If you were into the UT 2K4 modding scene back in the day you might have happened upon a little ol' mod with big dreams called NeoTokyo. A cyper-punk setting with a few homages to such anime classics as Ghost In The Shell (source of at least one of the weapon designs and a few game mechanics), it had some of the best art direction to be seen on a mod team.
Their plan was always to make the transition to the Source engine, before HL2 had even been officially released, but when the SDK hit everything quieted down significantly. Luckily for us, it turns out that it hasn't gone the way of so many other ambitious Total Conversions, as they've been releasing news pretty frequently now and have even released a trailer!
It's coming, and it looks fucking
hot.NeoTokyo Official SiteHi-Def Trailer
And it was not remarkable.
But this looks pretty neat. Any gameplay features that stand out?
Not really that I can think of. From what I remember it was a solid capture-point/flag based game with three classes and wave-spawning that was good fun while the community was lively. Most of my interest comes from the setting and art style, and if I had to pick out a serious weakness I'd say that it's the team's affinity for huge maps. They look awesome but they play like shit for a burgeoning mod because of low initial server population.
Can't help but be amused by the fact that the objective is a cybernetic torso.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
I haven't checked the main site yet but any idea on when it's going to be released?
Pointy nipples.
Don't think so, but they've been all but silent for a few years now and suddenly the updates are coming thick and fast, so that's a good sign I guess.
"Cross Now"
Oh my god, that level is ace. Totally Blade Runner.
Apparently you weren't very active in the modding communities. This is not a new trend. This game looks awesome and will hopefully play better than Dystopia.
Also, cyberpunk is not fucking anime. Unless, you know, Gibson is secretly Japanese.
what the fuck, genre, what have you done to yourself
I don't think anyone is claiming cyberpunk is anime. But even Bladerunner had Japanese influences in it.
"I'm not a huge anime fan or anything but I love the style this has going for it."
Sounds confused to say the least. Also, wasn't Blade Runner a heavily Chinese/Korean culture and not Japanese? Gibson's cyberpunk was more Japanese.
Just think about it, it's almost like an instilled reaction. Seattle? Whats it got going for it? Coffee, some romance movies or somesuch? Pffft.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and grunge.
or I'm going to have to go buy the damn dvd and watch it again.
How does that sound confused? This definitely has an anime style going for it and I like that, even if I don't like a lot of anime.
Also, nowhere did I mention anything about cyberpunk.
Well this has an obvious anime influence, and also happens to be cyberpunk.
Anime is perhaps the wrong word. Japanese might be more appropriate.
Although the art direction is fucking ace.
Most of Japan is actually does have a futuristic cyberpunk theme.
At least that's what I've heard.
The cyberpunk = japanese thing is mostly a result of cyberpunk originating in the 80s and early 90s, when Japanese companies were routinely ahead of American ones when it came to technology. The corporocentric (I just made that word up) culture in Japan plus the tendency of Japanese companies to be the first to market new technologies to consumers made Japan the place for semi-dystopian futurisitic fiction.
At the time it made perfect sense that in the future every high-tech company would be Japanese, and if corporations kept getting bigger and bigger (as was the trend) then eventually they'd supplant nations as the dominant political structure.
In hindsight this is all a bit silly, but cyberpunk hasn't really let go of its roots. Mostly because Gibson was one hell of a founding father for the genre and everyone wants to be as awesome as him.
I just hate hearing the word anime used to describe anything vaguely Japanese. Fuck anime, it's not the only thing Japan has to offer. I also hate Japanophiles who think that because of anime, everything else related to Japan is automatically superior.
It's a fascinating, vastly different culture, but they didn't create futuristic settings and anime isn't the reason Japan is great. Putting kanji characters on buildings and a Japanese skin over generic sci-fi city 1001 does not make it anime.
edit: if anyone disagrees I'm sure you can be made to see Reason.
I've read Snow Crash a few times but thought it was kind of juvenile and simple compared to Neuromancer. I read Neuromancer once when I was 13, then again this year and it really engrossed me this time around.
Reason sure is great, though. But not as great as Wintermute.
Space Rastas are the shit. Also, I thought Neuromancer's characters were really likable. There's a real aura of anti-charisma surrounding the whole thing.
I dunno. I enjoyed Snow Crash more when I first read it when I was quite a bit younger. Uncle Enzo was fantastic, though.
I totally agree with you here but you shouldn't make something out of nothing.
Ghost in the Shell is why.
They both suck compared to the Hendrix
Also Blade Runner used a lot of asian characters and symbols, not just Japanese
And what the fuck, of course it's cyberpunk, it's just more heavily influenced by Ghost in the Shell than anything else, and Ghost in the Shell happens to be an anime
Anyway, I hope that it is fun because it looks cool as fuck, but there have been mods before that have disappointed on that front
edit: oh, one thing that no one's mentioned: the mod is getting it's own OST
I've listened to a bit and it's not bad. Little generic, but better than most other mods music
I never asked for this!