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Mount & Blade: HAIL AND KILL (NSF56K)

pantsypantsy Registered User regular
edited August 2009 in Games and Technology

Please use the following music for flavor as you read this thread:

Steam Users please see the bottom of the OP for important patch info!



War never changes.


Welcome to Calradia.

You are an adventurer, forging your own path in the world.

Who will you fight for?

The Nords

Residing along the northern coast of Calradia, these hardy warriors are unmatched on foot. Their fierce Huscarls fight with axe and javelin, striking fear into the hearts of their opponents. This faction is entirely infantry-based, with weak archer support but arguably the strongest infantry in the game.

The Vaegirs

The Vaegirs call the eastern mountain ranges of Calradia home. They have a mix of fairly strong cavalry and infantry, but their marksmen are second to none. Many a foe has fallen at the walls of a Vaegir stronghold due to their prowess.

The Swadians

The Swadians are a proud and haughty nation, having once controlled most of Calradia. Now that battle lines have been drawn once again, the Swadian throne has called his vassals to war. Swadians feature the heaviest cavalry available in the game, the Swadian Knight. These mounted warriors can dominate most infantry on open ground. This kingdom also has a decent mix of crossbowmen and infantry.

The Khergits

After centuries of oppression by the Swadians and Vaegirs, the Khergit Khanate has called his hordes together. Born and bred on the vast steppes of southern Calradia, the Khergits are masters of the horse and bow. Khergit children learn to shoot and ride before they learn to read and write. This kingdom is entirely cavalry based, and focuses on horse archery.

The Rhodoks

Generally a peaceful nation of farmers, the Rhodoks have seen the writing on the wall and a call to arms has been sounded. Farmers have taken up the spear and shield in defense of their nation. The Rhodoks are another cavalry-less kingdom, but have the best crossbowman available, as well as featuring strong defensive spearmen with large shields.

Who will you choose?

Why should I play this game?
Let me show you. (spoilered for h-scrollage)

The Rhodok army ran.

Driven like so many cattle before the forces of the mighty Nord King Ragnar, they hoped to reach the safety of the castle walls at Jelkala.

However, they had a problem. A big one.

A problem in the form of Lord Hoglor Turacheg and his one hundred Reavers, brave huscarls all.

As the terrified Rhodok rabble swarmed directly into his trap, Lord Turacheg knew that blood would be spilled on this day.

And spilled it was.

In Mount & Blade, you can join a nation as a mercenary and eventually become a vassal. You can command large armies on the field of battle, or you can travel from town to town looking for the best trade deals. You can gain fame on the tournament circuit, or travel from town to town and help them with their problems.


-Command armies with a tactical interface

-Siege towns and castles

-Become a lord by joining a faction

-Start rebellions and help a claimant take their rightful throne

-Plunder, rape, pillage, etc.

-Hire companions that you can outfit and level up

-Robust RPG levelling system

-Hundreds of weapons and armors

-Responsive horse and combat controls

Basically, this game is the shit.

Really Big Ass List of M&B gameplay tweaks

Recommended Mods
(Note: this list can be subject to change and addition)
Native Expansion
Tons of new units, items, etc. Start your own kingdom! Also, troop formations.

Native Improved
Gives kingdoms a more unique feel and improves gameplay through tweaks and stat changes to gear and units, keeping the original feel of the game.

Graphical Enhancement Mod 2.5
Makes the game look shiny and way better.

PunkT Hi-Res Textures
Overhauls the world map textures without adding any new land features to screw up the game! Looks like google earth.

Battle Map Textures
Makes the battle map look nicer.

Ocean and Blood Fix
Improves ocean and blood animations/textures.

Battle Size Changer
A must-have in my opinion. Lets you up the battle size to 1000! Test what your computer can handle. The more, the merrier.

Hundred Years War
Completely overhauls the game to put the player in Europe during the Hundred Years War between England and France. All new units and gear.

