Wireless Issues with desktop

SideAffectsSideAffects Registered User regular
Ok guys. I'm pretty tech-savvy but not very knowledgeable about networking, so I'll just explain what I've done so far.

I have a desktop computer with a wireless card that I installed maybe a year and a half ago. This one:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833162111(Buffalo WLI2-PCI-G54S IEEE 802.11b/g 32-Bit PCI Bus Wireless G 125)

I got as decent speeds as you can hope for at lan parties and at home, sharing a home network with 5+ other computers. But anyways, those days of living at home are behind me and now I'm in my own kickass apartment, with MY internet. But it isn't working on my desktop. I have one of those cool Linksys wireless G routers. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124284 My xbox works awesome, my work laptop connects with almost the exact same speeds wirelessly as it does wired, no matter where in my apartment I carry it (even right on top of my desktop computer). With my desktop, little wireless service icon usually says that I'm getting about 48Mbps. All I know is, 95% of the time I can't open any websites. Google works occasionally, but just about anything else I don't even bother trying. I often get kicked offline with the error "unable to connect to preferred network". I have an "excellent" signal strength, and my laptop will run flawlessly right next to it. My computer is at a maximum 40ft away from the router, with a door in between them. Usually I can turn around and see my router from my computer. I downloaded the most up to date drivers for my wireless card, uninstalled it, rebooted, and installed it with those drivers. No change. Do I maybe need a new wireless card?

Thanks in advance!

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