Friends, recently I have experienced a crisis with a very important part of my life: my lovely Asus m51Sn laptop. Maybe I really should have seen it coming. Perhaps I was too easily sold on her; perhaps my heart was blinded by her specs. I should have noticed the flimsyness in her case, the creak in her plastic. But she was a slender 15.4in, with a full number-pad no less... I was in love.
But that was months ago; and now, things are estranged. At first she was simply difficult to rouse from sleep mode, as if she were bored me with. But now, she doesn't respond at all. I just can't turn her on anymore. Now matter how hard I push that special button, or how long I hold it, she does not respond. No amount of so-called 'charging time' has accomplished anything. And I have slid the battery in an out, checking every connector, all to no avail.
So help me, Moe's Technology Tavern. Help me restore the energy to my relationship. Lend me your hand so that once again my laptop can... power on.
Fucking laptop won't fucking turn on all of a sudden. Worked earlier today, and has been plugged in all day as well
Someone let me algorhythm (steve_0990) into the PA Steam group
In that case, the best-case scenario is that your power button wire has come loose. Unfortunately, fixing this requires opening the case, something that can always go terribly wrong with laptops. So... send it in for repair?
Worst case is that your motherboard is dead.
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
Maybe the power block is dead, does the laptop unit have a battery charge light on it? Does it come on when the unit is plugged in?
woah, that worked. Does that mean the battery is garbage already though? Its been about 3 months.
Someone let me algorhythm (steve_0990) into the PA Steam group
More likely it's an issue with the battery. I'd definitely call up the manufacturer for support and let them know what's going on, they may want you to send in the battery or the computer. Most new computer warranties will warrant the battery for a year. If you do send in the computer you may want to pull the hard drive as sometimes they get unnecessarily wiped.
My wife's macbook did this, they wanted the battery sent in to be replaced or have some firmware on it upgraded. Their explanation was an older firmware for the battery would put the battery in this state (unchargeable) if it was allowed to be fully discharged for too long (or somesuch explanation).
At work we have several laptops like this, will work off of AC power but not with battery attached. I think with them it's also an issue with the battery.