Calradia At War
Expands upon the original game, adding tons of new companions, troops, items, quests, and locations.

Star Wars Mod
Self explanatory.

More Metal Sounds
Adds lots of nice battle sounds to combat, makes it sound more realistic.

Eagle and Radiant Cross Mod
New kingdoms with unique troop trees. Introduces firearms (not cheesy but pretty cool) and really nice new armor/weapon models. Worth a look.

1. Why am I getting curb stomped alot?
As someone put it in the thread, Calradia is a dangerous place. At low levels, try to avoid bandit groups, except for looters. Looters are the easiest enemies in the game, barring farmers. Even deserters can be dangerous. Try practicing and getting xp at a training field or in the arena first. Then when you have some cash, go around and recruit as many dudes as you can. Using the in-game commands is your key to success.

2. How can I control my troops during battle?
F1-F12 are assorted commands. For example, F1 is "Hold This Position". F2 is "Follow Me" F3 is "Charge", and so on. You can look these up in the control options. Also, 1-4 lets you switch between unit types for ordering purposes (all, infantry, archers, cavalry). Alternately you can press backspace to open the tactical menu. This provides a map of the battle, unit losses for both sides, and a more in depth ordering menu.

3. What is this "couched" damage I keep hearing about?
Couched damage is when you strike someone with a polearm that has been lowered into a striking position, or "couched". In order to do this, you must have a polearm class weapon equipped, and then gain enough speed on your horse. Once you are going fast enough, your guy will automatically lower the spear or lance into the couched position. When this happens simply run the tip of the spear into an enemy. You do not need to click to attack. If you get a solid hit, the result is usually massive damage. I have personally hit for over 500 damage with a high polearm skill. Considering that most enemies don't have over 50 or 60 hitpoints, you can imagine how effective this is at any level.

4. What are companions and where can I find them?
Companions are unique followers who can be hired to join your army. You can find them randomly hanging out in taverns. They will have a story to tell you, and then if you have room you can hire them. They are great because they level up the same way you do, and you get to assign their skill points and so on. Also, you get to completely equip them. You can do both these things by selecting to "talk" to them through the party menu. A word of warning: Some companions do not get along with others, and will eventually leave (taking your shit with them). They also have likes and dislikes of actions on the part of the player. I would use this companion guide to figure out who you want in your party.

5. How come it takes forever for new troops to level up?
Two points. First, the skill called "trainer" will help immensely. Once a day, the game takes all of your points in Trainer and half the points of all your companions' Trainer skills and give experience to every unit lower level than you. The lower level they are, the bigger the difference. Maxing trainer on all your companions is a good way to get those new recruits toughened up. Secondly, units will get experience for killing enemies, just like you. The game puts your troops in battle starting at the top of the list in the party menu and working its way down. So, if you have your new guys at the bottom all the time, they wont see much action and will thus only get shared exp from the battle. However, you must balance the risk of extra casualties against your desire to level dudes up.

6. How do I get a village/castle/town?
You have to be offered a fief by your king. The way the king decides is based on your renown, the number of fiefs you already have, and how much the king likes you. Also, if you captured the town/castle yourself you have a higher chance of getting it. Basically, the more famous you are, the better chance you have of getting a new territory. If other lords have fewer lands than you, it'll be a while until you get offered a new one.

7. What is honor and what does it do?
Honor is a rating of how nice of a guy you are. Refusing ransom offers lowers your honor, as do some quests. Releasing captured lords and defending ladies' reputation earns you honor. All it does is makes people with similar honor like you more and people with different honor like you less. If youre a dick, then nice guys will get pissed at you easier.

8. What is renown and what does it do?
Renown is your fame across the lands of Calradia. You gain it for defeating enemies and winning tournaments. It increases your chance of being offered new fiefs and increases the number of troops that you can have in your army. The more impressive your victory in battle, the more renown you will get. Smashing 10 peasants with 500 knights will not get you any renown, but staving off 400 enemies with 30 dudes in a castle defense will earn you quite a large boost.

