This guy, we'll call him Bob, has been an inconsiderate asshole since day one. Stick with me, my story gets better. this guy is 28, with 2 kids, 7 and 9, we'll get to that part later.
He'll have
and brag about having 3 girlfriends at one time, but of course one of them is a 41 year old coke whore that sucks his dick for coke. He acts like he's better than everyone because he can't keep his dick in his pants.
He's owed me a bunch of money for over a month, and despite getting this supposedly really good job his dad gave him, he's barely paid me back half of it. I drove to said coke whore's house (he doesn't have a car) so he could pick up this check that was his, and he doesn't pay me a dollar for 3 days, and that's only after I hounded him. And yet he still finds the money to go out to Bucs games and the bar and take bitches out.
I know, but can't prove, he's been stealing weed from me.
He will bring over his kids, completely unannounced, to a COLLEGE STUDENT APARTMENT COMPLEX where we're trying to watch TV or smoke some bud.
I told him 2 weeks ago that on the 12th, I'd need to call in the debt completely, instead of just a little bit of it. 1 week ago, I remind him that I need it by friday. Friday comes, and he's only paid me $10. So when I had to take money out from a CD to pay for my plans last night, I lost $4 in interest. So I call him and tell him that unless I get the money tonight, he's gonna have to pay me an extra 5 bucks because my budget's tight and I can't afford to be nice anymore. So today, when he sees me for the first time since he got the message, he's says fuck that, I'm not paying you for any of the hookah I smoked without asking, nor am I paying you any interest. And then I'm just like fuck that, you wanna be an asshole, you're gone. When I said that, he actually says "you're messing with the wrong family" and shit like that, and blackmails me about my weed. So me and my friend who were smoking weed there, just go over to his place to relax and calm down.
Here's the kicker. He's an illegal tenant. He is paying the guy who is on the lease, so he can live there. The reason for this is because when they tried to sign over the lease, his credit is completely fucked up because he's apparently horrible with responsibility.
So I go up to the office and file a complaint that he was an illegal tenant and that we had gotten into an argument and he had indirectly threatened me. I talked to the manager or whatever who called me and told me it's definitely someone else living there, and that the locks on the room were going to be changed on Monday. So here I am, in my room, not wanting to get into a confrontation with him again.
I think I'll go load my BB gun and double lock my door just in case.
TL;DR My complete asshole roommate threatened me so I went and had him evicted. More or less.
you might wanna pinch him extra hard too
it's my only defense besides a broken bottle!
7 and 9, to be exact, I'll edit the post
yes, but having a long range attack is good strategy.
2 eyes if given ample time to repump
it's a marksman repeater, only a cock of the slide
plug it in
instant stun gun
yeah, definitely, plugging house current into someone else is a great way to kill them
uh no
no it is not
if this dude is trying to break in and inflict harm on him, why not use what you've got?
EDIT: and pips right, its really not enough, unless they grab each wire with each hand
Also my first roommate in college was a coke dealing womanizer. That was a fun 3 weeks.
When I swallowed these pills, at 9:30 in the morning, my nipples became erect.
It is now 5:03 P.M.
My nipples have been erect the whole time
Apparently tylenol is nipple viagra.
Should I be concerned y/n
you really are dyslexic. you got those two totally backwards
Man it's been more than 4 hours, you should definitely call a doctor.
alright, you try it your way and i'll be over here not electrocuting people
except I was the one who moved!
ive accidentally shocked myself with more volts than whats coming from the wall, it would blow the circuit breaker on the circuit and the dude would receive a a short shock
I do demolition. I don't know how many times we go to a site and I ask "is the power live" and hear a "no" then find out the hard way that it is live. Clearly I haven't learned from my mistakes and check the breaker right away.
i have
holy shit it is painful
i thought i was going to shit my pants and for like days after my muscles were sore