Searched for "Backlog", checked back 5 pages, came up with no definitive thread.
In today's fast paced world, one man must struggle to keep up with the flurry of new titles, while also fighting off the demonic:
Backlog of Doom
So, over the next two months, I am picking up Fable II, Left 4 Dead, Castlevania OoE, Valkyria and Chrono Trigger (if not anymore). I've always had a rule since reaching adulthood, and that rule being "Can't buy a game until I finish a game, unless I absolutely cannot finish it, in which I will sell it."
In my mad dash to achieve some sort of cleaned up state in my backlog, I blitzed through Sonic Chronicles yesterday (took about 3 1/2 hours to finish) and am at the very last save in FFIV today, which hopefully I will beat on my lunch break. This weekend I also finished Turok and Portal on the 360. Needless to say, I played about 12 hours of games accross a four day weekend, which is a lot for me.
I still have on my backlog:
1) Zelda Four Swords (just picked up used, not too worried about it about 1/2 way through)
2) Lego Star Wars (My wife bought it for me, I'm on Episode 5)
3) Rockband II (I just bought rockband 1 about 3 months ago and finished the endless setlist with 3 other peeps, then went and played a bunch of RB II, I'm a little burnt out for right now)
4) Final Fantasy III DS (Fuck that last boss and being like 30 minutes away from the nearest save point)
5) Chrono Cross (Havn't played through it in about 7 years, want to finish before Chrono Trigger DS)
And I think that covers my backlog. I'll be fine buying these new games since I finished plenty already, but damn I want to catch that backlog up and still play my other games.
Anyone else feeling the "stress" of having too much readily available fun?
Backlog Challenge: 0%0/8
FF X replay
God of War 1&2 HD
Rachet and Clank Future
Prince of Persia
Fable 3
FF: 4 heroes of light
Strangely, I'm feeling the opposite. With all of the great games I want coming out this fall (and me with . l i t t l e . m o n e y . to spend on them), instead of rushing through them to clean off the docket, I've resigned myself to skip buying most games until next year and just enjoy what I haven't finished yet.
I've found the best trick to clean out a backlog is momentum; I bought DQIV DS, played straight through it in about 22 hours and just kept on going. I restarted The World Ends With You and actually went through to the end, and now I'm in the last area in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
Anyhow, concerning backlogs, is this one of those threads where we post our link to that site which we post our backlog? Just wondering.
I have nothing to contribute to this thread other than to say that you made me choke on my morning coffee with that one. I blame myself. Or God.
I'm in a similar situation. Pretty broke, so I'm going for the most interesting games now and falling back on some stuff I've had lying around for a while otherwise.
Steam, PSN, XBL, Xfire and everything else JamesDM
1. Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 1: Stop hitting me.. I know.. I bought it at launch and it sort of got lost in the shuffle. I'm playing it now and I am at Pelican bay. I'm assuming I'm about at the end.
2. Osu!, Tatake!, Ouendan! : I finished EBA and Ouendan 2 so I am going through the original. Man these games are great I really hope they make an EBA2 or Ouendan 3.
3. Silent Hill 3: It's Halloween so ya...
4. Super Mario Galaxy: because I'm gonna need something that is the Anti Silent hill after playing SH3. Otherwise I may never be able to sleep again.
Metroid Prime 3
Lost Planet
Shadow of the Colossus
They sit on my shelf. Taunting me. Calling me. But no matter how I try to put time aside... they go wanting.
Same here - unless I buy two games at once. When I first got my PS3 (Assassin's Creed & Ratchet & Clank) I played 2 levels of AC then blitzed through R&C before going back to it. For the most part though, I'll play / rent a game (recently Dead Space) and dedicate myself to it until it is righteously pwned. But things will change, I figure, come November 4th. If I actually went out and bought all the awesome that this fall is throwing at us, let's see...
I'd have a backlog that would last me well into next year. Instead I'll just pluck what is IMO the creme de la creme (limed). Even then, I'll probably be switching back and forth between LBP and Fallout 3 - though from what I've played of Valkyria Chronicles, it wouldn't surprise me if that game is all I'll play once it gets its hooks into me.
FF X replay
God of War 1&2 HD
Rachet and Clank Future
Prince of Persia
Fable 3
FF: 4 heroes of light
Not a complete list, but just a sampling
Paladins Quest
Super Metroid
Young Merlin
Breath of Fire III
Breath of Fire IV
Legend of the Dragoon
The Warriors
Armored Core 2
Robotech Battlecry
Suikoden Tactics
Stronghold 2
Planescape - Torment
Sid Meiers Pirates!
keep in mind, this is just a sampling.
and appetizer to whet the appetite of what remains upon the main course of my backlog
Currently playing through FF4 DS with much better results. Have to finish that and at least play through Advance Wars before getting Castlevania.
Anyone have any experience with the DS version of Civ Revolution? Trying to determine how much of a time waster that can be, and if it's worth getting.
"Uh, I have never said that you are not good at what you do. It's just that what you do is not worth doing." -S.C.
