There are a large number of ways to enjoy free legal music, lets list them! is like a community project, everyone listens to music and gives it tags, based on these tags bands get linked to each other. You can tune in to these links and enjoy music that is vaguely linked to the band/tag you were looking for. It also allows you to build playlists, look up stats for yourself or friends and get recommendations. is a site that streams all sorts of music, some of it is through youtube, but a lot of it is on their network, you can listen to complete CDs for free, you just can't download it without getting very creative. It also has various live registrations available. A free account gives you more options, although I haven't bothered yet. is only for Americans, that hellspawn. Fuck you all! The site comes up with artists that sound alike based on a large number of criteria. has a LOT of free stuff that no longer falls under copyright. If you look up
Robert Johnson you can get a lot of his work for free. Same goes for other old music, it works very well for Delta blues. Also bootlegs: music for nerds who also hate originals and rather listen to odd remixes. I should already have known about this...It's uh, a slow site with music. Stilist's free list of music.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12 is probably the best stuff ever done with game music, though.
Face Twit Rav Gram You should already know this
I was joking. Someone wasn't supposed to actually do that. Hell Elks has threatened to infract people for that.
I barely am
I'm a friendly man
I joke about sex because it's funny when you're frightened:whistle:
Face Twit Rav Gram
Ok, now I'm reeeeeally off to bed.
Careful. If Senj sees that he'll turn everyone against you.
Face Twit Rav Gram
Also, guess what I found at Wal-mart?
They've already got that at Top Foods here.
Face Twit Rav Gram
It also boots faster and is shinier. It did forget my Wifi key, but you can't have everything.
Mine will be fail if I ever get one.
@Stilist did anyone ever say Walmart doesn't carry them? Also who the hell does the modulars for your store. Shelves different levels, and stupid product placement.
I never download games. I try my best to buy as many DVD's as possible (as in, there are very very few things that I have downloaded and not bought as soon as possible). I just don't don't see downloading music as something that's wrong wrong.
I never thought I'd be doing this but... Most musicians spend as much time on their albums as game developers and movie directors do on their respective works.
Face Twit Rav Gram
Psh, I can't turn something that's already headed that direction
I know it's stealing. I'm not trying to justify it. I'm not encouraging it and I'm certainly not trying to belittle the work that musicians do... I'm just saying that for me, it's never been one of those really really wrong things like murder or anything like that.
What is this pluralizing? Does Tav have multiple personality disorder?
Tav's not that bad though.
Edit: Also, are you the devil? It seems like every time someone brings you up in [chat], you arrive. O_o
Face Twit Rav Gram
I'd kill a department manager.
Warm up the chopping block, time to take off tavs eating hand.
Yeah he's tav, and Obo.
that was low, man
Face Twit Rav Gram
I have altered our arrangement. Pray I don't alter it further.
Think of the massive debt you're not in, though.
Think of the roof, electric and internet you now have
Also I really like this song lately: (Ignore the video attached, and don't worry it has no lyrics)
I have $20k on my student loans and $1300 on my credit card. Not massive by comparison to others, but massive enough considering I only made $206 last month.
Face Twit Rav Gram