Did we discuss RE2 yet? Specifically the fear that Tyrant put into your heart when you're all of 13 years old and out of health and haven't saved in an hour?
Did we discuss RE2 yet? Specifically the fear that Tyrant put into your heart when you're all of 13 years old and out of health and haven't saved in an hour?
I keep trying to play it, but the tank controls are defeating me. I'm just so used to 3D movement I'm yelling at Leon "No, don't go that way, you idiot!"
Plus I ripped my disc onto my PSP, because the PS2 slaughters PS1 games, and it's a little harder to control. I'll keep trying, though, since I finally got the damn thing working. So many good memories with that game from when I was younger.
Did we discuss RE2 yet? Specifically the fear that Tyrant put into your heart when you're all of 13 years old and out of health and haven't saved in an hour?
I keep trying to play it, but the tank controls are defeating me. I'm just so used to 3D movement I'm yelling at Leon "No, don't go that way, you idiot!"
Plus I ripped my disc onto my PSP, because the PS2 slaughters PS1 games, and it's a little harder to control. I'll keep trying, though, since I finally got the damn thing working. So many good memories with that game from when I was younger.
I played resident evil 2 waaay too much back in the day. Too bad my PC version doesn't run anymore. Hell I even figured out the hex scheme for the save game should I could edit them. The game is true classic and I will try and give it some screenshot love when I have more time.
Unrelated, is it just me or does the mayor's voice in Condemned 2 sound like Shodan?
Uselesswarrior, both of your videos are amazing. I submit that they find those two actors in the RE2 commercial (or their contemporary equivalents, I guess) and start filming right the fuck now.
So I got sick of waiting for Siren to arrive from play-asia I picked up Dead Space. Of course Siren arrives that very day.
Between Siren, Dead Space and Condemned 2 my horror plate is very full for Halloween. I also dug out Undying on the PC and have been playing alittle of that, I will post some screens of the playthrough (did anyone ever do an LP for Undying?). Condemned 2 was the real winner out of the bunch, best game I have picked up $20 since S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I also have a 5% off promotional code for Play-asia that came with siren, first one to PM gets it.
No love for Dark Corners of the Earth in this thread? Or did I just miss it?
I've never had a game leave me so hopeless and unwilling to move forward that I've actually sat there hiding from half a dozen angry deep ones and hybrids. Then the thought slowly creeps into my head.
If I were Jack Walters, I would shoot myself right fucking now.
No love for Dark Corners of the Earth in this thread? Or did I just miss it?
I've never had a game leave me so hopeless and unwilling to move forward that I've actually sat there hiding from half a dozen angry deep ones and hybrids. Then the thought slowly creeps into my head.
If I were Jack Walters, I would shoot myself right fucking now.
Alittle love was professed on the 2nd or 3rd page I think. I talked about how much better eternal darkness was.
Dark Corners of the Earth was alittle too pulpy to be scary for me. I mean you had "attack of the fishmen" and J. Edgar Hoover, stuff like that ruined any of the creepy atmosphere that they tried to build up. I realize that some of the mythos stories take that pulpyness to the extreme, but Lovecraft, despite being a pulp author always took that stuff very seriously. It is a good thing to, because once you start referring to the deep ones as fish monsters, they essentially become fish monsters and lose all their mystic.
Did we discuss RE2 yet? Specifically the fear that Tyrant put into your heart when you're all of 13 years old and out of health and haven't saved in an hour?
I always found the part:
Where you walking into the observation room and grab a key or something from in there, then shortly after you go inside the interrogation room, grab the item off the shelf then go to walk out and have a Licker burst through the fucking window of the room you were just in minutes before and attack you.
Some of the Mr X appearances in RE2 scared the crap out of me. Sure, many were just jump scares but there were times when you couldn't retreat and the feeling of panic was palpable.
The 2nd and 3rd appearances here made me jump the most. The 3rd especially as I just didn't think they would do that so soon after the 2nd. The 4th was the most panic inducing.. also a really good entrance too.
