A few months ago I started thinking about getting a Wii, when I saw Harvest Moon: Tree of Life. I started checking the Virtual Console and WiiWare lists, but as I'm only 15 and have missed the whole S/NES/pretty much everything up to my first console, a playstation, I don't know what on virtual console that are good games, except really big ones like Super Mario Bros. 3 and possibly Excite Bike.
Meh, cutting the chase, I'm in the PAL region so I'm limited to european releases, I'm into RPG and action mainly, but I'm pretty open to everything as long as it's a game that I'll be playing for quite some time, i.e either something simple that is addicting or something deep which takes a long time to complete.
Can some of you post a few games that fits with that?
Also, I've played Cave Story and that's a big reason alone. Ohh and I have a PS3 and a 360, so if the game's not a Wii exclusive, post games that you would rather play on the Wii then other systems, please.
Thanks in advance.
Please, excuse any socially awkward actions taken by me. I have autism.
As for action:
No More Heroes
Super Mario Galaxy
That's the short list. If you've already got two consoles and decent game collections for each, I don't think you really need a longer list than that to start.
For simple but addictive games you've got De Blob, a lot of people recommened Boom Blox as well, and there's World of Goo out soon.
From the Virtual Console you should definitely get Super Metroid and Super Mario RPG, the original Paper Mario (also an RPG) for the N64 is available too. Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64) is a fantastic action shooter, it doesn't take long to playthrough and it has tremendous replayability.
If you like strategy RPGs you should get Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, you also have GC backwards compatibility so you could get the first part as well (FE: Path of Radiance). Baten Kaitos is also a fantastic RPG that was released on the Gamecube, unfortunatly the sequel wasn't released in Europe.
If you can find it, Skies of Arcadia Legends (another GC game) is a must own RPG.
Edit: I forgot to mention, if you don't have it already the Wii has the best version of Resident Evil 4. And you must own RE4 because it's the best action game. Wii is also good for lightgun style games if you liked those from arcades.
This was really funny to me for some reason.
I think the bottom line is buy the Wii if you like Nintendo games, because for the most part that's about all that's worth a damn.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
Well, everyone has an opinion and mine is opposite of yours, as I own 13 360 games and 1 Wii game. Good thing my bro-in-law footed the bill for the Wii and it's games.
There really isn't much for the Wii that I really want to play. I'm 25, owned Nintendo when I was 4 and still have my extensive NES library, so Virtual Console doesn't appeal to me. However, if you missed out on the NES/SNES era as you say you did and can handle some old school graphics and gameplay, the Wii may be worth the purchase for Virtual Console alone. Shining Force 1 and 2 are great SRPG's that have been sorely missed since the 16-bit days. There are a lot of good games on VC. Many of which no gamer worth his salt should miss out on playing in his/her life.
As far as core games go, there aren't many I can think of off the top of my head. TP, Galaxies, NMH, Metroid. Those are really the only games that appeal to me personally.
The big thing here is that you own both a PS3 and a 360. I just honestly see the Wii being neglected in your case.
Gunstar Heroes
Super Metroid
Mega Man 2
Mega Man
Super Mario RPG
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II
Ninja Gaiden III
Paper Mario
Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda LTTP
Legend of Zelda OOT
Castlevania IV
Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts
Beyond Oasis
Blazing Lazers
Bonk 2
Bonk 3
Contra 3
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 2 Import
Super Mario Bros 3
Super mario World
Donkey Kong Country
Fzero X
Gates of Thunder
KIrby's Adventure
Metal Slug
Neutopia 2
Samurai Shodown II
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Shinobi III
Sin & Punishment
Soldier Blade
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
StarFox 64
Star Parodier
Street Fighter II Turbo / Super
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Super Turrican, 2
Legend of Mystical Ninja
Ys Books I & II
Alex Kidd
Alien Soldier
Bomberman 93 (well, and bomberman blast on wiiware)
Breath of Fire II
Bubble Bobble
Comix Zone
Double Dragon
Earthworm Jim
Excite Bike
Fantasy Zone
Final Fight
Galaga 90
Golden Axe, 2, 3
Kirby's Dream Course
Magician Lord
Mario Kart 64
Phantasy Star II
Pokemon Puzzle League
RType 3 the Third lightning
River City Ransom
Sim City
Solomon's Key
Super C
Super Star Soldier
Wondery Boy
Mario Golf
Castlevania II
Gradius III
Kirby's Avalanche
Pac Man
Super RType
Sword of Vermillion
Toejam and Earl
Toejam and Earl 2
Last Ninja 2
Baseball Stars 2
Devil Crush
Ghouls 'n'Ghosts
Harvest Moon
Lords of Thunder
Wave Race 64
1080 Snowboarding
Advetnure Ilsand
Adventures of Lolo (1, 2, 3)
Air Zonk
Alien Crush
And that's just the ones I can think of... and that doesn't even include WiiWare...