9. What do I do with all these enemy lords/soldiers I've captured?
There are a few options. First, you will occasionally receive ransom offers for captured lords. These offers will range from 2000 denars for crappy ones to up to 20,000 for kings. Keep in mind that if you ransom them you will face them on the field of battle again. If you want to hold onto lords to deprive your enemy of armies, you can do a couple things. First, if you own a castle or town, you can place them in the dungeon through the garrison interface (click on the lord -> "give"). You can build prison towers to reduce their chance of escape. If you don't have a garrisonable location, you can visit friendly lords in their castles and they will sometimes offer some cash to take the lord off of your hands.

When it comes to regular soldiers and/or bandits, most taverns will have a "Ransom Broker" in them. This guy will buy any units off of you for 50 denar apiece. Basically, you can become a slaver if you like. Keep in mind that you will have to train at least one point of Prisoner Management to capture anyone.

Thats all I can think of rights now. Im sure theres more to come.

How can I get this game?
Mount & Blade can be acquired in stores, on Steam, or through the developers' website. Also at the dev's site, you can download the full client with a trial mode that lets you play till level 7 at

Mount & Blade Screenshots

Awesome M&B Wiki

Trading Guide for Adventuresome Merchant Types
I noticed a distinct lack of a traders guide, so I decided to do a little research and write my own. This is meant as a general guide. Prices vary widely over time, but the areas that are predisposed to certain commodity prices seems to remain constant. All towns are listed left to right in order of best to worst price. Prices listed are with 10 trading, so assume a bit higher/lower if you have less trade. Also all cities are 0 relation, better relations will improve your margins.

The ordering of towns is from an average view of the 5 different save games over the course of several days each, and the top price will not always be at the listed town - it's just the town that averaged a higher price. Prices listed are in ranges, some quite broad. These are the general ranges of prices that I recorded in my testing of the towns listed.
Note that villages offer cheaper merchandise than the towns, sometimes less than 1/2 the price of towns. From my experience, the villages usually stock the same cheap good as the town they are near. For instance: Price of Oil in Suno is currently 208 in one game. The nearby village Nomar has several units of oil at a price of 111. All city's don't always have the good that they sell, either - in some cases I had to wait for several days before they got them in stock.

Nord Lands
Buy at: Wercheg, Tihr.
Sell at: Narra, Veluca, Halmar, Tulga
Buy/Sell prices: 5-30/55-70
Buy at: Sargoth
Sell at: Narra, Tulga, Halmar, Veluca,
Buy/Sell prices: 85-95/230-240

Vaegir Lands
Buy at: Rivacheg, Reyvadin
Sell at: Tihr, Halmar, Veluca, Narra
Buy/Sell prices: 15-40/75-90
Buy at: Reyvadin
Sell at: Narra, Yalen, Veluca, Tihr
Buy/Sell prices: 20-50/140-160
Buy at: Curaw
Sell at: Tihr, Yalen, Veluca, Narra
Buy/Sell prices: 60-90/280-320
Buy at: Khudan
Sell at: Yalen, Veluca, Narra, Tihr
Buy/Sell prices: 75-150+/435-475

Swadian Lands
Buy at: Praven
Sell at: Tihr, Rivacheg, Wercheg
Buy/Sell prices: 22-52/80-105
Buy at: Uxkhal
Sell at: Tihr, Wercheg, Rivacheg
Buy/Sell prices: 12-40/80-100
Buy at: Uxkhal
Sell at: Tihr, Wercheg, Rivacheg
Buy/Sell prices: 26-50/95-110
Buy at: Dhirim
Sell at: Veluca, Narra, Tihr
Buy/Sell prices: 115-200/430-470
Buy at: Suno, Narra
Sell at: Wercheg, Curaw , Rivacheg, Khudan
Buy/Sell prices: 195-300/480-520

