I don't recall having this problem 3 years ago, but within the past two years something has caused my arms to develop billions of little bumps. They don't hurt, but they make my once beautiful skin look pretty trashy. My finance insists that the only way to get rid of them is to pop them all. However, I don't exactly fully trust she isn't affected by a sadistic streak... it hurts like hell. Puss does come out,
sometimes it's an ingrown hair and she will get that out, but most of the time it is only puss. I can't sit through too much of her popping.
So what might be causing these things?
Could is be my sweat? Are they heat bumps? Are they clogged pores? Could it be something in the laundry?
How can I get rid of them?
Maybe I could change my shower routine. Right now I use a loofah and Axe bodywash, and maybe once a week I will use scrub on my arms. Maybe I should just grin and bear it (or take a pain pill we have lying around) and just let her go to town on them.
Has anyone had to deal with this type of thing before?
edit: Little more info. They don't itch, they are only on the outsides of my upper arm, and they are red.
As for treatments, there's not really that many options. It's caused by the skin having too much keratin in it, and not allowing your hair follicles to punch through it easily, clogging them up and occasionally making ingrown hairs. Most of the time, though, it's just cosmetic and not as bad as what you seem to have. I recall it also tends to get worse in the winter, but I don't remember the reasoning.
There isn't a cure, but some treatments meant for other skin conditions can help relieve it as long as you continue taking them.
Wait it out and hope for the best, or else consult a dermatologist.
Maybe I'll stop in the health clinic on campus.
But yeah. Lotion will make it feel and probably look a lot better.
Probably won't even be worth the cost.
Finally got a chance to read this.
This is absolutely it.