I'm in a house right now living with three other people. One is Italian, the other two are German, and to communicate with people back home they use Skype and ICQ on a regular basis. One also listens to Internet radio regularly. I use Xbox Live every day or so and upload a podcast every week thats a few hundred meg.
As you'd expect, it kills our connection. I haven't had a trouble-free game online in weeks, and right now my main PC can't access any webpages at all, and my laptop is really slow. The German girl has reported the same thing happens to her every now and again - she'll get periods of not being able to browse anything and constantly signing in and out of IRC. Last week the German guy was complaining of the same thing - not being able to browse. As the Italian girl can speak very little English, it's hard to find out her Internet habits to troubleshoot at all. None of us are torrenting or anything and I'm at a bit of a loss.
What I'd like to do is set something up so that we can at least all get basic functionality at the same time, but still give priority to the Xbox, followed by Skype connections, followed by low-level stuff like browsing and ICQ. I thought that this was the job of a router but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there a way I can do this easily? I also can't access the router as the landlord's password-protected it, although I should be able to get it off him no trouble.
A test on Friday at speedtest.net gave me a speed of around 1.3 Mbps. Right now it's 600 or so from my laptop. We're on Telewest Broadband and all running wirelessly through a Linksys WRT54GS. I've yet to hook it up wired or directly into the modem but I don't think it's a dodgy router I'm looking at. A data transfer cap maybe?
@vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
If it's not his router, he shouldn't be touching the firmware for it.
What revision of the router do you have? There are like 6 different revisions for that model, you can see the revision number on the sticker on the bottom of the unit. Do you have access to the router setup page? Can you check it is at least running the latest official Linksys firmware? Some of these models have issues with multiple connections and if someone is P2P'ing as talios says this can make things even worse. You could even block some of the popular P2P ports in the firewall, while allowing the Xbox through.
Lastly are you sure all the computers are clean from spyware and virus's? Don't assume someone is purposely P2P'ing and not owning up, maybe they have a virus thats calling out and just don't know about it.
Oh and I'll presume you already kicked the router and modem over, a good reboot will sort out a lot of stuff I have a few other ideas as well but that should keep you going for now.
I'll try and get access to the router setup page asap but like I said, landlord's router so he holds the keys.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Otherwise, it sounds like a router that does QoS is exactly what you're looking for. It allows you to prioritize traffic by type, and some can keep track of usage statistics as well to pinpoint where your bandwidth is going.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Fucking WPA2 that shit now, I bet it's someone hackin ur signal and stealin ur 2.4GHz's.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
See I was about to tell you to fuck off with your paranoid bullshit, but that's actually a possibility.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Another possibility that's more likely than your router being hacked...someone's pumping out data they're not aware of. Run a scan on everyone's computer and make sure no one has any hidden viruses. You'd be amazed at how many people have a low-profile virus on their system that's pumping out data over their connection and don't even know it.
PSN: TheScrublet
Otherwise, I agree with everyone else that it probably is the routers fault. Getting one that can run Tomato and configuring QoS properly is what probably should happen.
Truf, when I was living in NY me and my roommate were both using wireless on a wrt54g... the thing would constantly bog down and freeze up if one of us was even to use youtube. I went to monoprice and bought two 100ft cat5 cables and wired us both up to the router. We could then both have 1MB/sec downloads going and still serf the web and stream video fine.
tl;dr: wrt54 wireless is shit. Use cable.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Funny, my WRT54's wireless works like a champ, even with two laptops, a Wii, an isolated desktop, and a PDA flogging it. Of course, I have better sense than to run the default Linksys firmware.
tl;dr: wrt54 hardware is awesome, software is shit
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Eh, I am doing the same as you except I'm not running the custom firmware and I have no problems. Probably interferrance. Switch to a channel like... 7.
Moving one channel off won't help nearly as much as moving to the least occupied common divider channel (1/6/11 in NA, 1/5/9/13 in EU). Try picking the least-congested channel of those and using that.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.