Rhodok Lands
Buy at: Yalen, Jelkala
Sell at: Tulga, Rivacheg, Ichamur, Khudan, Wercheg
Buy/Sell prices: 35-60/100-110
Buy at: Veluca
Sell at: Rivacheg, Tihr, Wercheg, Khudan
Buy/Sell prices: 30-80/145-165
Buy at: Jelkala
Sell at: Tihr, Rivacheg, Wercheg
Buy/Sell prices: 615-780/995-1025

Khergit Lands
Buy at: Halmar
Sell at: Tihr, Yalen, Rivacheg, Wercheg
Buy/Sell prices: 15-30/130-150
Buy at: Ichamur
Sell at: Yalen, Suno, Rivacheg, Tihr
Buy/Sell prices: 65-90/270-280
Buy at: Tulga
Sell at: Yalen, Tihr, Wercheg

Buy/Sell prices: 200-470/915-1003

Also note that most goods are valuable at the most distant areas, with a few exceptions. One oddity was the price of oil - I found it for about 300 at Veluca and Narra as well as the lower prices in Suno, and in one game Suno was at 300 for oil too. The result is the distant southern lands pay very little for oil, so the best prices are northeast.

Since I only used 5 games with a few days in each as my sample, expect different results - but the general prices should be at least similar.

Awesomeness by GalagaGalaxian:
As a product of mad boredom, I made this:

A list of all the banners used by the nobles (though oddly, one unlisted Nord noble uses Sanjur Khan's banner as well).

The ones with no names are not used by a Lord and are suitable for selecting for yourself if you don't want to steal someone else's or overwriting with a custom banner.

Such as these:,51150.0.html


There are some problems with saves and scripts if you update your game through steam. Here is what you can do for now:
Okay, maybe we can update the OP with some info:

If you have a 1.010 gamesave, it will not be compatible with the recently [Steam] released 1.011. You have the following options:

1. If you still have 1.010, right click the game within Steam, click Properties, and tell it to NEVER update.

2. If you are running Vista and have been pushed 1.011, you may be able to restore your 'mountandblade' folder to a previous version from prior to the update. If you installed to a partition other than your windows partition, System Restore would have to have been enabled for that partition. By default, System Restore only protects your Windows install partition.

3. Grab your key from Steam, download 1.010, install, then port your saves over.

Now, ride forth and conquer!

pantsy on


  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    If the Native expansion isn't your thing, I'd recommend the Native Improved mod, which makes some minor adjustments, tweaking a few stats and striving to make each nation more unique and diverse mostly by giving each nation their own unique look (For example, Vaegirs now have their own style, rather than being a mix of Nord and Khergit armor styles) via adjusted gear tables while keeping the feel of the original game.

    How awesome is this game?

    So awesome.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009

    War can be messy.

    Sir Carcass on
  • pantsypantsy Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Updated the mod list. If you have something you think should be added, just post it here or PM me and I'll add it to the list.

    pantsy on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Very Messy, its gonna take a while to clean up all these bodies from our new castle.
    I suppose I should take that arrow out of my chest too...

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • A-PuckA-Puck Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    You know what is great in life? Having an army of 10+ khergit horse archers and 10+ Swadian knights tear apart one of those 30+ sea raider raep squads.

    A-Puck on
    Soon... soon I will install you, my precious.
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Meh, mixed armies are dull, they make it too easy to take the best of everything.

    Fight like a Nord!

    Or a Vaegir, or a Swadian, or a Khergit, or a Rhodok, but don't dip your fingers in all the pies!

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    My army is based around Swadian knights, but because I'm with the Rhodaks and thus fighting their enemies, I've got a lot of Rhodaks I hired as freed prisoners. I had one awesome series of fights of just about single-handedly defending a castle (only had like 20-30 garrison in it), then leaving and finishing off the three armies including the King's which had attacked it. I got so much renown I was able to hire a tiny army of new men from the freedmen.

    Scooter on
  • PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Meh, mixed armies are dull, they make it too easy to take the best of everything.

    Fight like a Nord!