Some of the Mr X appearances in RE2 scared the crap out of me. Sure, many were just jump scares but there were times when you couldn't retreat and the feeling of panic was palpable.
The 2nd and 3rd appearances here made me jump the most. The 3rd especially as I just didn't think they would do that so soon after the 2nd. The 4th was the most panic inducing.. also a really good entrance too.
Mr.X was so good that they were like, "Wait, why the fuck are wasting this guy on the b-game that only 25% of the people who bought the game even play, we need to give to give this concept a staring role!" And thus, the nemesis was born.
However, RE3 wasn't nearly as good of a game as RE2. RE2's A and B game was a tremendous idea, I would love to see it more in games. Between A and B, different combination of character/situations, and the unlockables, RE2 had the most replayability out of any of the Resident Evil titles.
No love for Dark Corners of the Earth in this thread? Or did I just miss it?
I've never had a game leave me so hopeless and unwilling to move forward that I've actually sat there hiding from half a dozen angry deep ones and hybrids. Then the thought slowly creeps into my head.
If I were Jack Walters, I would shoot myself right fucking now.
Alittle love was professed on the 2nd or 3rd page I think. I talked about how much better eternal darkness was.
Dark Corners of the Earth was alittle too pulpy to be scary for me. I mean you had "attack of the fishmen" and J. Edgar Hoover, stuff like that ruined any of the creepy atmosphere that they tried to build up. I realize that some of the mythos stories take that pulpyness to the extreme, but Lovecraft, despite being a pulp author always took that stuff very seriously. It is a good thing to, because once you start referring to the deep ones as fish monsters, they essentially become fish monsters and lose all their mystic.
Hybrids literally are fish men, though. Fish lips, gills, milky eyes, gurgling voices. Calling them fish men doesn't remove the mystique, especially because you weren't actually running from deep ones during Attack of the Fish Men.
However, RE3 wasn't nearly as good of a game as RE2. RE2's A and B game was a tremendous idea, I would love to see it more in games. Between A and B, different combination of character/situations, and the unlockables, RE2 had the most replayability out of any of the Resident Evil titles.
Actually, I think RE4 has more replayability if you measure it in hours; sure, there isn't much in the way of optional or hidden stuff, but the game is so fun and so much longer than the previous Resident Evils that I've probably clocked in a good 60-80 hours on it so far.
And to the person who asked about Dark Corners of the Earth, I mentioned and love it. Thought it was a ton better than Eternal Darkness (which I thought had very weak gameplay and was too cheesy to be scary).
Madpandasuburbs west of chicagoRegistered Userregular
edited October 2008
So I am looking to play Eternal Darkness for the first time this Halloween. How long does a first time play through take on average? Assuming I do not soil myself within the first hour and proceed to play super mario galaxy for the rest of the night just so I can sleep.
So I am looking to play Eternal Darkness for the first time this Halloween. How long does a first time play through take on average? Assuming I do not soil myself within the first hour and proceed to play super mario galaxy for the rest of the night just so I can sleep.
Its been along time, but I would say around 10 hours.
Eternal Darkness (which I thought had very weak gameplay and was too cheesy to be scary).
I haven't played Dark Corners, but I agree with everything said here. Well... I didn't think ED wasn't scary, but it wasn't that bad. Certainly not nearly as bad as the first time through RE2.
I am playing through Scratches right now, and goddamn this game has made me jump.
Seriously, it is one heck of an adventure game and one heck of a spine-chiller, too. The closest thing I could compare it to would be Myst meets Yahtzee's X Days series.
So I am looking to play Eternal Darkness for the first time this Halloween. How long does a first time play through take on average? Assuming I do not soil myself within the first hour and proceed to play super mario galaxy for the rest of the night just so I can sleep.
One tip. During the game, you get three elements that are of the red, green and blue color. They represent life, sanity and magick. Don't use the "heal sanity" spell ever, and it will make the game a thousand times more fun (and scary (and hard)).
