[OOC] Star Wars: The Will of the Force

DesyDesy She/HerYeenRegistered User regular
edited January 2009 in Critical Failures
Hey there all. Just coming in here to give notice of a new Star Wars game starting up in the next week or so.

Already got some players interested and I'm calling the game is full for now. Era is going to be late Clone Wars-Rise of the Empire. So if anybody is interested, just say the word.

Don't know if it's going to be PBP or run via IRC, that's up to the participants. if it becomes PBP, this will metamorphose into the OOC thread. and if IRC wins, this will likely become the means to schedule sessions as well as Q and A plus whatever else crops up.

To the people that have already made characters/asked for slots (you know who you are). Come on in and sit a spell, we'll chew the fat and have a good ol'time.

Piece out.

EDIT: all characters will be level 1 using 30 point buy. NO EXCEPTIONS. (unless you want to use fewer points, I'm good with that.)

Desy on


  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    you know it broseph

    Super Namicchi on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited November 2008

    2-2B, medical droid with a stun baton.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008

    here is my character

    he has a lightsaber

    vwoom vwoom ksht

    Super Namicchi on
  • Eric DonnerEric Donner Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I'm interested, and I have a couple of character outlines written up.

    Eric Donner on
  • RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    This is a terrible idea and will never fly you crazy starwars nerds.

    I would make a character but I am busy until like saturday night, soo...

    Rainfall on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    i'll have my rodian soldier drawn up for you tomorrow destro

    also i can swing pbp but my evenings are basically full for IRC type play

    you goddamn nerds

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008

    fucking rodians

    Super Namicchi on
  • RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I was a rodian once and it was hilarious. They have the funniest voices and are the most huggable things.

    Rainfall on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    no, rodians are icky

    all beep boop bleep gloop with their big ugly googly eyes and stupid mouths and teal skin

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    ignore arc, rainfall

    he is a space racist

    all goin' on and on about rodians taking his job and smellin funny

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    get a job rodians, go back to rodia

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    arc i am going to name my rodian Obama

    just to spite you

    Horseshoe on
  • RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    get a job rodians, go back to rodia

    Is the Rodian planet actually called Rodia?


    Rainfall on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008

    why do you think they're called rodians

    Super Namicchi on
  • DesyDesy She/Her YeenRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    who cares, there's lots of rodians there.

    Desy on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    destro what are character creation guidelines? i can't remember what arc told me.

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    or where he left the remote or what his grandson's name is etc...

    (that is a joke about shoe being old, y'dig)

    Super Namicchi on
  • Eric DonnerEric Donner Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    What sort of character do you need? And what sort of campaign is it? How much shooting needs to be done?

    Eric Donner on
  • DesyDesy She/Her YeenRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    1st level, 30 point buy. I'll edit them into the OP for future reference.

    Numbers are weird, but I want competent characters while still being 1st lvl.

    Desy on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    or where he left the remote or what his grandson's name is etc...

    (that is a joke about shoe being old, y'dig)

    get off my lawn

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    where's my game

    i thought this was starting

    what a letdown

    Super Namicchi on
  • Cosmic SombreroCosmic Sombrero Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Rodians are pretty awful, just sayin'.

    Here's Galo Pagos, Duros Scout http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=91328 Destro, you should give him a ship since I can fly like a mothafucker.

    The name isn't changing, Arc.

    Cosmic Sombrero on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Don't you talk about Obama like that.

    He's going to rise above and transcend all of you intergalactic racists.

    Horseshoe on
  • DesyDesy She/Her YeenRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Direct thine seeing orbs to the quote below.
    starting up in the next week or so.
    And just in case you missed it the first time, here is the important part, italicized for emphases.
    next week or so.

    But you already know that anyway, so stop heckling, you heckler.

    Desy on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    man with the way you post that could be like next week on the geologic time scale

    we'll have colonized mars or some shit

    Super Namicchi on
  • DesyDesy She/Her YeenRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Galo Pagos

    So did you just hang a map of the world and throw darts until you hit an island that sounded star wars-iey :P

    Not that it's a bad name, I'm just curious as to how you arrived at that lovely moniker.

    And as to a ship, I'm leaning towards saying Yes. Any kind in particular? (within reason, no Star Destroyer for you.)

    Desy on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I'm wondering if straight up medical droid will be enjoyable for more than a few levels

    But Destro doesn't want an HK kill everybody droid

    How do you feel about reprogrammed battle droids, Destroy, roger roger

    INeedNoSalt on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Galo Pagos

    So did you just hang a map of the world and throw darts until you hit an island that sounded star wars-iey :P

    Not that it's a bad name, I'm just curious as to how you arrived at that lovely moniker.

    And as to a ship, I'm leaning towards saying Yes. Any kind in particular? (within reason, no Star Destroyer for you.)

    Something super awesome but with the junker template from Starships of the Galaxy (if ya got it).

    Like a J-type star skiff pimped out with advanced weapons... but a junker.

    We got a really good deal on it!

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    i was suggesting that sort of same thing

    but more like a corellian freighter

    Super Namicchi on
  • Cosmic SombreroCosmic Sombrero Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Galo Pagos

    So did you just hang a map of the world and throw darts until you hit an island that sounded star wars-iey :P

    Not that it's a bad name, I'm just curious as to how you arrived at that lovely moniker.

    And as to a ship, I'm leaning towards saying Yes. Any kind in particular? (within reason, no Star Destroyer for you.)

    Maybe if you read Galo's background, you'd know he was a naturalist. See? I have a theme going.

    I honestly have no idea what to ask for, so whatever Arc or Horseshoe suggest is fine, so long as I get to name it "The Bugle."

    Cosmic Sombrero on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    darwin's ship was the beagle

    Super Namicchi on
  • DesyDesy She/Her YeenRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    which brings up a question, Are there dogs in star wars?

    Because if there aren't and you name it the beagle, I will have at least one npc ask what the hell a "beagle" is.

    Desy on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    i was suggesting that sort of same thing

    but more like a corellian freighter

    souped up yt-2400?

    with just a few minor problems here and there

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    is that the one that looks like a sea turtle

    Super Namicchi on
  • Cosmic SombreroCosmic Sombrero Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    darwin's ship was the beagle

    Yeah, but I didn't want to be that cheesy and I didn't want to explain what a beagle was.

    Cosmic Sombrero on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    oh, galo pagos is ok, but the beagle

    now that is just crossing the line

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    is that the one that looks like a sea turtle

    that would be the Ghtroc Freighter

    which is enough of a piece of crap not to need the junker template

    Horseshoe on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    which brings up a question, Are there dogs in star wars?

    Because if there aren't and you name it the beagle, I will have at least one npc ask what the hell a "beagle" is.

    are kath hounds dogs?

    also to keep with the star wars theme of "just add space"


    Horseshoe on
  • DesyDesy She/Her YeenRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    pay no attention to the space elephant in the space room.

    Just give him his space. :P

    (I'm so sorry, that was terrible.)

    Desy on
  • Cosmic SombreroCosmic Sombrero Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    oh, galo pagos is ok, but the beagle

    now that is just crossing the line

    Hey, I did change it to "Galo" from "Gala" to make it masculine. I put some real thought into this name and I'd appreciate more constructive criticism, Phil. What kind of a name is Phil, anyway?

    Cosmic Sombrero on
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