So, I had a small party in my room last night. Long story short, this monstrosity of a woman showed up uninvited, and though I had been doing a respectable job ensuring that all people kept their drinks away from my computer, she managed to almost instantly dump three beers all over my laptop and the adjacent iPod.
I seem to have done a respectable job repairing the iPod, but the laptop is completely fucked. The keyboard basically won't function, many keys are completely stuck, like the control key which makes it pretty much impossible to do anything. I uninstalled the laptop's keyboard and am now using a shitty iMac USB keyboard in the meantime, but obviously I'm not too pleased with the circumstances, given that this keyboard blows and it kind of defeats the purpose of a laptop if I have to lug this piece of trash around. (Plus, it monopolizes one of three USB ports, and I kind of need those open.)
Anyone know what I should do? Unfortunately, this particular laptop (Toshiba Tecra) does not lend itself well to having the keys removed, so I feel kind of stuck.
Last night I was basically yelling "Someone is going to take responsibility for this" and was trying to talk to her, but she kept denying that she did it. She is really good friends with this girl I like, I guess, so being too much of a dick to her isn't going to be easy for now. If it actually comes down to me needing to pay to repair it, though, yeah, I'll be talking to her.
The keys on this keyboard are actually not really attached to the actual... button.
That is, if I took, say, the control key off, it would just be the flat part, where one would push it on the keyboard, but underneath is this weird mechanism that actually activates the button. So, I'm not really sure if that'll work, but we could see...
Unscrew the screws and unclip the clips if they exsist and lift the keyboard out and unplug the ribbon cable that connects it. Clean up any wetness from there if it still exsists. Dry the keyboard out really good.
Find a new keyboard online or ebay for your laptop model.
I didn't know you could just buy another keyboard so easily for laptops
Guess the problem is solved! I will extort the blubbery wight for the required cash and continue on my way. Thanks!
This is normal in a lot of keyboards. Clean it out with rubbing alcohol and let it dry.