I just scrolled through eight pages without a single mention of the AvP games.
In specific the marine campaigns. Signal flares slowly sputtering out and twelve rounds left in a pulse rifle. Hearing the click-click-click of a facehugger.
Very few movie monsters stack up to the Xenomorph.
Monolith are pretty good at the horror thing it seems.
BornToHula on
Origin is the exact same as my Steam, in case you're needing a Support or Assault in BF3.
I'll be watching this thread with great anticipation. The only game I currently play that would fit in here is Zombie Panic, but I eagerly await Left 4 Dead. One game that I think most people will overlook is Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green. Admittedly, it was behind the times, but I still enjoyed playing it.
No, Land of the Dead was a terrible game. There's "behind the times," and then there's just bugged out the fucking ass. And did you try playing it online? Actually, nobody really could play it online, as it was basically impossible to hit a zombie. When you would shoot at one, the shot would go right through it, hit the wall behind it, and suddenly the zombie was halfway across the room.
The offline was just as bad, in my opinion. Granted, you could hit the zombies a little more often, however the amount of bullets it took to kill one was absurd. Also, the level design was some of the worst I've seen in a game. I only made it to the farm level where you're supposed to be running through the crops or some shit and I turned it off, apologized to my parents for asking for it for my birthday, and promptly took it down to Blockbuster and traded it in. That game alone has made my parents not want to buy me games for my birthday/christmas. This is made even more terrible, as my birthday is November 16th, which falls right in the middle of "HOLY FUCK SHIT GAMEZ!" month.
I will never forgive the makers of that game for what they have done to my birthdays.
Hell, I actually hated that game more than Alone in the Dark (the new one). At least with AitD, I suffered through 6-7 straight hours of bugs and such before deciding I couldn't do it anymore.
Actually, every time I see LotD in a store (which, funny enough, isn't very often), it actually literally makes me angry just seeing it. I've never, nor do I expect to ever again, hated a game as much as I do LotD:tRtFG. Hell, even the acronym looks better than that game ran.
Edit: And actually, after typing that out and looking at it, that acronym fairly accurately describes my face while playing it.
Everyone should buy Scratches and play it at night with the lights off because goddamn.
Didn't that get some pretty bad reviews? Not saying its not good, but that would've likely been the reason I never picked it up. You say its a horror adventure game?
Everyone should buy Scratches and play it at night with the lights off because goddamn.
Didn't that get some pretty bad reviews? Not saying its not good, but that would've likely been the reason I never picked it up. You say its a horror adventure game?
I don't even know if it got reviewed by most major outlets... indie PC adventure games don't generate a lot of hits for 1up and IGN, et al... AdventureGamers liked it and I certainly liked it, or else I wouldn't recommend it.
Yes, it's a horror survival game. I have the Director's Cut which includes a bonus chapter, but I haven't played that yet.
Everyone should buy Scratches and play it at night with the lights off because goddamn.
Didn't that get some pretty bad reviews? Not saying its not good, but that would've likely been the reason I never picked it up. You say its a horror adventure game?
I don't even know if it got reviewed by most major outlets... indie PC adventure games don't generate a lot of hits for 1up and IGN, et al... AdventureGamers liked it and I certainly liked it, or else I wouldn't recommend it.
Yes, it's a horror survival game. I have the Director's Cut which includes a bonus chapter, but I haven't played that yet.
Interesting, I saw that in Best Buy last weekend and almost bought it on a whim, but didn't at the last second. Looks like I may have made a mistake.
I just finished condemned 2. The game started off great, but ended.. not so great. I hate when games completely drop the ball in the level design department and decide to stuff the bad levels at the end of the game in the hopes that people won't notice them.
I just finished condemned 2. The game started off great, but ended.. not so great. I hate when games completely drop the ball in the level design department and decide to stuff the bad levels at the end of the game in the hopes that people won't notice them.
