We all know there's been a lot of huge titles that have come out recently. By huge I mean the titles that were supposed to really be good and/or drive sales of consoles. For example Fallout 3, Gears 2, Fable 2, Little Big Planet, etc. So out of all of the big titles what game has been the most disappointing so far?
I'd go with Fable 2 and Far Cry 2. Don't get my wrong both are very good. But just not as good as I was expecting.
Fable 2 to me is just an enhanced rehash of the first game. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but I was expecting more. I was expecting more freedom, challenge, a much better social life game mechanic (not just pick the right three phrases for the right person), better combat, and just an overall better game.
Far Cry 2 has yet to really hold my attention. The first time you're completely lost or the first time you realize how open the game is it can be a lot of fun. But lack of saving anywhere with the console version bothers me because it naturally inhibits the amount of crazy things you'll do because if you fail you start way away from where you were and have to go through all the checkpoints (and asskickings or constant fighting, depending on where you run from them or fight, that come with checkpoints) to get back to where you were. For me though the most frustrating core gameplay flaw I see is that, because of no save anywhere leading to trying to do what will always work in every situation, the combat for me basically comes down to finding a good spot where you can't be ambushed and killing everyone from far away by directing their attention to my gun fire thus drawing them to me making them easier to shoot. This causes the game to become mind-numbingly boring because you'll do the same tactic over and over again.
Fallout 3 however is pure awesome.
But seriously, Assassin's Creed. I loved what I was given, but it was a lot less than I felt I was promised.
What exactly is the Co-op in Fable 2? The missus loves Fable, and I'd been toying around with the idea of picking up the second installment as a surprise for her.
Fallout 3 is a good time, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm too much of a fan of the series to be impartial in any way about the game. I had a good time with it, but I'm waiting on some mods before I play it again.
How was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clearsky? I really loved the first game, bugs and all. Is the second as fun as the first?
Maybe I'm just not enough of a real gamer or whatever, but I mean, I have yet to purchase a game only to go "THIS IS A COLOSSAL DISAPPOINTMENT AND NOT WHAT I WANTED AT ALL"
I was really pissed about how buggy Fable 2 was only because it had like, some huge game-destroying bugs.
Outside of the bugs though it's a pretty cool game, so much so that I was cool with starting over and just hoping I don't get whacked with a bug again.
So maybe I just don't love video games enough?
It's a very basic platformer that lets you make your own levels and gussy up your sackboy.
I don't own the game personally, but having played it at my buddy's place that seems to be more or less as advertised.
Were people expecting something else from it?
I think you guys may be putting too much thought into this. You can be disappointed in a game and still like it. That's ok. But being disappointed in a game is fairly natural just like being pleasantly surprised in a game. These games are expensive and we buy them as gamers expecting certain things. At times the games don't deliver on what you expected therefore the game was disappointing and that's ok to say.
It was just an example of what I meant by a big name title.
Clear Sky didn't even contain a working faction war, the very fucking BASIS of the game.
Fable 2 has so many bugs, and is very very short. I like the game, but I'm really quite disappointed. Not surprised actually, I sort of expected it to happen, but hoped for better. My hope was dashed and nerd-rage aroused.
The terrible bugs did come as an unfortunate shock.
Also, Devil May Cry 4: Nero just doesn't have enough variety in his moves or weaponry! I loved playing as Dante, but it takes a lot to get to him. (Not to mention you're just replaying the levels backward when you get him anyways. What a waste.) Switching between tons of guns and swords is a huge part of the DMC fun, and it was just so boring being stuck with that one sword with the attacks that are timing based, and the shitty little magnum gun. Yawn.
I knew I'd be avoiding Fable 2 the instant it was announced, so no disappointment (or purchase) here. Fool me once...
Most disappointing game for me, however: Ninja Gaiden 2 -- from the framerate issues to the lack of an included mission mode to the incredibly cheap (read: uninspired) character of the advanced levels of difficulty....yeah, I was disappointed.
Most pleasantly surprised: Call of Duty: World at War. I think it pretty much nails what it's trying to do, and is way better than I had prepared myself for.
