So can I like, cloak and stand next to a dispenser and be invisible forever?
I believe a healing beam shows tho, so not exactly 100% invisible. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I've also walked over broken machine bits to recharge my cloak, I didn't think that would be possible since you usually can't pick it up for ammo. It's like whenever you successfully do something spyish (backstab, sap a gadget) you're rewarded with more cloak.
Edit: Unless you backstabbed a sandvich heavy, then you're rewarded with more health. Or a fist heavy, then I don't think you get anything.
So can I like, cloak and stand next to a dispenser and be invisible forever?
I believe a healing beam shows tho, so not exactly 100% invisible. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I've also walked over broken machine bits to recharge my cloak, I didn't think that would be possible since you usually can't pick it up for ammo. It's like whenever you successfully do something spyish (backstab, sap a gadget) you're rewarded with more cloak.
Edit: Unless you backstabbed a sandvich heavy, then you're rewarded with more health. Or a fist heavy, then I don't think you get anything.
So can I like, cloak and stand next to a dispenser and be invisible forever?
I believe a healing beam shows tho, so not exactly 100% invisible. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I've also walked over broken machine bits to recharge my cloak, I didn't think that would be possible since you usually can't pick it up for ammo. It's like whenever you successfully do something spyish (backstab, sap a gadget) you're rewarded with more cloak.
Edit: Unless you backstabbed a sandvich heavy, then you're rewarded with more health. Or a fist heavy, then I don't think you get anything.
machine bits always gave ammo, and fist heavies drop their minigun, don't they?
So can I like, cloak and stand next to a dispenser and be invisible forever?
I believe a healing beam shows tho, so not exactly 100% invisible. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I've also walked over broken machine bits to recharge my cloak, I didn't think that would be possible since you usually can't pick it up for ammo. It's like whenever you successfully do something spyish (backstab, sap a gadget) you're rewarded with more cloak.
Edit: Unless you backstabbed a sandvich heavy, then you're rewarded with more health. Or a fist heavy, then I don't think you get anything.
machine bits always gave ammo, and fist heavies drop their minigun, don't they?
I stand corrected, I could have sworn scrap metal gave no ammo. Always learning with this game.
So can I like, cloak and stand next to a dispenser and be invisible forever?
I believe a healing beam shows tho, so not exactly 100% invisible. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I've also walked over broken machine bits to recharge my cloak, I didn't think that would be possible since you usually can't pick it up for ammo. It's like whenever you successfully do something spyish (backstab, sap a gadget) you're rewarded with more cloak.
Edit: Unless you backstabbed a sandvich heavy, then you're rewarded with more health. Or a fist heavy, then I don't think you get anything.
machine bits always gave ammo, and fist heavies drop their minigun, don't they?
I stand corrected, I could have sworn scrap metal gave no ammo. Always learning with this game.
yeah it does. i always run over destroyed sentries and shit when im playing heavy since its the only way to NEVER STOP FIRING
So can I like, cloak and stand next to a dispenser and be invisible forever?
I believe a healing beam shows tho, so not exactly 100% invisible. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I've also walked over broken machine bits to recharge my cloak, I didn't think that would be possible since you usually can't pick it up for ammo. It's like whenever you successfully do something spyish (backstab, sap a gadget) you're rewarded with more cloak.
Edit: Unless you backstabbed a sandvich heavy, then you're rewarded with more health. Or a fist heavy, then I don't think you get anything.
machine bits always gave ammo, and fist heavies drop their minigun, don't they?
I stand corrected, I could have sworn scrap metal gave no ammo. Always learning with this game.
yeah it does. i always run over destroyed sentries and shit when im playing heavy since its the only way to NEVER STOP FIRING
I guess I've just never destroyed a machine while in desperate need of ammo until spies could use ammo for more than their revolver.
Quaz and Wally on
acidlacedpenguinInstitutionalizedSafe in jail.Registered Userregular
So after giving TF2 a break since L4D came out, I played a match last night. I think I'll be playing both off and on from now on. TF2 is a bit better when I have less time on my hands, anyhow.
i tell you what spies can fuck right off hanging around the spawn, waiting to sap the teleporter entrance and giggling like a girl when i come and re-build it
you're not even being useful
you're not even inconviencing me by sapping, say, a dispenser
i tell you what spies can fuck right off hanging around the spawn, waiting to sap the teleporter entrance and giggling like a girl when i come and re-build it
you're not even being useful
you're not even inconviencing me by sapping, say, a dispenser
Either you don't rebuild your teleporter and your team's advance is slowed down considerably (especially now that the game has level 3 teleporters), or you go back to rebuild it which is time spent away from your sentry, allowing basically any enemy class to take it down as long as they have cover.
Only one of those is true.
One is also true regarding yourself.
I am
But you probably could tell by the accent...
(new page makes stupid post overflow with stupid)
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
You too huh?
I really wish they'd make an instant melee attack key. It would make melee attacks so much more fun.
I thought it was because of all the squawking of "you guys are awful" or my many death screams as Medic:
"guys guys there's a pyrooo GUUUUUUUUUUUYS FIIRE OH GOSH FIRE
I wasn't born in Scotland, but I have a clan name for my last name!
Steam - Minty D. Vision!
Origin/BF3 - MintyDVision
ive never really understood this meme. the speed up/slow down thing. like in the 'oh shit' accident videos they always slow it down like 4 times.
also edcrab is welshy from futurama
I hear you can now upgrade dispensers?
And teleporters. And spies get cloak from ammo. Its wacky.
It's because they're no longer ridiculously niche in usefulness.
It makes my life much more fun, however. I love playing anti-spy pyro, and now I'm actually being ueeful when doing so.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
I believe a healing beam shows tho, so not exactly 100% invisible. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I've also walked over broken machine bits to recharge my cloak, I didn't think that would be possible since you usually can't pick it up for ammo. It's like whenever you successfully do something spyish (backstab, sap a gadget) you're rewarded with more cloak.
Edit: Unless you backstabbed a sandvich heavy, then you're rewarded with more health. Or a fist heavy, then I don't think you get anything.
But mostly you die in a hail of gunfire.
Fist heavies drop the minigun.
machine bits always gave ammo, and fist heavies drop their minigun, don't they?
I vaguely remember doing it as a Heavy.
EDIT: beat'd.
And heavies holding a sandvich will drop a sandvich, and it gives health.
Also, I know I'm about 1 week late to the party, but holy shit scout next update woo.
I stand corrected, I could have sworn scrap metal gave no ammo. Always learning with this game.
yeah it does. i always run over destroyed sentries and shit when im playing heavy since its the only way to NEVER STOP FIRING
I guess I've just never destroyed a machine while in desperate need of ammo until spies could use ammo for more than their revolver.
enemy dispensers dispense for spies.
but yes, the trail of dispensing trailing towards an invisible person and the animations/sounds are usually a dead giveaway.
spies will be way too good once they fix that overheal particles showing up bug.
So you think they're way too good now?
Secret Satan
you're not even being useful
you're not even inconviencing me by sapping, say, a dispenser
Either you don't rebuild your teleporter and your team's advance is slowed down considerably (especially now that the game has level 3 teleporters), or you go back to rebuild it which is time spent away from your sentry, allowing basically any enemy class to take it down as long as they have cover.
Hmmmmm yes...