over herself, so I don't think she realizes that I saw anything, and I don't think my wife realizes it either. Everyone joked around about it a bit, because apparently (according to my mother-in-law) she almost always sleeps in the nude. They messed around with her joking about what if there was a fire at night, so it wasn't awkward right then. I figured I would save my sister-in-law some face and not mention that I did see anything, which leads us to now.
It's the day after, and all day yesterday and most of the day today it's just been bugging me like crazy. The image just keeps popping back in my head and it's extremely distracting. I've been just trying to figure out if I should just tell my sister-in-law discretely, and keep it between us, and ask her for forgiveness for it, or do I also tell my wife, who may think that I wish I had her sister instead of her? Or do I just keep trying to ignore it and not tell either?
Anyway, thought I'd put it out there because I don't really know who else to ask since it's fairly awkward for me.
Is this some religious thing?
This is just my $0.02.
You didn't do anything wrong, there's nothing to feel guilty about, it's not a big deal unless you blow it up into one.
What you saw is your own problem. No offense but you just need to suck it up and deal with whatever guilt you are feeling on your own. Which, for the record, I don't think you need to harbor anyway.
This made me laugh.
It's funny because it's true. And all that.