    Or a Vaegir, or a Swadian, or a Khergit, or a Rhodok, but don't dip your fingers in all the pies!

    I started all Swadian, but then the castle/2nd village I was awarded was Vaegir ethnically and bordered Khergit land. And then I wanted some burly Nords to man my battlements
    So now I have a 40% Swad, 40% Vaegir, 10% Kherg, 10% Caravan Guards/Nord/whomever I'm bringing back to my castle.

    In all but the biggest fights though, its me, a few companions and a bunch of Swad/Vae Knights crushing the enemy with hit and run tactics

    PantsB on
    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    There is a mod that allows you to recruit the owning factions soldiers from a village rather than the original owners.

    I'm not using it myself, as only a proper Nordman could hope to be strong enough to one day be awarded the honor of the Huscarl Shield.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I usually have about half Swadian Knights, a quarter Sword Sisters, and a quarter Swadian Sharpshooters.

    Sir Carcass on
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Oh, and I gotta say: Fuck Lord Toregar (I think that's the one, Nordic dude). He's the only opponent to ever make me want to avoid the general space. He's got some ungodly suit of armor (with the distinctive evil overlord helmet), and my sword was just bouncing off the dude. He used his 2-handed axe to cut through my dudes, I took his horse down, but then he got mine, and then it was just chop, chop, chop through my shield and then my skull.

    Scooter on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Well, mercenaries are fine, since they're prohibitively expensive. (My Huscarl wants 30-35ish gold, in my old save, the best mercenary troopers wanted 40-something)

    They're even more expensive in native expansion too, but also made more badass.\

    Lord Toregar? I think I've met that dude a few times, but the Native Improved mod must've changed his stats as he wasn't wearing any weird helmet. Sounds like a proper Nord badass though, except for the horse bit, but thats something else Native Improved fixed on (otherwise the fool would just charge ahead as the single cavalry in his army and die messily)

    I'm assuming it was a winged great helm?

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Yea, and he was riding ahead and alone.

    And kicking my army's ass while he did it.

    I did fight him once before on foot (someone else must've got his horse) and he had all his troops swarmed around him in bodyguard mode, and that helm really stood out. I can't remember if I got him that time either, I might've gotten swarmed by his guard.

    Scooter on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Hmmm that winged helm doesn't strike my as very "Nordlike". Also, did the body armor look like this?


    I want a suit of that armor badly, but I think I look pretty badass as-is.

    Oh man, I love Nords. All these enemy casualties listed (as well as a couple that scrolled past) were taken BEFORE they reached out battle line (Standing right behind me) from our hail of throwing axes and javelins.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Pretty sure it was something dark and metal. My guess is he was wearing the top-of-the-line in everything.

    Scooter on
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Also, is it just me, or is the starting sword the best one-handed sword? I haven't seen any that do more damage.

    Or are there starting bonuses to things like being a blacksmith/etc?

    Scooter on
  • pantsypantsy Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    That armor in the picture is called "Cuir Boulli" or something like that.

    pantsy on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Yeah, your choices during character creation effect your stats, skills, proficiencies, inventory, and even your starting renown.

    And yeah I know its called Cuir Bouilli, I just can't afford such an item right now, a party of 40, mostly experienced Nordmen is hard to feed and payroll when you're a total independent.

    I guess I should consider signing on with Nordland soon.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    The Bastard Sword is the best one handed weapon I've found.

    Sir Carcass on
  • PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I'm using a balanced saber, but I do most of my death dealing via forehand off a charging horse style

    PantsB on
    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • Ziac45Ziac45 Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I used the Saber for awhile but I prefer the bastard sword I picked up.

    Ziac45 on
  • taliosfalcontaliosfalcon Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    pfft one handed swords are for cowards, real men don't need shields :P

    taliosfalcon on
  • Dr SnofeldDr Snofeld Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Okay after finally learning to use the orders and taking down 30 odd Sea Raiders, with 25 or so lowish-level Nord footsoldiers, with only three casualties as opposed to the 10 or so I usually get, I am now a Nord convert.

