Hi all! Since it always seems that PS3 downloads slip by unnoticed in a flurry of Xbox Live downloads (probably because the PS Store only updates once a week), I thought it would be nice if someone gathered up info on existing and upcoming PS Store downloads, so Bamelin doesn't have to be bothered to create a new thread every time he finds something cool coming on PSN.
First and foremost, I would like to state that I'd love to see this become a community project. If you have any info on upcoming PS Store downloads, please feel free to let me know either through the thread of PM, and I will add it to the OP. Also, if you'd like your PSN ID in the OP, please IM me or ask to included in the thread, with your PSN ID, region and whether or not you have a headset.Penny Arcade PS3 IDs:
AbsoluteZero / AbsoluteZero-PA / USA / No
Ah_Pook / Ah_Pook
AlwaysAngryGuy / AlwaysAngryGuy
Antihippy / Antiwhippy
Aoi / Kirin70
Bamelin / Bamelin / Canada / Yes
bficky / BFicky / US / No
Chance / Chance_Splinter / Canada / Yes
Cyrixd / CyrixD
dantree / dantree / US
Darth_Mogs / Darth_Mogs
Descendant X / DescendantX
Diarmuid / skipdmn76
DietarySupplement / pittfurg
Doc Holliday / buckwilson
EliteDoomMaster / EltDM
Evander / TheEvander / US / Yes
gobassgo / gobassgo
Kirbith / Kirbith / US / Yes
Kuratosu / Leeway0 / Canada / Yes
Kyougu / Brownchiclets / US
Lagnar / Sugnar / Canada / Yes
Lion / WingedLion
LordNibbler / JPBrowncoat / US
MarioG. / MarioGuzman / US / Yes
MeepZero / MeepZero
MJ / LetterThirteen / US
Monkeydrye / sghoul / US / Yes
Morninglord / Morninglord
Mr_Grinch / SirGrinchx / UK
Muddy Water / muddywater009 / India / No
Omegasquash / Omegasquash / US
Omeks / Omeks_R7 / US / No
phekno / phekno / US / Yes
Project Mayhem / jnorrisiv / US / Yes
Radikal_Dreamer / RDreamer / US / Yes
RoriProfessor / RoriP / US / Yes
RoundBoy / Round_Boy
Roxtar / Jesp
Scrublet / TheScrublet / US / No
Six / SixkillerNYC
skyknyt / skyknyt / NA / No
sonictk / sonictk1989
SpugWeb / Douger17 / Canada / Yes
Staleghoti / Clintown
The Rocking M / TheRockingM / Australia / No
THEPAIN73 / Thepain73
toolbert / toolbert / US / No
UnbreakableVow / UnbreakableVow / US / No
Unco-ordinated / LiquidSolid / Aus/NZ / Yes
urahonky / urahonky / US / No
Vray / kurod007 / US
Wezoin / Wezoin
Ziggymon / monsterlovers / UK
That being said, let me welcome you all to the PS Network/Store thread! This is where we talk about new content that has come out, content that's going to come out, content that's out in some regions but not others (sorry UKers!), and general PS3/PSP-related miscellanea.
How do I buy things from the PS Store for my PSP?
Unco-ordinated recently covered this (I wasn't sure if people not knowing was a widespread issue), so I'll let his post here speak for him:
There's three ways to get PSP stuff. The first is to download it to a PS3 and then copy it across to the PSP, the second is to go directly online through a wireless connection and the third is to use the Media Manager.
Go to
this website, download and install the Media Manager. Plug your PSP into your PC/Laptop and go to the PS Store within the Media Manager. If you don't have a PSN ID, you'll need to sign up for one.
Anyhow...questions? Comments? Suggestions? Cheap shots? I made this thread as a labor of love for fellow PSN users, so let me know if there's anything I can do to make it better, guys!
As it's been mentioned a couple of times in the LBP thread, the Metal Gear Solid Packs for LittleBigPlanet will be added in the December 23rd update.
And I don't know how far ahead you want the updates to go, but I've heard that Nobi Nobi Boy might make it to PSN in January. It says English Version by that date, but that doesn't always mean US PS Store.
Unfortunately, that's about all I know that's coming up. Feel free to add my PSN (Darth_Mogs) to the OP if you'd like. Glad to see something like this for the PS Store.
EDIT: (For the PSN set up thing.)
Darth_Mogs / Darth_Mogs / NA (US, whatever you wanna say.) / No.
I just love it that much.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
For what it's worth, I never played any version before but downloaded the PS One version and enjoyed the hour or so I played. I'd play it more, but, you know...Fallout 3 has Trophies now, man.
i recommend that everyone buy SSF2THDR because it is super ultra awesome. there are other great games, but SF2 is mega.
