Welcome to my Morrowind Let's Play!
A few notes
- I've never done a Let's Play before, so hopefully this doesn't get too rocky. Feel free to offer me suggestions, let me know where things a falling apart, and things I'm doing wrong.
- This is going to be a screenshot Let's Play. I'll save the movie making for other people; I don't have the stamina for that.
- Posts probably will not be as frequent as people like. I got things I have to do. If I plan on doing a post on Thursday night, but a friend calls and says, "Hey, you want to go drinking?" The friend will win 99% of the time (1% reserved for illness etc). Still, I shouldn't ever slack to less than one post a week unless something really awesome or horrible happens to me. I'll let you know if I decide to close this shindig down.
- This will be a semi-player directed game. I'll basically list a set of tasks or priorities, and you guys get to make some of the big-picture shots. Voting will be kind of loose for a while. If you have a cool idea that's "in-character", I might go for it. If I think it's dumb, I don't care how many votes you get.
- I might try to steer things down towards the main quest at some point. Given how long that would take though, I expect this to be a LP that fizzles out and dies. I'd rather it not be, but if a year-and-a-half goes by and I haven't finished the game, I'll probably call it quits.
-I have the expansions installed! I'm not sure how I want to address those. I've never actually been to either of them
-I hope you guys have fun with this, feel free to discuss whatever. There's already an Elderscrolls thread
here though, so keep that in mind.
-Mods I will be using: Better Heads, Better Bodies, Morrowind Patch, a bunch of Less Generic NPCs, some texture replacers, Passive Healthy Wildlife, Better Clothes. Anyone else knows of something I really should install, let me know, but I think that should be plenty. Normally I'd have a house mod installed, but I don't think I'll need it.
Without Further Ado... A Prologue
So, for your first choice, we'll be choosing the character you guys want to see me play. I plan on playing this game in-character, so this choice might affect a lot of things. For the TLDR version, your choices are "Barbarian", "Dashing Rogue", and "Conniving Magician". No hybrids at the start, though I see no good reason why different characters couldn't train in other skills later.
Nord Barbarian
Sign: The Warrior
Proud warrior of the Ornbrandr tribe in Skyrim, Ormgeirr is the son of a warrior and a leather worker. He's spent most of his life hunting, fighting, and studying his father's trade deep in those northern cold winters, and on the edge of imperial society.
The Hrothfuss and the Ornbrandr had long been rivals, and when a skilled and famed Hrothfuss warrior died suddenly of a strange sickness, they blamed the Ornbrandr and refused to supply their half of a festival. Tensions finally snapped when the Hrothfuss struck at an Ornbrandr hunting party, and the two entered a war between tribes. Ormgeirr was arrested in an Imperial action for inciting rebellion, intercepted as he and a host marched towards the Hrothfuss meadhall. The two imperial knights he struck down before the battlemages finally overcame him landed him in an imperial prison for the last six years.
Imperial Ne'er-do-Well (custom class, stealth focused with a few tossed around skills; Rogue wasn't working for what I wanted, and neither was theif)
Sign: The Tower
Leyhardt's always lived by his wit, since before he could remember. Having grown up in a Cyrodil orphanage necessitated it. As he grew older, he became a traveler, taking whatever job he could get and enjoying the freedom of the road. Though Kynareth and Nocturnal hold special place for Leyhardt, he's been known to whisper a prayer to almost any god of almost any pantheon; "You never know who's listening!"
Leyhardt lacks malice, and the most of his ills are more the result of carelessness or misappropriation than any sort of intent. All the same, his sticky-fingered and carousing ways have landed him into more trouble than his gilded tongue could get him out of. He finally slipped up too far when he damaged the honor of a Baroness's daughter. The Baroness threw the book at him, and his wrap sheet had caught up. The list of punishments that kept him behind bars was long and shallow, and his stay indefinate.
Argonian Mage
Sign: The Apprentice
Hejka comes from a long line of skilled magicians. His family had left the black marshes to live in the High Rock province generations ago, and hadn't turned back since. He was raised in his parents care, and always served as a brash headstrong mageling, challenging his own limits--along with the limits of his rivals and instructors. Particularly gifted, the snake-tongued wizard often tried the patience of his fellows.
The tension that followed Hejka finally exploded when one of his rivals challenged him in the streets of Camlorn, and Hejka was more than happy to oblige. Words turned into action, and their challenges came to blows, until both participants had hurled the fury of all their magic in the middle of the square. The rival was slain, bystanders were injured, and at least three houses were consumed in ensuing destruction. His parents disowned him, and the guard took him in and put him in shackles. He hasn't had a taste of magic in years: a painful punishment for a mage.
I'll be tallying the votes whenever I feel like it, and then we'll get this party started!
Table of ContentsChapter 1: Not Even Last Night's Storm Could Wake You
Chapter 2: First thing, Pilgrim
Rock the vote!
Also, an addendum to the rules, mainly for clarification.
Every 'option' will be color coded, with the same color for similar options. So for example:
I have two hours to kill, I can go to
the mall, or
see a movie. After that, I have a meeting with my boss. Should I
dress casual, or
wear a suit? Should I really
push for the raise, or hope he
recognizes my worth on his own; after all, I don't wish to be too pushy.
In this instance, you can make a green vote, an orange vote, and a red vote. You don't have to vote all colors, but any vote you make needs to be color coded. Example:
You should go to
the mall, and
push for the raise. You deserve it.
Fuck having to upload 500 pictures and caption all of them.
Edit: And I think would be kind of a detriment for this game anyway, since I'd either have to edit the pauses as I read shit out, or skip through it. There's games where I think video lets plays are awesome, but I don't think it would mesh with what I want to do here.
anoffday: Thanks, I think I'll need it! I end up with a six-hour Morrowind itch every few months or so, so a long slow game might do something about scratching it.
Also, if I were you, I'd probably only do the character's guild of choice and the main story to avoid burning out.
And I vote that you have to stay as a vampire/werewolf if you contract one.
And I actually agree with the decision to do a Screenshot LP for this game. Because I don't know about anybody else, but I could not play the goddamn game without it crashing on me everytime I was enjoying it. At least with a screenshot LP, you can make sense of bits if that happens, and use them to redo the important stuff.
I'm with Leyhardt, but less for the "random.org" and more for the "oops, I stole your candlestick!" shenanigans.
Also, is this where we link the <7 minute speed run? ;-)
hit stuff with club
I want a screenshot of seyda neen with a pile of corpses to open the whole thing
Morrowind was much more fun to play as a thief than Oblivion, because there were more cool places to rob. Especially the House treasuries.
Ormgeirr 3
Leyhardt 2
Hejka 3
Which is pretty close. I'll probably leave the voting open until after classes tomorrow. This makes me think though, in the future, there will be colored options for easier tally.
Hell, I barely ever even touched Alchemy, and I don't think I ever once made a custom spell.
every time I play, I make my own class in ECS so I don't have to start over when I want new mods.
This time barbarian
My vote for yours is mage
Apprentice is bad times
Ormgeirr 3
Leyhardt 6
Hejka 9
I still need to go to class. Also Zombie, we did play Left 4 Dead last night! Feel free to update in this thread. Waiting two days sounds like a very good idea since I have organic and two paintings to do, and not a lot of time to do it in--but I don't want to take too long. My first update will be kind of short though anyway, so there'll be plenty of time for you to catch up.
And I'm strongly considering that Olivaw; I'm honestly a little terrified of that -100% magic resistance. Breton, mage-sign is my mage of choice, because I like to play it safe.
Also just ordered the morrowind ost, because its just that good
I'm gonna have to vote for Rogue too.