Good sir, it behooves you to complete this particularily stellar adventure, post-haste.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I've resorted to increasing my games on Gamefly from one to two, and I'm even debating 3... But I think that may be overkill.
But so far I have the following games to complete (just my top 10 most wanted to finish):
Same here. My wife is going to be out of town the next few weeks so that is leaving me with a lot of free time to do some gaming on the backlog. I did just beat Force Unleashed (rental) and Metroid Prime 2 so I am starting to get on that gaming roll.
Here's what I've got on the docket, in no particular order:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (actually playing this now)
Super Mario Galaxy
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
To be fair.
I bought it when it was released
Never took the shrink wrap off
it ended up in the back of my closet as a kid, and I've only in the past year or two found it amidst my shit, still in its original shrinkwrap.
The smell inside that box as I rended its plastic cocoon asunder was magnificent
The fatal flaw in that master plan is the fact I do not own a wii.
You probably could have sold the sealed copy for close to $Wii. :P
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I'd prefer to have a mint super metroid than a Wii.
I'm still working on:
-Dead Space - Most of my time is going to getting through this one right now.
-STALKER: Clear Sky - I will not rush through this. I will savor it.
-Beyond Good & Evil - Steam's weekend deal can go fuck itself ontop of the massive pile of money it's making.
-Witcher: Enhanced Edition - This will probably get postponed, since I've been through vanilla a couple times.
-Bionic Commando: Rearmed - There are challenge missions that taunt me with their challenges. I will defeat them.
-Rez HD : Area 5. Haven't sat down to go through it all yet. Stop looking at me that way.
-DMC 3/4, Ninja Gaiden 1/2 - I'm consistently and eternally playing these, if only to keep my own sanity though murdering bitches.
My plight is compounded by the fact that there is now a Wii in my household, and I will inevitably be hunting down dirt cheap copies of GC games that I missed, including, but not limited to:
-the various Metroids Prime
-Eternal Darkness
-Viewtiful Joe
And my heart yearns for and is financially denied RE4 Wii, Mario Galaxy, Brawl, and the virtual console. The whole virtual console. Also not my Wii, and time on it will probably have to be thieved through cunning, deceit and looking pathetic.
Woe is me.
All right, people. It is not a gerbil. It is not a hamster. It is not a guinea pig. It is a death rabbit. Death. Rabbit. Say it with me, now.
(i am not a schill).
But I can definitely get to games that I would otherwise miss or skip due to cost factors.
I'm playing residentevil chronicles with the wife right now (speaking of backlog)
Then I bought The Sega Genesis Collection.
Alternatively, take my wallet so I stop buying new games and forgetting to finish old ones.
FF X replay
God of War 1&2 HD
Rachet and Clank Future
Prince of Persia
Fable 3
FF: 4 heroes of light
Man. I know exactly what you mean. I made it to the very end in FFXII and quit (when the Wii came out) so I decided to do another run later on down the road... And ran into the same exact issue.
And then by the time I get back around to finishing the game, I have to start over anyway because I have no idea what I'm doing.
Or, in the case of FF VI, I'll never beat it because I get near the end and spend hours trying to teach Gau every Rage skill (I have to do this, I don't know why), and end up forgetting to finish the game. I have done this no less than 4 times.
It's a fucking disease.
e: I should go back and edit the previous post to avoid this double post. Eh, I'll get around to it.
Okay, this made me literally laugh out loud.
100 percenting is the sickness that drives a lot of people's backlogs, IMO. I've also run up to the problem of reaching the Final Save or really, really close to it and then just kind of losing interest in the game or moving on to something else. I'm not really a perfectionist, but with a lot of games if the ramp up in difficulty proves to be too much or too sudden right at the end I typically won't bother coming back to a game and would rather move on to something else.
The trick I've found is to curb the exploration/powergaming instincts and just plow through the game. When playing Mass Effect (a game notorious for its bloat), about 18 hours in I started to get really bored with the dozens of empty sidequests and felt myself fading ... so I said "Fuck it," ignored everything else and just plowed straight through the "main" quest with no stops. And it was awesome.
Item 1: Create To-Don't List
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
Its so bad for me I cant even fini-
Sitting at 75% incomplete games with 500 games is a stupid number.
It's gotten to a point that I'm not sure where to start anymore.
Usually it just gets too boring and a stop playing.
Which forces the question of why I feel like 100 percenting games anyway.
I don't know.
That hollow feeling you get when something you've invested a lot of time into has finally been completed?
On the other hand, sometimes the ending set pieces are aggravatingly time consuming and the internets are a wonderful resource for finding out what happened next.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
I remember when i was younger with Final Fantasy VI
Got all the way to the end, but Kefka and the damn statues were so god damned hard that I quit playing the game and left it for like 3 years.
Then came back, more experienced and knowledgeable, and without doing anything to alter my characters [ no extra lvl grinding, no new armor, etc ] I blew through the statues and dominated kefka