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Silly story trying to be uber serious, the characters aren't interesting at all, and the gameplay, while inventive, is still frustrating as heck when you miss that last jump or grab by 1/1000th of an inch with no forgiveness. It really breaks the flow of the game.
The hell?
How can you regret buying Spore?
What were your expectations for that game that caused such disappointment?
Seriously, people.
If you're going to say "I was disappointed with this game", at least have the gumption to follow it up with why you were disappointed with it and what your expectations were for it.
Oh yeah and the force unleashed wasn't verry good, I was quite disapointed. From glitchy environments resulting in cheap deaths to poor AI. IDK I've heard the psp version is suppose to have more going for it but after this last one I'm thinking about writing off george lucas's milk factory.
The actual platforming in Little Big Planet is terrible.
And STALKER:Clear Sky was even less stable the the first game, It's a tough call, but at least Little Big Planet didn't crash to the desktop.
There are platforms.
You jump on them.
How does this somehow not live up to expectations?
And now they're working on an MMO, and I'm don't pay subscription fees for games...*sigh*. Here's hoping Dragon Age doesn't suck, but that's kinda looking like it still doesn't have that unique flair the team used to have.
Disappointingly much buggier than the first game ever was, though it may have been patched to an acceptable level by now.
On the plus side, the open world environment is what Far Cry 2 wished it was, the dynamic battles and factions really work well. The engine has been given a minor upgrade in the graphics department
On the down sides it doesn't really have the great underground moments the first game has, and the storyline is just a retread of the first game really.
If you're a fan of the first it's definitely worth getting, it's just not as new, and doesn't ascend to greatness.
Alot of people wern't expecting a burlap sack with a face to have so much momentum. I don't know honestly I love the game can't put it in with out my face smiling uncontrolably. But yeah some of the later stages the platforming gets quite brutal.
oh, well if a person felt the handling and controls weren't what they wanted i can get that
i don't have a problem with them but different strokes and all that
The platforming is only brutal because the way momentum is handled is just poor. Everything, from walking to jumping, becomes a chore. Moving between the layers makes it worse. It may have a really cool tool set, but the game itself controls poorly.
I had to restart near to the end after a game-breaking bug stopped me progressing to completion, and the second time was not nearly as much fun, since I was essentially rushing through, scared the game would break again. A real shame, since what the game gets right is fantastic, I love the setting, the combat is decent enough (although the fact that environmental interaction was completely dropped is a serious bummer). Co-op was pretty damned disappointing too, with a serious contender for "most problematic camera of all time".
And conversely, the game which more-than lived up to the hype I'd been building for it in my mind, and after several delays, was Castle Crashers. Yeah, the online could drop out occasionally, which still needs fixing, but man, did I enjoy the Hell out of that little game. About twenty times over. One of the most fun games I've played in the last few years.
What could have been an awesome, original, quirky RPG became a rushed grindfest with an awful battle system.
There are things I like about it, but it just has too many problems.
It doesn't help that it came out around the same time as FF12, and FF12 had the same battle system but 10,000 times better.
Hey folks, games are subjective! Just because person X doesn't like a game that you (and perhaps many others) loved, doesn't make them wrong. It seems like this thread should be a place where folks can vent without being jumped on. Don't like LBP or Fable 2? Sure! Get it off your chest.
The most recent game I've been disappointed with is Infinite Undiscovery. Not sure if it counts as a "big-name title", but I guess it is a Squeenix game. Anyway, I'm about halfway in. I haven't been terribly impressed by the story and characters thus far. The combat is interesting, but feels broken (way too complicated trying to juggle your party members' skills/attacks). It's very much "meh" to me. I wish I had gotten Tales of Vesperia instead. And I'm worried that Last Remnant won't turn out very well either.
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The combat is pretty lousy, and yes, it' s not the focus, but that doesn't mean it gets away with it sucking. And I'm tired of buying 60 dollar games and having them last 3-6 hours.
Well, I thought it'd be fun, and it wasn't. I tried to avoid any press up until the release, so my only expectations were from playing the old Maxis games -- SimEarth, SimLife, stuff like that. Clearly I was way off.
