Having a one year old leaves few hours to game, but that doesn't mean I have zero time. I've been picking up Mario Galaxy more and more to play some levels here and there, maybe in twenty minute bursts. Great game, beat it a while ago, looking for something new and something cheap. Thus my search for a downloadable game.
I only own a few VC games, Super Mario Bros, Lost Levels, Mario 3, Mega Man, Columns, and I think two others. No WiiWare games.
As for what I like, I love platformers because 'get to the end of the level' is the goal. Maybe its tricky, maybe I can do it fast, maybe its hard, whatever. It gives me a lot of options for how to play and yet its simple. I also love puzzle games, Puzzle Quest has taken so much time away from me it rivals only Diablo II.
World of Goo was very nearly a lot of people's game of the year here. It is absolutely awesome, creative, unique, superlative.
If you like platformers you would probably like Lost Winds. It's only part one of...I don't know how many, and I haven't heard any info about more, but it was well-received when it came out.
You also might like Megaman 9 although it is brutally hard. But a lot of people loved it.
Look into Art Style Orbient, it's one of those other indie-feeling unique puzzle experiences.
Let us know what you think of these games!
There is not enough lime in the world... of Goo.
World of Goo was my game of year for Wii by a mile (I'm not a Brawl fan) and it covers most of what you have listed as what you like. Most of the levels would definitely come in under 20 minutes.
3DS FC: 0817-3759-2788
Pefect pick up and play for whatever time windows you get.
Tetris Party
Bomberman Blast
You may want to try Lost Winds, the first installment is 3 hours, however it's more adventure style so if you drop it, you may not remember where you left off when you pick it up again.
Animal Crossing - 3566 5318 4585/2492 7891 0383 Deacon/Akisha in Crayon
Because....World of Goo.
Probably one of the best games on the Wii overall, retail or Wiiware.
If you like Megaman, you can't really go wrong with Megaman 9.
Oh and I can highly recommend Lost Winds. It's a bit short but I had a blast with it. Really good use of the wiimote and beautiful to boot.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
It is also made with LOVE, is brilliantly designed, everything good you have heard about it is absolutely true.
Well there's a PC demo available if you want to try it, shows you the whole first chapter IIRC.
Basically it's a physics based puzzle game with awesome style and atmosphere. You often hear it compared to Portal in that it takes a simple gameplay mechanic and thoroughly explores it from different angles as you move through the puzzles, and in the way that the setting is also a huge part of what makes the game unique.
I will also consider Megaman 9 and Art Style Orbient for future purchases. I've done some reading about Lost Winds and it seems too... peaceful for my tastes at the moment.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
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That said an awful lot of people do like it.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Ricky is a badass, 2x4 wielding parapsychologist.
Yea, before you play it check out Homestarrunner.com to see if you like the cartoon the game is based off of. Personally I love the cartoon so the games to me were fantastic.
and I'll put in a second for Defend Your Castle...it's great stuff.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
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Bomberman Blast
NNID: carmofin
3DS: 2852 6971 9745
Throw me a PM if you add me
Fucking wonderfull. I haven't played a Lemmings type game in much too long. Thank you G&T!
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
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NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
Others I have bought:
Tetris Party, Megaman 9, and Defend Your Castle.
All great games.
EDIT: How many levels does Defend Your Castle have? I am at I think 26 or 27.
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
Also, Lost Winds is really fun and pretty.
Defend Your Castle is stupidly fun with a few friends.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
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As for WiiWare, I also recommend Mega Man 9 but just to let you know, it is a real challenge. Also, there's a game coming called Evasive Space. I've seen a trailer for it and it looks pretty cool. I recommend checking that out when it gets released.