The new year is nearly upon us and with that tax refunds and my Groundhog Day birthday which means a small temporary infusion of cash. Currently, I have Rock Band 1 and 2 (Wii) and have played GHWT for the Wii (guitar only). I have a GH3 guitar, RB guitar, RB drums, mic.
I really want to update my plastic instruments this year and get the highest compatibility possible without filling my small living room.
It seems like the best bet would be for me to get the GHWT kit and accept the loss of RB1. But first, a few questions:
GHWT guitars work with RB2, not RB1 - are there any 3rd party guitars compatible with both on the Wii?
Drums - I love the idea of cymbols, but do they feel natural with RB2 - a game that doesn't have cymbols in the default kit?
Is the GHWT guitar an upgrade enough that I should consider getting a second one and getting rid of my RB and GH3 guitars altogether?
Will I need 4 Wiimotes (2 guitars, 1 drums, 1 singer)?
Is there anything else I should be thinking of?
because those are a big step up, a lot funner and more compact
but then again this is my opinion
then you can do Battle of the Bands
or keep the ones you want while still being able to play RB1
Can anyone confirm?
Also, you really could have asked this in either the GHWT or RB2 thread, and gotten some pretty detailed answers.
Personally I find the RB2 drums more fun, but I also bought the cymbal attachments for them.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
The only real deciding factor is if she would actually go about downloading songs or not.
RB has an enormous catalogue right now, somewhere around 390ish songs to download. So if she would actually spend 2 bucks here and there for a song, I'd suggest RB. If she wont ever touch DLC, then just go by the setlists that each game has.
Oh right, you said Wii version... well, the DLC hasn't started yet for the Wii, but harmonix has said it'll start with 30ish songs on day one, and they will backdate it to match the 360/PS3 version.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
I've gotten to play both and from a gameplay standpoint, I'd go with RB2. Its kind of annoying that most wii owners are GHWT (understandable as it came out first), but the game is really close to the PS3 and X360 versions, save for the tattoo creator and band icon editor. If that doesn't bother her (didn't bother me, and I'm an obsessive about customization), then I'd say RB2.
Battlenet: Judgement#1243
psn: KupoZero
but I think Rock Band 2 is where to go for DLC
it makes me think of Tiger Woods '08. I just wanted to play golf, but I had like 60 some odd sliders to adjust to make sure my forehead looked normal, and my nose wasn't the width of my face, and so on and so forth.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????