Maybe it's a really, really simple answer that I'm just totally overlooking, as is often the case in these kind of scenarios. However, I've looked just about everywhere, and tried everything I can think of... I can't get the damn bank machine to work! Barring a process of elimination method of arriving at the correct three digit code, I'm at a loss. Entering the three numbers that can be found on the bank-slips in the Park Estates in all of the possible combinations just won't work for me.
Can anyone help?
Edit: ... and I figured it out. Yup: a momentary instance of sheer dumbness.
In case anyone else has a similar problem, and begins to worry that the game is bugged, not that they can't figure it out: try looking at the problem from a different perspective. Overturn just about everything.
(edit: nvm, I wasn't even at that part yet. i r teh dum)
Any help?