This should be a fun thread My niece is turning eleven in a few days and I haven't figured out what to get her for her birthday. Her parents just got her a DS Lite for Christmas, her first real video game system. I want to get her a game for it, but I'm stumped for ideas so I'm opening up a thread for suggestions. Some advice/parameters:
She's eleven, so nothing too violent/vulgar.
She loves animals and other cute things.
I only have a few days to find it, so preferably nothing too rare or obscure.
Thanks in advance for any advice
but seriously, if she likes cute stuff nintendogs is the way to go. Especially since this is her first real console, nintendogs is a great easy "game" to get started with.
New Super Mario Bros. isn't a bad idea either. And then there's always the Hannah Montana games (the second one is supposed to be less terrible from what I hear) or generally anything from a movie she likes (DS has tons of licensed games).
I'll suggest
Zoo Keeper
It's probably much harder to find than some of the more well known games listed here. But if you happen upon a used copy in your search it might be worth it to pick up. It's basically bejeweled with cute animal faces. Between myself, my mom and sister we've put hundreds of hours into that thing trying to beat each others top scores.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Noooo it's DS only stupid!
Dementium: The Ward obviously
but seriously, if she likes cute stuff nintendogs is the way to go. Especially since this is her first real console, nintendogs is a great easy "game" to get started with.
New Super Mario Bros. isn't a bad idea either. And then there's always the Hannah Montana games (the second one is supposed to be less terrible from what I hear) or generally anything from a movie she likes (DS has tons of licensed games).
SE++ Map Steam
Hana Montana Music Jam is pretty cool if she's in to that.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
My 7 year old daughter has this and loves it.
And, uh...I do too.
Cooking Mama
Professor Layton
Animal Crossing
Rocket Slime
Kirby (any of them)
Follow this advice and I would possibly add Elite Beat Agents to that.
On a more serious note, though, Brain Age might be fun. Also take a look at Meteos. It kicks ass
Good call. I was 11 when I first played CT. That was good stuff.
Are there any decent Mana games for DS? Rabites and stuff are cute.
Zoo Keeper
It's probably much harder to find than some of the more well known games listed here. But if you happen upon a used copy in your search it might be worth it to pick up. It's basically bejeweled with cute animal faces. Between myself, my mom and sister we've put hundreds of hours into that thing trying to beat each others top scores.