    Dr Snofeld on
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    But it has my logo!

    Scooter on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Dr Snofeld wrote: »
    Okay after finally learning to use the orders and taking down 30 odd Sea Raiders, with 25 or so lowish-level Nord footsoldiers, with only three casualties as opposed to the 10 or so I usually get, I am now a Nord convert.

    Just remember, if your men fight on foot, it is only right you do the same!

    What settings are you playing on, I'd expect a few more casualties than that using lower level Nord troops (Footmen? Trained Footmen), though it certainly doable.

    Eh I guess it kind looks Nord/Vikingish.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    pfft one handed swords are for cowards, real men don't need shields :P

    Bastard Swords are two-handed, too. :wink:

    I usually have a lance, sword, war bow, khergit arrows.

    Sir Carcass on
  • Dr SnofeldDr Snofeld Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Dr Snofeld wrote: »
    Okay after finally learning to use the orders and taking down 30 odd Sea Raiders, with 25 or so lowish-level Nord footsoldiers, with only three casualties as opposed to the 10 or so I usually get, I am now a Nord convert.

    Just remember, if your men fight on foot, it is only right you do the same!

    What settings are you playing on, I'd expect a few more casualties than that using lower level Nord troops (Footmen? Trained Footmen), though it certainly doable.

    It was 10 footmen, with one or two Trained footmen, and >10 low level archers. I'm not playing on full damage or anything. And I think I got lucky.

    And of course I was on foot with axe, shield and throwing axes. Man, throwing axes are excellent.

    Dr Snofeld on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Holy shit, King Ragnar must be pissed. Only a couple days after signing a mercenary contract in service of the Kingdom of Nords I received word to rendezvous with the king himself at the capital of Sargoth. Over the next two days almost half of the Nord Lords (9 of 20) arrived in the city with their personal warbands. Over 900 fighting men assembled. We're only at war with the Vaegirs, and have already captured two of their castles bordering Nord territory, perhaps the King aims to deal a decisive blow.

    The Nords are going to war!

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • Ash of YewAsh of Yew Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I love this game and play it every once in a while again, but I need to try some mods because I get pretty bored fairly fast. Being able to have my own kingdom should help.

    If you haven't done so adjust the damage you take, I think it defaults to less than full and it makes things a lot more interesting when you die regularly in 1 hit. I always choose to go with the nord and my last game was pretty much a series of me building up a really good army of nords with a core of huscarls and then getting completely dominated and having to start it all up again. My king was pissing me off though because I captured one castle which he gave to me but every time I'd grab a castle next to it he'd refuse to give me it and then the npc shmuck that got it instead always lost it, and my castle was like pretty well into enemy territory so I couldn't get a good defense going.

    Any ways I got a new comp so I'm pretty excited to try out some of the graphic and army size mods.

    Ash of Yew on
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Stuff like that makes me hesitate before declaring independence so quickly.

    Sir Carcass on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Stuff like that makes me hesitate before declaring independence so quickly.
    Knock knock, anyone home?

    Huh, either there were already some Nord lords in the area, or some must've broke off when I was sent to scout south of Reyvadin. 4 nearby Vaegir villages are burning, having either been looted, or are currently being raided.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
  • MorkathMorkath Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited January 2009
    I was being cocky with my new kingdom, and one of my castles got sieged by 900 angry burly norsemen who were pissed I broke my oath to the king. So I snuck in with what forces I had on hand(40 archers, and my 5 heroes). I managed to kill 400 of them by a combination of getting them pinned at the ladder while my archers pin cushioned them. And then by exploiting a pathing glitch by jumping onto the roof of a building near the wall, and killing them as they formed up their with a halberd. Unfortunately they still managed to shoot me with enough arrows to take me out and steal my masterwork ivory bow. Thankfully I have a couple more in storage at my capital city. Need to get that castle back for its lord now though.

