The story so far:
Yesterday, I was playing Burnout Paradise and everything was going fine. I switched cars and I crashed the car and then the game froze. I thought it was weird, restarted the 360 and everything was fine at the point until I starting playing Burnout again and I got into the actual gameplay portion of the game. That's when the game froze again. I was like, "shit, whatever... the disc is probably scratched or something, I'll look at it later," and I went about my day.
Tonight, I thought I'd give it another try. I took the disc and gave it a wipe, put it in the system and everything was working smoothly and then I got to the gameplay and it gave me a screen that I hadn't seen since the last time I played an NES game so I thought, "well normally I'd blow into the cartridge but that isn't going to happen." So I thought the problem could be deeper than just the game. I restarted the system and started playing Megaman 9 and everything was going fine. I played some other XBLA games and they were working. Then I tried the demo for World at War... got to the actual gameplay portion and it froze. "Well shit." I tried three other games that use graphical power and the same thing happened.
Obviously there's something wrong with the graphics "card" or whatever you'd call it on a 360 but where do I go from here? Has anyone else experienced this? What have I done to cause myself such hardship?
I have been been in contact with support, after some troubleshooting exercises my problem maintains. I also began experiencing the problem when watching DVDs.
The freezing wasn't giving me any kind of error message, no RRoD, nothing. Until just recently when I was doing the troubleshooting, upon restarting the system I received the RRoD; something, I must admit, I was actually happy to see as my console's warranty expired back in May.
Then, like an idiot, I didn't accept it as the final answer. I restarted my console and I'll be goddamned if it loaded without even hinting at any thing resembling the RRoD and of course, it still freezes
Do I process my system for repair as if it had the RRoD and hope for the best? Or do I continue to do fuck all waiting to hear back from 360 support just for them to tell me that I need to have it repaired?
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Try support, also, if you have Live, check for updates (I don't do Live for misc reasons, but I hear good things), also, if you haven't played a newer game that requires an update to your console, give it a go. Too Human and I think SR2 both have firmware upgrades, or at least, they did on mine.