This thread is to be about the discussion of anime, sometimes referred to weeaboo. Anime in this discussion refers to animated shows originating in Japan, as well as shows similar in style to that of animation from Japan. In this opening post, I will discuss three possible topics of discussion the following posts will have. There will be talks of anime come and gone, the next season of anime, and of clawshrimpy.
First, the following posts may contain anime come and gone.
In a previous thread, there have been posts discussing Macross Frontier. This is a series that has recently concluded. People interested in the show may inquire about the show, as well as
the implications of watching other series in the Macross cannon beforehand. There may also be posts discussing anime people are currently watching, or shows they have seen previously.
Second, there may be posts about
the upcoming season of anime. The preview list of anime premiering in the winter season was recently released. As seen in
the past, when a preview list is released, people may post speculation as to what they will watch when the season begins. As time progresses and the season begins, people will continue to post about these shows. These posts can be categorized as discussion on shows come and gone.
ClawShirmpy is a fan of anime who is
very vocal about his opinion. As opinions differ among people, there are
many debates
sparked and
sustained by
ClawShrimpy's views. The
topics discussed are all
anime centric, and because of
this, to not stray from
the topic of this thread.
Again, this is a thread about anime. I have covered three examples of topics that can be discussed in this thread, such as anime come and gone, upcoming anime, and ClawShrimpy. Note that there may be other topics discussed in here, but realize that they are all related to anime. Anime is a vast and varied subject, and examples of possible posts cannot all be contained within this opening post. In conclusion, I hope we can all post about anime in this thread. Thank you for your time.
If you missed
fall or
winter, it's there, and here's a possible next year spring lineup.
Interesting. I found an image of some more shows showing in Spring.
Going from left to right, I see (Seems I suck at identifying stuff):
FMA, Slayers, Hetalia Axis Powers, ?, ?, Winter Sonata, ?, ?, Guin Saga(?), Haruhi(!?), Hayate no Gotoku, ?, ?, Tales of, ?, Spice & Wolf, Asura Klein, ? (seems familiar), Basara, ?, Shangri-la(?), ?, Umineko, The Girl Who Leapt Through Space, Black Lagoon, Minami-ke, Hatsuoki Limited, Tenchi Muyo(?).
My main problem with Fanservice is that it makes me feel uncomfortable as someone who has no interest in sexuality, and distracts me from the plot and the action.but I do realise that towing the line is important. Eye candy is okay if it's passive and isn't distracting.
Also, I don't know how I should put my feelings about confusing plots. I mean, I lked Gundam better when the plot was simpler and easier to understand. like Gundam X was easy for me to understand, as it was a post-apaclyptic setting, and thus didn't really have all the complex politics Gundam series like Wing or Gundamoo have. another example is well, Gurren Laann has a bit of a difficult plot to follow, especially when you get into the later bits of the show, as it gets VERY philisophical very quickly. where, again, GaoGaiGar was simply easier to follow. I didn't "get" Geass because well, I never really got Death note either. and Geass is basically just Death Note where the characters play Knightmare Frame Typing Tutor every once in a while.
Like how I like Hulk:UD so much I can ignore that it gives me vertigo and makes me want to throw up after two hours of playing.
they don't
that site has managed to fuck up its content so many times I don't even bother editing it any more, because it would just get restored from month-old backups a week later anyway
e: also I propose a moratorium on clawshrimpy bitching about series he'll never watch
I also didn't really like how hideously overpowered the Gundams were, either. Not even 00's Gundams pulled the shenanigans the Wing Boys did. A lot of the plot developments felt very half-assed, too. White Fang came out of fucking nowhere.
WIng seems worse just because the WIng enemy factions are probably the most incompetent Gundam villains in history. Yes more incompetent than SEED factions. I never liked Trieze, I hated him ever since his fencing sword v.s. Machete duel with Wufei.
Am I the only one who thinks what he actually means is, don't make an OP that contains only the picture and "discuss" like all the other previous threads were? And not, no pictures in the OP at all!
Anyway, someone should repost the new schedule somewhere on the first page at least.
That said... Tytania's episode was pretty interesting this week.
September-November 2008 Season.
December-February 2008/9 Season.
Both are over the 500Kb limit so I'm just linking them to be on the safe side.
And more of you better start watching Ippo before it starts damnit.
Reading the description had me O_oing, but then I saw it's by the Seirei no Moribito dude, which was pretty rad. :^:
So you have roughly the critical-eye of a mole.
Edit: Hrm? Extra Stage 2, eh? I approve of this notion, it has been long enough since last we heard from Mako and Saiyuki, who are awesome "despite" being attractive because they actually do something.
Apparently it's the two missing Kyosuke races from 4th Stage.
Based on the preview I just found in the second Google hit, no. Definitely team Impact Blue.
I was going to try to find where I stopped watching Ippo, but it's been so long I think I'll just start from the beginning.
Besides, if I pace myself just right I'll finish around the time the new season starts up.
No, they skipped it.
Presumably because other groups have already released episode 6.
lol fansub competition
So who do you recommend? Paradym? qq? I know Aero are...ok... most of the time.
Aero is alright but they're more of a speedsub group. Still, aside from a few grammar quirks and errors it's fine most of the time. I think qq is gg so they might be a good choice. Haven't tried the Paradym subs.
I'm wondering how many folks are still following this series. My brother dropped it, but I'm still holding on. I blame it on its LoGH genes.
I'm still following it, also purely on account of it's pedigree.
In LOGH we saw some of the same one episode ground-level examinations of the larger conflict. I too thought they'd draw out that conflict a bit more and not go with sacrificial female so early. I suppose they can't take their time laying out the story over 100+ episodes anymore can they?
So, I loved the original movie, loved Ghost in the Shell SAC should I watch the other movies? (Innocence, SAC, etc.)
Also, what 'genre' is it in? Or, what shows are similar, and how do I find other shows like it?
GitS is sort of a cyberpunk/action/police procedural.
Jin-Roh shares the dystopian future and militaristic action, and has a similar look, but lacks the cyberpunk angle.
Patlabor has the police procedural/pseudo-hard sci-fi thing going, but with mecha instead of cyborgs.
And watch Texhnohylze if you feel like being ultra depressed and seeing tragedy.
SAC and 2nd GIG are really the best uses of that universe. Innocence and Solid State Society are visually impressive, but suffer from Oshii's own hubris; they get much farther away from the policework aspects of GitS and much farther into philosophical musings on identity and humanity.
You think of Naruto, Bleach, and Ippo as complex? Really?
They're not particularly complex.
Calling Bleach complex is kind of hilarious. When you have chapters where it basically goes:
"I'll use all my arms to defeat you" - currently at 4 arms
"You thought I only had 4 arms? I'll use all SIX of my arms"
"Well I usually only use one of my arms but now I'll use both because using both arms increases my power by a lot"
The series you mentioned are long (with Ippo in particular being very long) but I wouldn't say they're more complex than your average robot show.
Naruto, apparently.