I am putting it up to you! YES YOU! the choice for my next game purchase.
I have just bought a new 42inch lcd tv which may not be somthing to you latte drinking uppies out there, but going from my 16inch rear project to this, it is for me. So I am looking for new game to play to take advantage of all of this and i need your help.
Could someone please recommend a game for me.... bear in mind the following parameters:_
*we have a wii,xbox360 and playstaion 3
*preferably two player for me and my room mate, though if there is a good one player game with quick hot seats, will be interested.
*i'm in AUstralia so if that helps
* preferably an rpg or fp shooter
Mods please let me know if this is innapororpiate or if there is a genereal chat thread, i am a bit under teh influce and could not see anything in the rules about htis. plus this is my firs thread.
Resistance 2
Soul Calibur 4
It doesn't meet any of your criteria but it looks oh so pretty.
Also if your TV supports 1080p then Wipeout (again, doesn't hit your criteria but it's SO pretty).
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
-Dead Space.
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
-LittleBIGplanet (awesome multiplayer)
-Mirror's Edge
-Fable 2
-Gears of War 2 (local co-op?)
-Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (2 player fighing, very-very pretty but not very-very good)
-Tales of Vesperia
-Valkyria Chronicles
Yeah my roommate has that, havent cracked it out yet. that would look real nice
Libary is as best to my knowlege (wii and xob are mine)
fiaf 08+09
dynstanys warrios
gears of war
fable 2 (seomthing liek this would be awsome, but acutully set up for 2 player)
dynsatny warriors gundam
force unleaashed
gta 4
ss brawl
dynstany warriors katana
mario party 8
wii sports
mario stikres football
pro evo soccer 08
metgal gear 4
fifa 09
burnout paradiso
fall out 3
virtual fighet 5
gutair hero world tour
gta 5
the darkenss
did they ever make a sequal to Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes on any new gen consloe?
sorry for my ttyping, drunnnk