Woo it's another installment of
Tycho's Wacky HL2 Mods! Look for the next entry on DREAMBALL whenever I get less lazy and less sick (I have a bad cold). Today, though, let's talk about Suicide Survival.
Suicide Survival
This man is not naked he is wearing a suit it is leather
This description is stolen from the website:
Suicide Survival is a Mod of Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.
There are two teams so you either play as Survivor or as Suicider.
The goal for Survivors is to stay alive (duh!) and to spot the Suiciders before they can get close enough to you. They have the book “Gardening for Beginners” by Barbara Bush as a self-defence weapon.
The goal for Suiciders is to sneak up close enough to the Survivors so you can blow yourself up. Suiciders play as shrubberies in a map full of shrubberies thus blending in with the enviroment. If they dont move you dont know which one is being played by a player.
The game doesnt have a goal currently other then being simple team deathmatch. However its planned to transform it into a round-based survival with a time limit.
So that's a description.
Is it fun?
I have no comment on this
It's ridiculously fun. It's not Alpha Centauri or something; the whole game can be summed up in about a sentence. Still, it's amazing. Turning around when you hear a bush walking and just seeing a bunch of motionless shrubs is almost as hilarious as freezing in place every time a survivor turns around. Throwing books at suspicious greenery is a joy. And alltalk servers are twice as good.
Other Important Information
Download links:
Steam Community Group (Official Unofficial Group):
The Website:
List of SteamIDs of people I know who are playing this at some point (let me know if you want to get on the list):
THE MelancholyMark
Come on let's do this! I like innovative stuff and this is slightly innovative. I like quirky stuff and this is quirkier than birkenstocks on a cat at Burning Man. I like plants, I guess and this has plants.
put me on the list and make a group
steamID : MrDelish
Fuck yes.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
I'm downloading it.
I am so in.
I'm in this sounds great
Downloading now!
I might be able to play it in a few seconds.
You see a bush, you think it moved, and your staring at it and it might be staring back at you.
Then another bush comes up behind you and BOOM! :P
funfest 2008!
R con password is my namesake (the second half)
**Well, there goes all concentration I had planned for Bio class.
More games need bushes.
Tycho was such a traitor
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
and you murdered me
game is fun, though the lag is crazy because of all the physics objects (bushes).
And thirdperson is definitely the way to go with this on suiciders.
A question about the dependencies though, what exactly do I have to have installed, because I baleeted most everything HL2-ish due to hard drive space.
Probably just Source SDK Base.
Source SDK Base - Orange Box to be precise. If you don't have it installed, Steam will download it automatically when you try to launch the mod.
Installings to follows...
then the terrors begins.
Edit: Hrm... I installed... and then tried to join the one server that was up... and it was connecting, and trying to download... and then it disconnected and I couldn't find the server anymore.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
The official server is running a map not included in the mod and instead of downloading it, the game complains about it missing.
And my server's rcon password is the second half of my name
just don't crash it
edit: I'll get the mappack that just released later tonight and put it up