Our player and town data can be found HERE
We also use the wiki for Fossil and Gyroid trading.
So whats up in February? Time to find a friend whos native to moon speak:
So whats new in City Folk? Well, to be honest, not a whole lot. City Folk takes all the stuff that was dropped in Wild World, and all the new Stuff in Wild World, adds some stuff here and there, and thats about it. It really is a case of more of the same, but thats okay, some of us are cool with that.
An example here would be that Wild World had a possible 140ish animal villagers, whereas City Folk has around 210.
So, to make your town better, or just to simply make money, you need tools. However, all tools have upgrades and features. This list is how to find those tools and what they do:
Axe: 400 bells from Nook's shop
Silver Axe: Serena (after throwing an axe into the town fountain)
Golden Axe: Serena (after throwing an axe into the town fountain)
The difference: Silver axes will never break. Golden axes will also never break, and cut trees down much faster.
Net: 500 bells from Nook's shop
Silver Net: 500 bells from Nook's shop (after level 2 upgrade)
Golden Net: From Tortimer after catching every bug.
The difference: the Silver net is a bit bigger than the normal net, while the golden net makes catching bugs 'a breeze'
Shovel: 500 bells from Nook's shop
Silver Shovel: Resetti Surveillance Center
Golden Shovel: Bury a Shovel for one day.
The difference: a Silver shovel gives you a 10% chance for more bells when you're smacking rocks. The Golden Shovel allows you to plant Bell trees.
Fishing Rod: 500 bells from Nook's shop
Silver Rod: 500 bells from Nook's shop (after level 2 upgrade)
Golden Rod: From Tortimer after catching every fish.
The difference: Silver rods have better lures than normal rods, making fishing a bit easier. Golden Rods 'is a real fish magnet!'
Slingshot: 500 bells from Nook's Shop
Silver Slingshot: 500 bells from Nook's Shop (after level 2 upgrade)
Golden Slingshot: Balloon (after shooting at least eight balloons)
The difference: The silver slingshot fires two bullets instead of one, while the Golden slingshot fires three.
Watering Can: 500 bells from Nook's shop
Silver Watering Can: From Nook's Shop after buying 50 bags of seeds
Golden Watering Can: From Town Hall after maintaining a perfect town for 15 days straight.
The difference: The silver watering can has a wider radius for sprinkling water. The Golden can can save dead or dying things the silver can cannot.
So now you're interested enough to play? Well good. Here is a good pic to get your started:
See, when you start the game, you'll be asked a set of questions. Those questions determine what your face will look like. Of course, you have the option to use your Mii face as well. The hair guide is for the saloon thats found in the city.
When asked for color, the following will help.
Hair Colors:
Safe-light brown
Mysterious-Dark Brown
Finally, the best way we make money around here is the Stalk Market. Here's how it works.
A lovely (old) warthog names Joan will come to your town on Sunday between 6am and noon. She'll sell you turnips in bunches of 100 for around 100 bells a pop. After that, everyday from Monday thru Saturday, you should ask Tom Nook how much he's buying turnip prices for. These numbers range from 50 to 800. Typically, if you've got anything over 200, we share this information on the forums so that other villagers can take advantage of this great deal. As a curtesy, we usually drop a 10-15% tip for the person whos hosting this giant sale. One thing to watch out for though, is your turnips will go bad after Saturday, so make sure you sell them before then.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
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And hold on a second, turnips are ten a stack and not 100? Suddenly the stalk market isn't as enticing as it once was compared to a twice-weekly fruit haul.
EDIT: Oh, good.
Nope, thats a typo. :P
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
I have visited your town on a few occasions when your gate was open, but either couldn't find you..or found you just standing there.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
Add me!
I tend to pop into the game on and off throughout the day, no real pattern. Mostly during advert breaks in the evening etc.
Was there anything in particular you were after?
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
Add me!
Does an hour work for you? 4:30 Mountain time.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
I should still be about then, will check every now and then for the next hour.
I tried to add you on the wiki, but your code on the wiki and the code Teaparty has is nowhere near the same thing.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
Battlenet: Judgement#1243
psn: KupoZero
Oh well. I'll have 'em by the end of the week for sure. Unless they start sending me duplicates. >_<
Something isn't working right. I see you on the list of people to visit but then get an error code (86420) which apparently means there is a network/firewall issue of some sort. Have tried restarting the game but with no change.
Try opening your gate. we'll see if we can get to you.
edit: apparently someone else came to visit, so its not on our end.
You're trying to visit Tea, right?
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
Currently when I try to enter BarneyL's friend code, it says it doesn't exist.
TeaParty has Barney on the friend roster, but the code she has is the code next to JPBrowncoats name.
So Barney, what does your friend code say it is, in game?
What do other people have listed for Barney's friend code.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
4726 1752 6639 (Barney in Barnton)
It could be my internet connection which does seem to be a little unreliable tonight.
I did just catch a bee though.. after a few days straight of being stung no less than 4 times each day.
I have no idea why I had to do all this when it's worked fine before.
Having said that I've just been booted home from your town.
If you don't want to DMZ your Wii, you can always just open up all ports to it.
Sorry about that. We were in a bit of a hurry for some last minute xmas shopping.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
Some random notes:
- Vyolynce: thanks so much for picking up an extra snow globe, you rock! Any gyroid that you want or anything else you would like, just let us know.
- Sporky: we still need to hook up to find the lost kitten, just let us know when a good time for you would be and we'll see what fits over here.
- I've added our list of gyroids to the Gyroid Trading section of the wiki, in case anybody wants to look for something they want.
- Side note on the wiki: I don't know what is standard operating procedure on the wiki, but I've noticed sections that use the wiki markup and sections that use the HTML. Is there a preferred method of adding/editing content on the wiki page? I thought it might be the wiki markup but I figured I'd ask in case I was wrong. Thanks!
The only one I want/need right now is a Mega Poltergoid.
Although I picked up a Mini Croakoid the other day if you and Mrs. Froggs wants it.
I just got my Nook N Go last night. I'm digging this 1am deal. Still no slingshot though and so many balloons......
Yeah, my wife and I really miss that.
my bastard of a Nook has only been offering like 65 bells
Yay, thanks Cullen. Hopefully I'll get to play some tonight.
Djiem...quick question. Have you got me added yet? for some reason I don't seem to see a heart next to your town yet.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
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I hope you have bed head.
Yeah, I'll be off and probably at home for the rest of the week, although Thursday could be dicey. We're usually out all Friday night for FNM, but if we have a good price we can leave the gate open.
I've just realised I've never met Jingle. I think he/she wasn't in WW due to over the top political correctness and I didn't play the original over Christmas.
Yeah, that was me and TeaParty.
We were just playing with the other features to see what potential we had. The calander is a bitch to make it pretty otherwise.
I think when you log in, its always HTML my default, so many people are probably just using that.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
How do you keep your gardens (flower areas) from getting trampled on by guests?
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
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Yeah, basically. That's why Nintendo uses Friend Codes: so you know who you're playing with (more than once...) aren't assholes or worse.