This week my computer managed to get a virus which effectively crippled the computer, and left me with no choice but to reinstall Windows. This was not a problem, I backed up all my data, or so I thought.
Basically, I forgot to back up a folder which contained all my pictures, university work, all the songs and music I've written, and a ton of other shit. To be honest I'm pretty devastated by the loss of this, and if there's any way I can get this stuff back, especially the music, then I want to know.
My computer has obviously been formatted, which I'd imagine makes it next to impossible to recover any data. However, my external harddrive did have a back up of the folder, which I deleted, because I intended to make a newer back up, and forgot to do. Are there any programs out there that might be able to help me recover this lost data, or am I fucked?
You could try using a commercial application called "Data Recovery Wizard Professional", but it is not free.
Good luck.
The external harddrive would be your best bet. If you haven't used it for anything since you deleted the folder, the chances are pretty good you can recover it. GetDataBack is a pretty good recovery program but it isn't free.
"So alternate, against the grain, anti establishment - so you're just a regular joe again, right?"
Truth right there. Any decent recovery program will probably get your files without too much trouble. Some might be damaged, ie lost, but you should get the vast majority of your data back.
I don't have a proggy name on the top of my head but just do a quick google search, should be enough.
Should this fail, you have the -extremly costly- option of getting the external drive to recovery specialists who will probably manage to resurrect all your data. Is it worth it? Probably not.