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
But...I'm 23 and I grew up with my NES since the age of three.
In fact my first game outside of the pack-in SMB/DH was Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.
Batallion Wars 2 is a fun game that doesn't get enough credit. Mario Kart Wii, while slightly broken, is tons of fun. Sonic & the Secret Rings was fantastic. And that's just off the top of my head in addition to the four you noted.
Edit: Basically I can name just as many games worth owning on the Wii as you can on the 360 or PS3.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
Sorry dude. Only the first line is directed towards you.
Wii only wins out in game selection if you include Virtual Console. That's what it boils down to. slash000 nailed it with his list. However, I've played and beaten so many of those games that I ain't paying for them again. That's just me though.
For the OP, it may be worth it... but only if he can handle oldschool graphics/gameplay.
Any way, Twilight Princess and Okami are extremely good action-adventure games. Mario Galaxy is basically the best 3d platformer ever (in my opinion). No More Heroes is basically a solid beat 'em up with a crazy story and unique look. And a lot of cool looking games are coming out in the future (Monster Hunter 3, No More Heroes 2, etc.).
I'd say it's worth owning. Then again, my Wii isn't collecting dust (that doesn't count).
Edit - what the hell is old school gameplay?
Now, having played the Marios, Zelda, and Metroids to my heart's content, I'm seriously considering selling my Wii. I haven't used it since Brawl, and I even ended up selling Brawl. It's not at all a bad system, but it's hard for me personally to justify owning it when there are so many more games that interest me on the other systems. Looking at this winter alone, the Wii games that somewhat interest me are Animal Crossing and deBlob, whereas my 360 has Dead Space, Fable II, Gears of War II, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Far Cry 2, Prince of Persia...just way more games than I can possibly get this season. It seems almost foolish for me not to sell my Wii, given the circumstances and my personal tastes in games.
Edit: Granted, if you have a 360, PS3, and the cash and time to buy another system and games for all three, then the Wii might be absolutley great for you. You lucky bastard.
there was some crazy rpg/party game coming out, but i can't remember what is called... dota-- something maybe?
That's my big problem right there. The Wii just doesn't get the big budget titles (Nintendo games excluded) and so I have trouble justifying $50 for a new Wii game when for $10 more, I could get a multimillion dollar extravaganza for my 360. Now that's not to say that the Wii doesn't have any good games (it has plenty of good games and many of them have unique and fun gameplay mechanics you can't find anywhere else), just that the vast majority of them aren't worth full price in my mind. For the most part, I pick up Wii games on the cheap after they've been out for a while.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
that said, the virtual console is rad, wiiware doesn't interest me at all, and 100 percent of the time, if a game comes out for the wii and also the 360/PS3, the 360/PS3 version will be better. no matter what anyone says.
I used to regret my wii purchase, but now I'm fine with it, because it's a supplement to my 360. If it was all I owned, I would probably be very disappointed with it, though.
In my opinion, it is never worth dishing full retail price on any game. Game's are simply too expensive, and everything will quickly drop into bargain bin. Patience is virtue.
This is only true if your perspective is taste is limited on FPS's and sandboxes. Seriously, I really love how in these threads, people start to list dozens of FPS and sandbox titles as a justification why X360's lineup superior. What about those who aren't interested in these two genres? X360 and PS3 are niche consoles if anything.
it looks pretty fun and comes out this week i think
Bah it's Kuribo's Shoe... You can't take everything he says as the real thing.
