The new Beatles album, Love, comes out tomorrow.
I have it here.
From Wikipedia:
Love (spelled LOVE on all cover artwork) is an upcoming soundtrack compilation album release by The Beatles for the Cirque du Soleil show of the same name. The album was released on November 21st 2006 and features music compiled and remixed for the show. Producer Giles Martin commented that "What people will be hearing on the album is a new experience, a way of re-living the whole Beatles musical lifespan in a very condensed period."
About 30-45% of the album is remixed, but no worries, no tracks that the Beatles themselves did not lay down were used. The rest of the album, however, has been completely remastered.
This is what the Beatles would have sounded like if they had today's technology at their disposal. I can't stop listening to this damn thing, it just blows me away.
Hopefully we can expect remastered Beatles albums in the future without any of the remixing done solely for the Cirque de Soleil show on this album. Not that it isn't good, it is incredibly well done. Just, you know,
purists. To give you an idea of what I mean by remixes on this album, I give you this from Wiki:
They "worked from the original master tapes from the Abbey Road studios to produce a medley of Beatles music by remixing favorite songs, such as Harrison's "Within You Without You" being played to the drum-track of "Tomorrow Never Knows"."[2]
Stuff like that. Really neat. But like I said, most of the music is untouched from it's original form. Just remastered, and beautifully at that. It is amazing that music recorded in the 60s can sound this good.
Oh, there will also be a DVD version of this album released featuring a 5.1 mix and presumably higher than CD quality sound.
Here is the track list
1. "Because"
2. "Get Back"
3. "Glass Onion"
4. "Eleanor Rigby" / "Julia" (transition)
5. "I Am the Walrus"
6. "I Want to Hold Your Hand"
7. "Drive My Car" / "The Word" / "What You're Doing"
8. "Gnik Nus"
9. "Something" / "Blue Jay Way" (transition)
10. "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" / "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" / "Helter Skelter"
11. "Help!"
12. "Blackbird" / "Yesterday"
13. "Strawberry Fields Forever"
14. "Within You Without You" / "Tomorrow Never Knows"
15. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"
16. "Octopus's Garden"
17. "Lady Madonna"
18. "Here Comes the Sun" / "The Inner Light" (transition)
19. "Come Together" / "Dear Prudence" / "Cry Baby Cry" (transition)
20. "Revolution"
21. "Back in the USSR"
22. "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"
23. "A Day in the Life"
24. "Hey Jude"
25. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)"
26. "All You Need Is Love"
And this is probably naughty of me, but so you guys can hear what I am talking about here is an MP3 from the album for ya:
Hey Jude
Put on your best headphones and give that a listen. Tell me that doesn't make you feel all tingly inside.
Tell me.
More info on the album at
Interesting. Nowhere near as good as the regular version of the song, but I like it, and I'm glad people are doing this. I will never tire of the Beatles for long.
Mario Kart DS: 3320 6595 7026 5000
Hey Jude may not have been the best example as I don't think the quality of that recording was ever that bad. If anyone wants to hear another track, I will post one more. Just name it.
With the exception of Sgt. Pepper, as that's the only track on here that I really don't care for what they did with it.
It has Sgt. Pepper on it. I'll probably buy it and listen. It's worth that much consideration anyway.
That being said, I've been interested in this show since I first heard about it. I'd be keen to hear this.
There were some nice, unintrusive remixes on the soundtrack of the Yellow Submarine rerelease a few years back. It's time they gave the other records that treatment. The CDs out now are identical to the ones that came out in the mid 80s, only without the old long-boxes. The packaging and presentation are way below their vinyl counterparts, and the sound could be improved with a careful remix.
Mario Kart DS: 3320 6595 7026 5000
OMG! speaking of crappy remakes, has anyone heard the awful interpretation of Eleanor Rigby by eddie ojeda and dee snider of twisted sister. What an awful idea to transistion the string part to shredder guitar.
-Jimi Hendrix
It's definitely not for a purist fan, but if you're not all crazy for having the original record 'scratchy sound' and every song in pristine studio perfection and all that, I'd highly recommend giving it a listen. The way they remixed some of the tunes together is just ingenious.
I just listened to it from beginning to end and really, now I'm highly curious to see the Cirque du Soleil show which this album came from.. It's probably all kinds of awesome.
"No.. I was wrong. This must be what going mad feels like."
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Can they package awesome? I didn't realize it was possible, but I just picked up a jewel case full of this awesome.
The album is great. The sound quality is superb, something you need to hear to believe. The reworkings of the songs was something I was pretty iffy about. But, hey, it's George Martin and it worked (this really shouldn't be so surprising). The new version of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is, I think, as good as the original, even though it's stripped completely of the Clapton pyrotechnics. "Strawberry Fields Forever" is (my opinion) even better than the original, and I'm a huge Beatlemaniac. The other "mashups" and the subtle differences in the songs make every track interesting and keeps your ears sharp and at attention. Most of all, the entire thing is tastefully done and nothing that's been added or altered seems like something the Beatles wouldn't have done, enjoyingly so, themselves ("Gnik Nus" is a perfect example of this).
If you're on the fence about this, put aside your qualms and go make the purchase. It's so good. So fucking good.
I'm getting an error page.
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those songs were meant to be meshed
anyone buy the special edition or whatever version? does that version work in your basic car CD player
sorry I am dumb
I bought it for my friend, a Beatlemaniac. She loves it. I picked up a copy for myself as well since she was always telling me to listen to them since I only knew like 6 songs.
Come Together sounds great on this album I have to say. It's pretty much the only one I can 100% appreciate.
Xbox : gunst4r
not really one of their better songs anyway
I like this version more as the original one was pretty awful
I'm extremely impressed by it. The remixing/remastering is brilliant.
The songs were recorded when they were recorded, and those guys did some CRAZY stuff with the eqipment that they had in the studio.
I don't care much for the remastered stuff, because the music is out of it's original context.
And just like the original Star Wars, there's no reason you can't enjoy both versions.
Well, if my intention is to listen to the music the way it was initially created, then obviously the original cuts would be better in my view.
In that case, you are certainly free to pop in your old Beatles CD's.
This album looks great. I'll give it a whirl.
Vinyl. But it's close enough.
It's worth it just to pick out the parts from one song in another song.
And most of it sounds really cool, it's neat that they went ahead and did this.
wow... that's...
also this album is rad.
You clearly haven't listened to the Anthology CDs yet... If you really like the Beatles, give the Anthologies a listen, especially volumes 2 and 3, it's like hearing all those songs for the first time, again... kind of like the Love album does...
As for Strawberry Fields Forever, the beginning of the remix is from demo tapes that Lennon made before going into the studio, then the next part before the song starts sounding like the original is from takes 1-6 of the song, as Lennon gradually developed the song.
The final song that came out as the B-Side to Penny Lane (should have been the other way round, imho) was created by splicing takes 7 and 22, after slowing down both takes different amounts until the keys matched... all done with analog tape, no less!
Anyway, I'd love for the new remasters to actually be remixed like the Love tracks, except without changing the songs. What I mean is it would be kickass if they could clean up the original 4- and 8-track tapes and remix the songs in a modern way, but without adding anything but clarity...
If you really want to hear the difference it would make, try playing "I Am the Walrus" or "Revolution" on the best sound system you have access to, first from the original album, and then from the Love album, and you'll see how much cleaner and more defined the sound is... On Love, you can clearly hear each and every instrument, where the original mix kind of jumbles everything together... Plus, on Love, I Am the Walrus's last part is now in Stereo (the original's last verse is in mono, because of the radio feed that was mixed into the song...)
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