    Also another mod for the OP:

    Morkath on
  • Dr SnofeldDr Snofeld Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Playing a Nord somehow makes me want a Fantasy Warhammer mod with playable Orcs.

    Dr Snofeld on
  • GoodKingJayIIIGoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Hm. It seems I should be playing this game.

    GoodKingJayIII on
    Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Is there any way to up the number of bodies on the field? I'm playing with battle size 400, but all the corpses disappear. I want it to look like hell when I'm done a battle.

    PolloDiablo on
  • KlatuKlatu Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi OiRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Man, all this talk over the last week or so of M&B ... I'm going to have to either bring it to work to play or reinstall when I get home. grr

    Klatu on
    Steam id:Klatu - PS id: Klatu_PA - 3DS FC: 0920-0528-6680
  • Ash of YewAsh of Yew Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Theres a corpse option in the main options, you can set it to unlimited I believe.

    I just downloaded the game on my new comp and the graphic/army size mods and started up a new game. I was building up a few dudes and then I got owned by some bandits, so I kept attacking them again when I'd escape (there were only 9) but they kept killing me in a single arrow shot. I finally got a little sneakier and was using a tree for cover and killing a few as they came up, but then my game crashed =(

    I've got a question though, I know you can declare independance after you have fealty to someone but does that let you have your own kingdom? Also if so, is there a quicker way to start your own? I noticed one of the mods in the OP said you could make your own kingdoms with it but I didn't really want all the extra stuff it added. I thought there was a way to do this in the normal game.

    Ash of Yew on
  • pantsypantsy Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Is there any way to up the number of bodies on the field? I'm playing with battle size 400, but all the corpses disappear. I want it to look like hell when I'm done a battle.

    In the main menu, go to options->video options

    Theres a box that lets you set the # of bodies all the way to infinite.

    Ash: You can't get your own kingdom, per say. If you help a claimant rebel and take the throne, youre basically the leader. You are the marshal during the rebellion, and you get to assign fiefs to people as you see fit. When the rebellion is over you usually get elected as marshal for life.

    The other thing you can do is either renounce your oath or abandon a rebellion. Your fiefs become labeled as "Rebel" and everyone hates you. Then when you take things over they are also rebels. But, you cant get lords to join you or anything.

    pantsy on
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Just got my first castle, yay.

    Unfortunately it's deep in enemy territory.

    Fortunately I just completely massacred two Vaegir armies that had tried a siege on it while I was out recruiting reinforcements. Seriously, like 155 of them vs 66 of us, they lose all, we get 2 wounded. I've got most of my foot troops as garrison, so my warband is almost entirely cav now.

    Gonna eat some dinner then try another castle raid.

    Scooter on
  • GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Well, King Ragnar's mighty campaign has finally drawn to a close as he stepped down as Grand Marshal (conveniently ending my mission to follow him) and I'm making my war-weary way back to Tihr to recuperate.

    In a series of battle raging across north-east Calradia, the Nordmen armies took several Vaegir strongholds, as well as lay claim to the city of Rivacheg itself. The Vaegir military was defeated in almost every engagement, with their only major victory being retaking Tilgaut Castle while we were occupied in the eastern areas (last I saw however, King Ragnar's personal warband was moving to siege the castle).

    Here are some pictures from the campaign.

    My Mercenary company performed well, I took significant losses over the campaign (started with 40 men, ended with 27, and thats with at least a dozen soldiers recruited from Vaegir prisoners along the way) but was present at pretty much every castle siege and even the major battle between the Nord and Vaegir kings (the icefield one in those pics). In addition my troupe also captured 2 Vaegir lords (one of which I quickly received a ransom of 3000 Denars for) during the campaign.

    May I say there is a certain delicious pleasure about facing down a charging Vaegir cavalryman with your great axe, side stepping and taking his horse out from under him with a horizontal slash as he passes and then hefting the axe above your head and bringing down upon his stunned and helpless back?

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
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