Which levels did you have a problem with? One segment got a little FPS'ish, but it wasn't prolonged.
so I've had the first Fatal Frame for like...5 years now but havnet played it yet. I played for a couple of hours last night. Was pretty fun but what the fuck is up with the braindead voice acting?
FF2's VA is a lot better. 1 is pretty awful in that respect, though. Still, it's a pretty decent game. There's not -too- much VA in it, and you can sorta rationalise the 'brain dead' VA from the ghosts as sounding that way, 'cause they're dead. Maybe.
Played a lot of FF2 on Saturday night. I'd forgotten how awesome the game was.
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I keep trying to play it, but the tank controls are defeating me. I'm just so used to 3D movement I'm yelling at Leon "No, don't go that way, you idiot!"
Plus I ripped my disc onto my PSP, because the PS2 slaughters PS1 games, and it's a little harder to control. I'll keep trying, though, since I finally got the damn thing working. So many good memories with that game from when I was younger.
I remember playing that level for the first time. It freaked me the hell out, I ended up shooting the hell out of anything that moved.
The best part of that level..
Man do I miss that game, I beat the hell out of it and played it over and over again. Why did I trade that in, whyyyyyyy?!
I played resident evil 2 waaay too much back in the day. Too bad my PC version doesn't run anymore. Hell I even figured out the hex scheme for the save game should I could edit them. The game is true classic and I will try and give it some screenshot love when I have more time.
Unrelated, is it just me or does the mayor's voice in Condemned 2 sound like Shodan?
Japanese Resident Evil 2 Ad
That ad is the closest George Romero ever got to directing his Resident Evil movie. (PS Diary of the Dead sucked)
Hoooooo boy.
Between Siren, Dead Space and Condemned 2 my horror plate is very full for Halloween. I also dug out Undying on the PC and have been playing alittle of that, I will post some screens of the playthrough (did anyone ever do an LP for Undying?). Condemned 2 was the real winner out of the bunch, best game I have picked up $20 since S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I also have a 5% off promotional code for Play-asia that came with siren, first one to PM gets it.
I've never had a game leave me so hopeless and unwilling to move forward that I've actually sat there hiding from half a dozen angry deep ones and hybrids. Then the thought slowly creeps into my head.
If I were Jack Walters, I would shoot myself right fucking now.
Alittle love was professed on the 2nd or 3rd page I think. I talked about how much better eternal darkness was.
Dark Corners of the Earth was alittle too pulpy to be scary for me. I mean you had "attack of the fishmen" and J. Edgar Hoover, stuff like that ruined any of the creepy atmosphere that they tried to build up. I realize that some of the mythos stories take that pulpyness to the extreme, but Lovecraft, despite being a pulp author always took that stuff very seriously. It is a good thing to, because once you start referring to the deep ones as fish monsters, they essentially become fish monsters and lose all their mystic.
I always found the part:
Haha, oh god yes.
I was creeped as fuck not knowing what the hell was going on.
The 2nd and 3rd appearances here made me jump the most. The 3rd especially as I just didn't think they would do that so soon after the 2nd. The 4th was the most panic inducing.. also a really good entrance too.
Mr.X was so good that they were like, "Wait, why the fuck are wasting this guy on the b-game that only 25% of the people who bought the game even play, we need to give to give this concept a staring role!" And thus, the nemesis was born.
However, RE3 wasn't nearly as good of a game as RE2. RE2's A and B game was a tremendous idea, I would love to see it more in games. Between A and B, different combination of character/situations, and the unlockables, RE2 had the most replayability out of any of the Resident Evil titles.
Hybrids literally are fish men, though. Fish lips, gills, milky eyes, gurgling voices. Calling them fish men doesn't remove the mystique, especially because you weren't actually running from deep ones during Attack of the Fish Men.
Shit was terrifying.
