So a while back on GFW radio (RIP) Brad Wardell of Stardock said they had a fantasy turn based RTS in the pipe for 2010, then it was revealed it was Master of Magic successor.
Yesterday Gamespy revealed it.
So aside from the usual blurbs about the game here is a neat tidbit.
Elemental will also mark Stardock's entry into the realm of Spore-style game broadcasting. The game will do much more than offer support for modders, as the company is developing a back-end infrastructure through its proprietary Impulse service that will let players seamlessly integrate new races, units, spells, technologies, buildings and much more into their game. Every time a player starts a game of Elemental, they'll have the opportunity to seamlessly incorporate new content straight from the fertile minds of the game's biggest fans.
also why its not called Master of Magic here is a quote from Brad himself by way of a Gamasutra article.
Yeah, we did. We pursued it. Actually, Atari came to us a while ago. I thought they had a pretty good idea. That is, over the years, Atari has collected a lot of good IP (Intellectual Property) like X-Com, Star Control, Master of Orion, Master of Magic and a lot of others that a lot of people didn't realize that they held. So they came to us and said "We're not really interested in publishing these things ourselves, but what we'd like to do is license out the trademarks to third parties like you guys and we'll make a royalty off of them." So, we sat down and decided that Master of Magic would be our first, since it's close to something we'd done and Master of Orion 3 had already come out. We were able to agree on the money, so we thought everything was set, then their legal guys got involved, and that's where it stalled. They wanted the right to approve any marketing we did with a mutli-day stipulation. Say, for instance, me talking to you right now would be considered marketing and I would have to have approval first. That sort of thing. Then there was the weird thing, like if the game was manufactured overseas, someone from the company would have to be onsite to make sure there was no child labor.
Screens under here:
The art style is really weird though. It looks like X-Men Legends, but applied to the environment, not just the characters.
Considering its over a year away they, have plenty of time to tighten up the graphics on level 3
I really like the graphics. It feels throwback, but because it's cell shaded it still looks great.
I used to spend hours and hours playing Master of Magic, trying different combination's of spells, creatures and city building tactics. I am now officially stoked.
Gal Civ II was far from a graphic heavy game. Political Machine is FAR from being high on graphics as well. This one just follow suits. The "style" Adopted for this one will make the pill easier to swallow for some as the cartoon effect is always a good way to hide graphic restrictions.
I am not saying this game needs amazing graphics to be good. Sometimes, good 2D graphics can be just as fun and great even by today's standard.
I'm personally enjoying Castle Crashers a LOT even if it has 2D graphics. The art Style makes up for it. I believe in this game, the Art direction could compensate for the lack of polygons.
PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx
I would much rather get a faithful MoM successor than the next AAA graphics demo wrapped in a 50 dollar package.
Kind of like placeholders or a proof of concept for a game a year away from release?
Hopefully just placeholder assets.
May I remind you that stardock are NOT the developpers of Sins of a Solar Empire so they don't have a thing to do with the coding being it. It's Ironclad who made it.
I own Sins and I know that the game looks decent and far better than Gal Civ II (Which I own as well).
Like I said, it's both technically and money reason beind Stardock decision to not go graphics heavy. They don't have the ressources to pull it off and they want to make sure their game runs on every old computer left out there.
PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx
Love Stardock, love MoM, this can only be great.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
LoL: BunyipAristocrat
I hope this game is a worthy successor
Also I like the graphics, very minimalist and colorful
They've been talking about this for years.
If you haven't checked it out yet, you really need to have a gander at King's Bounty. The demo ought to give you a good idea of the game.
It is so very awesome.
This sounds cool.
I have great memories of Master of Magic, but they have faded a bit now.
What I do remember, however, is that I enjoyed Age of Wonders more, though perhaps not as a game, but for the atmosphere.
These screenshots lack atmosphere, imo.
But, I will be buying it if the multi player portion allows the other player to continue doing whatever he wishes while there is a tactical combat going on (something that Age of Wonders disallowed).
Yeah, it's too bad they're the worst race in the game.
Yeah, honestly, I was interested until I saw they hadn't updated their graphics engine since the last game.