That looks pretty cool. I don't like JRPGS really, but sometimes get cravings for some grinding, so I got Eternal Sonata, and actually really enjoyed it. So then I bought Blue Dragon and just cannot be arsed to play it. Even though I'd heard good things. I'd hit ToV instead, but I saw a video of the combat in that new Star Ocean and it looks really slick, so will prolly wait for that.
So yeah, Blue Dragon was a bit of a let-down, but it wasn't especially hyped, other than some of the big names they had on board.
Co-op works like this: you can push start on the second controller at any point in time during the game. That person selects a predetermined "good, neutral or evil" character, and you choose male or female. Then you just play the game with your friend. It can definitely be enjoyable, but the camera is horrid. it doesn't center on anyone so much as it's shared and you can't go to far away from each other. You can take the money and exp earned from this co-op character and import the data back into the file you loaded from.
Fable 2 is a lot of fun if you just accept the bugs it has and enjoy it for what it does do well; the morality system as well as sense of adventuring.
Assassins Creed was awesome for about 1 hour then it got horrifically boring. I understand what tycho and gabe were saying in that, it's all about the level of detail, the environments and just losing yourself in the game world. OK I get that, but the problem is you just don't have anything interesting to *do*. I never looked forward to finding the informants which was about 30% of the gameplay. Climbing around was all I cared about, but you just cannot base an entire game on that.
Ninja Gaiden 2 lacks the interesting appeal the first one had from lackluster level designs and uninspired enemies. The combat is fantastic, but I actually enjoyed 1 more.
Mirror's Edge. I'm on the fence with this one. I rented it yesterday and I really love how it plays, but the deaths coming from the *just barely* missed jump are annoying as fuck. If it's as short as I've heard then I'm dissapointed definitely.
Rock Band 2 was very dissapointing. I LOVE Rock Band 2, but jesus I was expecting them to FIX a lot of stupid issues that the first one had. Here is a quick list of things that I thought were no brainers:
-when playing as a band and having any 1 person (except singer) choose a difficulty that's less than expert results in the other members (except singer) with slow moving note charts (i.e hard scrolls slower than expert). This makes the fine tuning of your skill a little harder if you aren't extremely good at the chosen song. Now, take this concept and have the guitarist on easy and the drummer on expert. Good luck with your slow-as-mollases note chart.
-being able to choose speed accelerators for each song, NOT having 1 speed boost (stuck at a specific speed) for every single song. Yeah, try using the speed boost option to do better at a given song while your drummer is on medium, he won't be able to pass his note chart because it's SO FUCKING FAST.
-more customizable stuff for your characters. Seriously, why did they skimp so bad for Rock Band 2?
Guitar Hero World Tour. I just don't like it as much as RB2, and I was expecting the drums to be amazing. They are not.
Force Unleashed was dissapointing with the buggy nature of the game. I really expected more polish and balance.
Gears of War 1 (probably 2 but I can't say since I haven't played it), was dissapointing. It was boring as fuck. Run, duck and cover, shoot alien dudes. I even like FPS and Shooter games in general (LOVE Half Life 2 and CoD4), but jesus I couldn't play this for more than a half hour at a time before wanting to sleep instead.
Oh gawd, yeah Blue Dragon was a huge disappointment for me. It's the first JRPG in a long while that I just could not bring myself to finish.
- Don't add me, I'm at/near the friend limit
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I played it, and I shit you not, the story, characters, and dialogue are the kind of stuff that Duke Nukem was designed to parody. A decade old parody that applies with equal force to a game that is supposed to be so highly praised? C'mon.
Granted, the shooty action bits were fun, if only somewhat varied. I enjoyed it. But I think most people like it for the Coop and the online Multiplayer, the latter of which doesn't appeal to me much at all. But even after accounting for that, I would have expected a game with such huge amounts of praise constantly heaped upon it to have less stereotypical characters (Cole Train), less generic 'tough guy lines,' and a plot that was more interesting than something that could have been lifted right out of a Quake game.
Reviewers constantly pan stuff like Quake IV, for example, for having stereotype characters and a weak plot, but I guess when you hype something up as much as Gears of War, a new standard takes hold and those pitfalls no longer apply.
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