I'm seriously considering Crash Commandos.
PSN: Brownchiclets
Isn't that against PSN policy?
No, I'm pretty sure the policy actually says it can be done. I'll have to look it up.
I'm probably going to get Crash Commandos too, Kyougu. There's a thread for it already incase you didn't see it.
Speaking of which, maybe we should link to all the PSN/PS3 Game On threads in here? Or does that make this an illegal 'megathread'?
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
I don't know how to do the link-but-don't-imbed thing. Sorry if you're on 56k. But then if you're on dialup, what are you doing on PSN?
Also, my PSN is Chance_Splinter. Always up for connecting with PA peeps.
Nah, we should keep that separate. Warhawk in particular has a very dedicated thread, this thread will be more along the lines of being used as announcing new PSN games and updates coming.
So what's this I hear about Lumines being available next week?
Edit: And what's this about game sharing? I am intrigued.
Edit Edit: Noby Noby Boy looks cool.
Edit Edit Edit: I would punch kittens for a downloadable Katamari Damacy game on the PSN.
The targeting mechanic is a really neat idea which was done very well in the WiiWare game Lost Winds. I feel like I'll just be wishing that I had a Wii Remote instead of the right analog stick, which I worry will prove cumbersome and will slow down the platforming. Some of those shots (especially with the bungee-cord-thing) require a good deal of accuracy, which will be difficult with the analog stick while running/jumping at full speed.
I'm sure the developers are aware of this though, so maybe it plays much better than I'm making it out to be.
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
PSN: Sugnar
Quick question, does anyone know when PSN cards will be available in Canada? Last I heard it would be sometime next year. They are in the US now, but up here we got noting.
What is your PSN ID?
About sharing, basically, someone buys a game on PSN, delete their saved credit card info, change their password temporarily, and give their e-mail address and new password to four other people. Once they get the game, you change your password back to what you had it at before.
Sony's DRM allows you to download anything you've purchased on PSN on up to five PS3s.
I, however, do not condone this. Seriously, times are hard, guys, but it's not like this doesn't affect game makers as well. I'm not going to be partly responsible for another Free Radical story.
My PSN name is DescendantX.
And you're right about the sharing thing. I should have thought more about that question because it's not as though I didn't know the answer already.
PSN games are cheap, so there's really no reason to share them. If anything we can use this thread to review the games that we've downloaded if anyone has any questions.
EDIT: I don't actually have an underscore in my PSN name. Fixed it. Added it to my sig too.
The number of things released Dec 18th is impressive.
Also, Soldner X is fun, though I managed to get myself annihilated on the second level. Which is typical of a shoot 'em up I suppose.
PSN: JPBrowncoat Xbox: BamSaidTheLaday Also on Steam! Streaming games!
I'd definitely dig being in the OP. my username is gobassgo
user: sonictk1989
But for online stuff I usually go with LBP, other than that I sometimes play SC 4 online...and that's it. Haven't touched MGO or GTA 4 in a while. =\
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a) Include the UK and Japanese updates too.
b) Get rid of the ridiculously large headers. Bold works just fine.
c) Instead of posting the video additions, just post a link to the video update posts on the PS Blog.
d) Add PA usernames, regions and headset next to everyone's PSN ID. I only mention regions because some games are region locked or just super laggy. So mine would look like:
Unco-ordinated / LiquidSolid / Aus/NZ / Yes.
That's all I can think of at the moment. Your OP is still good, I just think it could be better.
Also Luminies supernova is due out very soon. (already out on the Jap and HK stores)
Thanks, I'll get to work on this. I didn't even think about asking people about headsets.
I can get the UK updates by logging onto my UK account, but anyone know how I'd get a hold of the Japanese updates?
Honestly? Copy them from Neogaf.
Metal Gear Solid is my Kryptonite. Those bastards.
That's kind of a novelty though, right? Does anyone on here honestly use the Japanese store? I'm willing to bet these boards are 99% US and UK region.
Why would it be a novelty? The Japanese store has a lot of content on it that the US and European ones don't (like good PS1 games) and it's pretty easy to buy Japanese PSN cards online. I've downloaded plenty of stuff from my Japanese account, some of which still isn't out on any of the other stores.
Alright, I'll work on adding that in sometime tomorrow then.
It's 5 am here. :P
Oh and shove me in the op:
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
PSN tag is in my sig.
I'd throw out my PSN tag here, but I don't play enough games online to be worth adding to your Friends Lists, unless you just really want to know what I'm playing at any given time.