POWERS AND ABILITIES: Superhuman strength, stamina, and invulnerability. Regenerative healing factor. Ability to see and communicate with astral bodies. Radiation absorption. Transformation. Strong resistance (but not immunity) to mind control.
THOR – Norse God
POWERS AND ABILITIES: Superhuman Strength, Speed and Stamina, Semi-invulnerability, Flight (via Mjolnir), Weather Control, Force Blasts
POWERS AND ABILITIES: Fully amphibious physiology suited for extreme pressures, superhuman strength, speed and durability, Flight
POWERS AND ABILITIES: Superhuman strength, speed and endurance, Invulnerability, Invisibility, Intangibility, Shape Shifting, Telepathy, Flight, Martian vision
In all third round battles, heroes may choose to prepare only at their own facilities, or at the facilities of their supergroup. Heroes may match video of two of their three opponents. Heroes have TWENTY MINUTES outside of video time to prepare for battle. If a character opts out of the video, he still only has twenty minutes to prepare. Heroes come equipped with their standard equipment, and may equip one special item, provided that item is not a dues ex machina. Weaknesses that are not publicly known to the hero’s home universe/world will not be made available to the heroes during prep time. Heroes who already know of these weaknesses for whatever reason are not caused to forget this information. Heroes may also consult with an advisor for thirty minutes, rules on that may be found in the recap thread.
1. Giant forest – trees three times of any redwood
2. Baxter Building
3. the Grand Canyon
4. Alpine mountains
5. Monster Island
Namor definitely doesn't win this one. And I think the only way Hulk advances is if J'onn or Thor take each other out.
And I think I'd give that fight to Thor.
I'd say Thor and either MM or Hulk, but I'm not sure as to how much J'onn could mindfuck with Hulk.
Yes, but MM can go intangible, Shapeshift, and is as strong as Superman.
And Thor has fought a pretty angry Hulk to a standstill.
MM won't be able to mind rape hulkster if he has that resistance plus having to fend off the other combatants.
I'd say Hulk and Thor.
What? No.
Hulk cannot fly so the others can just stay away from him and he'll spend his time just sitting on the ground twittling his thumbs and Namor just isn't strong enough to take out the other two.
EDIT: And them ignoring Hulk make Hulk angry. Hulk strongest there is! Hulk use tree as bat! Swat them, make them fight Hulk!
He was around at the same time as Golden Age Superman, and has done just as much crazy shit. Whether or not you want to take all of that as canon, though, is another story.
And if you don't think the Planet Hulk version can, well, you obviously haven't read #100
Thor and MM can both fly.
He probably could, but he won't.
Yes, I know. But I'm just saying that just because Hulk can't fly doesn't mean he doesn't have any range at all.
He has range, but I'm pretty sure the other three would notice a giant green mass flying at them know...get out of the way.
That's a fair point, Gladiator Hulk would be rational enough to see the benefit in it if he were super outclassed I believe, but he isn't THAT outclassed in this match. Still sadly MM's versatility will be Hulk's downfall.
Not if they're busy getting wailed on.
I think that anyone who say the Hulk jumping at them, Screaming "HULK SMASH" (or "Grundy Crush!", Why is Grundy not in this, anyways? I would've liked to see Grundy vs Hulk) would have enough sense to stop whatever the fuck they are doing and get out of the fucking way.
But... It's Hulk! It's like Hulk not being Green! (Yes, I know. That's the joke)
Also, I'm really pondering this Grundy issue.
Namor's head is already up his ass. He'd be used to it.
This Hulk doesn't give a shit about Betty.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
You had best believe that Martian Manhunter is powerful enough to take down Hulk or Namor. And he's pretty much on equal grounds with Thor.
Can Thor affect an intangible Manhunter? He's got some sort of crazy magic/energy blasts from Mjolnir, but I don't know if he can really do anything to someone intangible.
The him refers to Hulk, I think. Although I would love to watch Hulk wail on some giants.
J'onn is too much of a badass.
Too much. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Agreed. Thor and MM both have a wide variety of powers on top of really high-level strength. Neither of them may be able to knock Hulk out, but I think it's pretty damn likely that he'll be leaving the arena in one way or another.
And if Hulk can't win, Namor sure can't.
Wait, what?
Simply put, Planet Hulk Hulk is not Hulk with Banner's personality. The Hulk is a seperate persona. He and Banner have mental battle in the Planet Hulk story in Giant-Size Hulk #1 that was released a couple months back.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Oh, I got that confused with The End story. Still, are you telling me that Hulk right now wouldn't give a shit if Betty popped up right in front of him? I thought the Hulk persona was an extension of the core Bruce Banner personality - just more savage and emotional and junk. I just can't imagine Gladiator Hulk being all, "Tough luck, toots."
Well, they had an argument there too.
He's smart enough that he'd know something wasn't kosher.
...Isn't she dead?
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar