Eternal SilenceWhat is Eternal Silence?
It's the first and only space combat flight sim/first-person shooter hybrid Half-Life 2 mod.
Get into a fighter, heavy fighter, bomber, interceptor, or gunship and take the fight to the enemy, dogfighting in space or performing boarding actions against the enemy capital ship.
Can't imagine a Source based space combat flight sim works well?
TutorialHow's all this work, then?
You are a marine, one of several different classes. You start on your team's capital ship, which is flanked by two flak corvettes.
Your goal is to get to your hangar, hop in a ship, and defend your capital ship from nukes launched from the enemy capital ship, protect your corvettes from enemy bombers, and destroy the enemy corvettes.
Once the corvettes are down, you and your team are free to board the enemy capital ship through its hangar. Once on the ship, fight your way to the various subsystems and capture them. A captured subsystem is disabled and leaves the enemy capital ship less able to fight back.
But I don't have a joystick!
That's okay. It fully supports mouse flight.
Where do I get it?
It's available from Steam now. You can get it
Here is how to play with other people!
We have
a fancy Steam group right here, we do. It's public right now, so join it, find people to play, and let's shoot some folks down.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
Why must there be so few good mod campaigns.
Well AI isn't easy to write.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
but i'm not sure why anyone would think the source engine couldn't handle a game like this (or why it wouldn't be a good choice). source already does vehicles just fine, and from what i see in that video the space map isn't extremely huge or anything.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
There aren't many servers at the moment, but they're all pretty populated, which is a nice change.
From what I hear, Dystopia is the same way now. It's probably because this is both their first time being actually distributed through Steam.
I never asked for this!
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
What do you mean? You know you can't attack capital ships without first destroying the corvettes, right? :P
They were attacking us, they were in our hanger shooting mans, even though it was impossible to tell which mans was shooting at who. I know what I was doing. I've played teh vydja gaims before. It was "laggy" even though I had a 40 ping. So I consider that "glitchy".
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Their netcode isn't working as well as it should be right now. They're working on it and will be distributing a patch early next week. Or is that this week now? Either way, they'll be distributing one.
EDIT: It's first thing Monday. Which is today.
As cool as it is that they put the HL2 engine into a (very shoehorned) space shoot em up is great.
But really, Starwars Battlefront did this already. The mechanics are exactly the same which may have been the point, but man. All this did was make me want to reinstall SW:BF2 again.
At least in SW:BF stopping your ship in mid space and just turning and shooting was not the best way to win. It sure as hell works well in ES though. Someone on your tail? Stop. Turn. Shoot. Win.
I'm being a bit harsh. I actually like hitting full reverse and gunning down the person chasing me. I still would rather play SWs though. If the mechanics weren't identical I'd be all over it.
GL with the game guys.
Edit: Ok not identical. The difference being that you had to destroy sub systems on the cap ship instead of the corvettes before you could move in. Which actually makes a hell of a lot more sense than ES.
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
You're lagg- oh wait, this is not the tf2 thread
Anyway, I didn't noticed the lag but hey what do I know, I'm used to +100 ping thanks to being a regular on the PA servers :P
I tried downloading this once when I saw it pop up on a Steam notification (actually it was Belo) but found the server population to be somewhere between "Jack Shit" and "Fuck All". If there's a PA group maybe I'll give it a shot and we can swarm our way onto a server or two.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Also, Peregrine, ES is well-populated now.
I hadn't used it in a while and the last game I've played with it was Freespace 2. So my throttle was set to full.
I got into an interceptor. And I immediately shot forward at full throttle straight into a wall.
As far as the "glitchy" feeling in the FPS combat it reminded me very much of trying to fight on moving ships in BF1942 and BF2.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
My problem is that once it gets to the on-foot assault it becomes rather... average.
Welcome to the most unfriendly game ever, Dystopian Silence!
edit: Afaik, it would be a clusterfuck, Dystopia and Eternal Silence are already hard games on their own
How do you mean it needs direction and objective waypoints?
On the loading screens, it tells you your objectives on the current map and then once in-game in a fighter or interceptor, it marks enemy bombers and gunships with "ATTACK" icons and friendly bombers and gunships with "ESCORT" icons. If you're in a bomber, it marks the enemy corvettes with the same "ATTACK" icons. Once the corvettes are down, everyone gets a "LAND HERE" icon over the enemy cap ship's hangars.
Demolition is the only game mode that doesn't give you such comprehensive waypoints because your only goal is to get onto the enemy cap ship and cap their subsystems. But once you're on the enemy cap ship, you get that minimap that tells you where you need to be. And if there aren't enough people at a subsystem to cap it, it automatically sends out a voiced request for backup at that subsystem.
But there's not really much of a tutorial except for the big tips thing every time you join a server.
Im downloading it right now and recruiting some other mans to do the same.
I might be able to host a server, but im not sure if my connection could handle a full 24 man server.
Use a mouse. Jack up the sensitivity and you'll do great. This is a fps with funky physics. Treat it like so and you'll be fine. The only add on is keys to strafe up and down. Ignore the hud, treat it like a shooter with a lock on key.
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
I as using a mouse and even liked it better, but I've gone back to using a joystick and it's far better. A lot of maneuvers that increase your survivability are next to impossible with a mouse and are simple as snapping your fingers (not that I've ever actually been able to do that, but you get the idea) with a joystick that either twists or has rudder pedals.
Also, if you ever play with experienced players that know what they're doing, just spinning around and flying backwards won't help you.
Ok then.
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"