Oh. :P
the 360 has more than those two genres, it is picking up a surprising amount of rpgs, it has racing games, it has sports games, and while you may ignore those two particular genres, some people actually do like them, it has platformers, etc etc
I would not say there is one thing the wii does better than any other currently available system, save motion control, which is often poorly implemented in third party games.
If you have a wii and you enjoy it, that's fine. I enjoy mine when I play it. But I do not play it often and I see no reason to start playing it often.
what are you talking about?
We are talking about walruses and their mating habits. And coconuts. Seriously speaking.... it is pretty much excepted that Wii is sold out by middle of November. Nintendo has ramped supply by 50 % from last year, but I don't believe it will be enough.
Dokapon Kingdom looks like it has the potential to be a lot of fun; I just wish it had online multiplayer support since the chance of me getting together 4 people who want to play an RPG board game is basically nil.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
look if this guy wants to buy a wii that's fine, but he needs some perspective
a lot of people aren't happy with the wii and there has to be a reason for that, regardless of your personal opinion
so I'm just trying to give the guy an idea of what to expect from an unbiased source
Perspective? I dare to say that I actually have more perspective on these things. I have quite often heard from Xbots that I'm not real gamer, because I'm not excited about latest shitty FPS, sandbox or sports game. They can't even imagine that world doesn't revolve around their games, and they tell me I should get some fucking perspective. Do you understand how fucking ridiculous that is? How dare I like simple arcade experiences, quirky / experimental japanese games and having actual color in my games? How dare I prefer local multiplayer to online?
I know very well libraries for all three consoles, and I really know that X360 (or PS3 for that matter) isn't for me.
that's fine, but you need to understand you are not the majority. I never said that the wii was terrible, I simply said it was niche. the things you describe are again, niche. Also quite easily obtainable on other systems, but that's neither here nor there.
I am not an "xbot." My username is Kuribo's Shoe. I bought a wii on launch day, I do not hate nintendo. I am merely a person, who upon purchasing a wii, discovered that a lot of the games on it were not for me. That is not to say that there aren't games I like on the wii, but it does not have enough games to be my only console.
I certainly understand, but I need to vent. Sorry about that.
XBLA fits all 3 of those requirements.
Back on track, I'd say the Wii is worth it for the Virtual Console & Nintendo published retail games. There isn't a whole lot in the way of quality 3rd party games that fit the OP's requirements at the moment (Action or RPG with longevity), but the system's 3rd party lineup looks like it's getting better in an exponential manner so by the end of its lifetime, there should be all sorts of awesome games for it.
Oh and if you like Action games, the Trauma Center games come highly recommended. I see the 2nd one is scheduled to come out in Europe later this year.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
also Punch-Out!!
whenever that comes out
Not really. I do have access to XBLA thanks to my bro, and I must confess that I have mostly been disapointed with its offerings outside N+, Braid, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Pacman and Mega Man 9. It's really odd, considering that I thought I would like XBLA far more. Arkanoid and Space Invaders would excite me if I didn't have them already on DS.
What about Muramasa or Sin and Punishment 2? Monster Hunter 3? Klonoa? Tales of Symphonia? Fatal Frame? Gradius Rebirth? Mad World? HOTD Overkill?
These are some of the games I'm looking forward to (including Deadly Creatures and Punchout), of course while some are '08 titles many (most?) are '09 titles. also Ultimate Shooting Collection and Orochi Saga.
I'm also excited about Sky Crawlers so I'm hoping that gets a Western release.
I'm pretty excited for No More Heroes 2, but that's, what, a '10 release?
Personally I'm considering, or at least hoping that a few other games that come out turn out well, including Rygar, Tenchu 4, Rune Factory, CV Judgment, Fragile, Sonic BK, Monster Lab, Skate It, Little King Story, Space Invaders Rts, FF Chrystal Chronicles, Overlord, Shiren 3, and I'll wait until I hear a lot about Conduit before I take to that one.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Nope, kinda, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, kinda, nope.
Fair enough. I was just curious. The Wii really isn't for you then.
My next console will be a 360. I've waited this long simply because I have a decent PC gaming rig. But the XBLA is a big draw for me. Otherwise most of the stuff I'm looking forward to on the system is a crossplatform PC release as well. But not all of it.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
itll never happen since microsoft financed the development or something
Not to mention that by looking his post history, that account might be alt.
Thanks for whining.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games