Actually, I think RE4 has more replayability if you measure it in hours; sure, there isn't much in the way of optional or hidden stuff, but the game is so fun and so much longer than the previous Resident Evils that I've probably clocked in a good 60-80 hours on it so far.
And to the person who asked about Dark Corners of the Earth, I mentioned and love it. Thought it was a ton better than Eternal Darkness (which I thought had very weak gameplay and was too cheesy to be scary).
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Steam/PSN/XBL/Minecraft / LoL / - Benevicious | WoW - Duckwood - Rajhek
Its been along time, but I would say around 10 hours.
EDIT: Maybe 8 now that I think about it.
I haven't played Dark Corners, but I agree with everything said here. Well... I didn't think ED wasn't scary, but it wasn't that bad. Certainly not nearly as bad as the first time through RE2.
Seriously, it is one heck of an adventure game and one heck of a spine-chiller, too. The closest thing I could compare it to would be Myst meets Yahtzee's X Days series.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
One tip. During the game, you get three elements that are of the red, green and blue color. They represent life, sanity and magick. Don't use the "heal sanity" spell ever, and it will make the game a thousand times more fun (and scary (and hard)).
Okay, maybe the syringe part was scary. That's about it.
Afraid of Monsters (Director's Cut)
In specific the marine campaigns. Signal flares slowly sputtering out and twelve rounds left in a pulse rifle. Hearing the click-click-click of a facehugger.
Very few movie monsters stack up to the Xenomorph.
Monolith are pretty good at the horror thing it seems.
Origin is the exact same as my Steam, in case you're needing a Support or Assault in BF3.
So does that come recommended? I wonder if they will put it on steam.
No, Land of the Dead was a terrible game. There's "behind the times," and then there's just bugged out the fucking ass. And did you try playing it online? Actually, nobody really could play it online, as it was basically impossible to hit a zombie. When you would shoot at one, the shot would go right through it, hit the wall behind it, and suddenly the zombie was halfway across the room.
The offline was just as bad, in my opinion. Granted, you could hit the zombies a little more often, however the amount of bullets it took to kill one was absurd. Also, the level design was some of the worst I've seen in a game. I only made it to the farm level where you're supposed to be running through the crops or some shit and I turned it off, apologized to my parents for asking for it for my birthday, and promptly took it down to Blockbuster and traded it in. That game alone has made my parents not want to buy me games for my birthday/christmas. This is made even more terrible, as my birthday is November 16th, which falls right in the middle of "HOLY FUCK SHIT GAMEZ!" month.
I will never forgive the makers of that game for what they have done to my birthdays.
Hell, I actually hated that game more than Alone in the Dark (the new one). At least with AitD, I suffered through 6-7 straight hours of bugs and such before deciding I couldn't do it anymore.
Actually, every time I see LotD in a store (which, funny enough, isn't very often), it actually literally makes me angry just seeing it. I've never, nor do I expect to ever again, hated a game as much as I do LotD:tRtFG. Hell, even the acronym looks better than that game ran.
Edit: And actually, after typing that out and looking at it, that acronym fairly accurately describes my face while playing it.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Didn't that get some pretty bad reviews? Not saying its not good, but that would've likely been the reason I never picked it up. You say its a horror adventure game?
I don't even know if it got reviewed by most major outlets... indie PC adventure games don't generate a lot of hits for 1up and IGN, et al... AdventureGamers liked it and I certainly liked it, or else I wouldn't recommend it.
Yes, it's a horror survival game. I have the Director's Cut which includes a bonus chapter, but I haven't played that yet.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I don't think so as it's a HL1 mod :P
Interesting, I saw that in Best Buy last weekend and almost bought it on a whim, but didn't at the last second. Looks like I may have made a mistake.
One of them is dead, so I don't think it'll work.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
No, now it will work twice as well.
Which levels did you have a problem with? One segment got a little FPS'ish, but it wasn't prolonged.
And the ending cinematic is awesome.
Played a lot of FF2 on Saturday night. I'd forgotten how awesome the game was.