So now we've got a new president-elect, and we've got news stations scrambling to figure out how to portray the guy in which best to get ratings. A lot of people are looking at the vote, they're mesmerized by Obama, but if there's one thing that has been true for so long is the only thing Americans like more than building someone up to great heights is taking that person and
tearing them down.
Fox News, the number one cable news station in the nation, is already playing off all the others as "Big Media" and biased and the main reason for Obama winning, because he wasn't vetted at all during the presidential candidacy (Apparently they weren't paying attention during the primaries). This may catch on, as Fox News viewership is large and if their numbers increase due to being critical/overly critical, other outlets may follow suit to some degree. I can see CNN going this route as they like to try and portray themselves as impartial without bludgeoning you over the head with the idea... although they tend to fail at it.
Will MSNBC be able to take the proverbial Democratic cock out of their mouth long enough to report the news, or will they metamorphosize into what Fox News during the Bush presidency?
Will it be PBS, select national newspapers, and major, reputable foreign news outlets yet again being the voice of reason?
What are your thoughts. If you've seen something on a news outlet, it's also a good place to discuss its effects here.
I can dream, right?
Olbermann only Special Comments when he's pissed. He's just been pissed a lot under Bush. If Obama's a good and competent leader, Olbermann will have no problem mothballing the Special Comment for a while so it doesn't lose its impact.
Honestly, it could be during his entire first term. I think a lot of people have been thinking that Obama's second term is a sure thing, but the economic climate is such that we're likely to face some ugliness regardless of the quality of his work.
They'll try and get him killed instead. It's easier.
You're right, sorry about that.
Personally I hope Olbermann's show will survive when he's not so pissed anymore and his special comments get used sparingly. I enjoyed him in the beginning of the year and got more and more disappointed as his rage boiled oceans.
Also, as much as MSNBC is a liberal network, I don't think it's anywhere near as hyperpartisan as Fox, and I have yet to see attempts at character assassination by it. Also, I would totally go gay for Rachel Maddow. What I would like to see in an Obama presidency is Fox getting pushed into irrelevance, but not MSNBC gaining in influence, and CNN finding its balls again (probably hidden under Blitzer's beard).
NNID: Hakkekage
Eh, Keith I can agree with. He was better before the election, maybe now that the daily insanity is less we'll get a better show back. Maddow not so much, and now that she's not panicking over the Democrats blowing the election, I think she'll be a reasonably solid voice. Watch her interview with Obama for the kind of things she'll be addressing. It won't be too hackish, though obviously it is biased. Matthews and Gregory will remain awful, but in a CNN-y kind of way.
I know lots of people were chattering about how late night will suffer from the lack of absolute incompetence from the government. I can only hope this happens as soon as possible. I'm sure Stewart and Colbert will find hilarious new ways to be awesome anyway.
NNID: Hakkekage
I'm moreso referring to the primetime MSNBC... you know, with the panelists and "strategists" who wax liberal for hours on end and fellate anything with the position of democrat. It's pretty foul.
Well, it's not like congress or the house won't engage in retarded shit.
We don't necessarily have to make fun of Obama... there's plenty of idiots in the government! Bachmann got re-elected, so I expect to hear from her often.
As a side note, The Daily Show will take firm aim at the media and mock them relentlessly.
This is gospel.
I'm not too worried about Obama. I voted for him.
What I am worried about are the democrats in the legislative branch taking the idea that they have a "mandate" behind them and "getting back" at the pubs for the last 2 years.
Depends what "getting back" at the Republicans entails. I mean, they obviously need to fix a ton of broken policy. A lot of that can be done at the executive order level, but some will need to be done at the Congressional level. Then there's the matter of the various illegalities of the Bush Administration. I want the fuckers punished so this doesn't happen again. For starters, Gonzales, Cheney, and John Yoo need to spend time in prison.
Yes we have.
The Daily Show didn't start with Indecision 2000. I remember thinking that it would all go to shit when Craig Kilbourne left. It did not.
Also, recent episodes are both funny and make fun of Obama. I don't understand why people assume that an administration that is not one of the worst in US history is impossible to make fun of.
Craig Kilborn would like to have a word with you.
Maybe he should've clarified... we haven't had a funny Daily Show during a democrat run governance.