Hey guys.
I've been given a review code for Meteos Wars on XBLA, but since my 360 is red ringed, and my usual writers are busy, I'm offering it up to the PA forums. I won't be paying you, but you will get the game for free.
Normally I don't have much of a timeframe for when i need reviews done, but I want this one done as quickly as possible, by the weekend would be best, so if you can't start playing it immediately, proably best to not bother.
I guess it makes sense if you have played a lot of Meteos on the DS too.
As for the format of the review. Just give your honest, detailed opinion of the game, grounded in the context of the wider games industry as a whole. No score or anything.
If you've got some writing experience that's great, but if not, just convince me you are the person for the job. I will probably pick someone in the next couple of hours.
This is an example of my writing.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
Add me!
EDIT: Here's the write-up I did for Pac-Man: Championship Edition for a sample - http://www.gamebits.net/2007/12/15/pac-man-ce/
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,