Hearts of Iron 2: Armageddon
Hearts of Iron? I don't want to play no sissy romance!
Hold on there, Hoss! Hearts of Iron 2 is NOT some romance novel turned game, this puppy is a WW2 simulation wargame on an epic scale (so called 'grand-strategy') and contains more than enough death, destruction, and mayhem to keep even the most manly men among us happy. But wait, there's more! HoI2 allows you to sit in the driver's seat of virtually any nation that existed at the beginning of WW2 and play through the war and beyond, starting in 1936 eventually ending in 1964. What's so great about that, you ask? Well, if you don't want to lead the Axis to victory through massive armored waves, launch ICBMs across the Atlantic and turn Europe into a radioactive wasteland, or force the world to recognize the superiority of the Proletariat at gunpoint then maybe you should just walk right on out of this thread.
That seems pretty paradoxical, Bob. Tell me more.
Anyone who has ever heard of Paradox Entertainment knows that they produce incredibly detailed grand strategy games. (They also know not to buy on release because the company needs a patch or two to get their games right, but that's another story.) HoI2 is no exception, though it is a fairly niche game and a lot of gamers won't have even heard of this title. A crying shame really, because it is probably the best World War 2 strategic level game on the market. It allows the player to manage his or her nation's diplomacy, intelligence operations, a multitude of technological options, a complex economic model, and of course, the war on the land, sea, and air. With all of these wonderful options comes a price, however, so here is a warning to those who haven't played this sort of game before: The learning curve is very steep. We're not talking Dwarf Fortress here, but you need to be prepared to eat dirt until you learn how to play. For the first few games, many unguided German players can get stomped by the AI when they try to invade Poland.
That said, after you have some experience in single player you will lay down the rape train all the way through Russia and beyond, wrapping around the globe and not stopping until you are carrying out D-Day on yourself. That means it's time to head into multiplayer, where the real action is. Multiplayer grand strategy, as anyone who has played one in ANY multiplayer setting can tell you, is a complex beast. It generally pushes the player's mind, concentration, and multitasking abilities to their limits during tense situations. RTS style games, RPGs, and first person shooters require more snap decisions and greater reaction time, but grand strategy is a whole new world of long term planning, soaring success, and dismal, will-smashing failure. Nothing quite matches the satisfaction of turning back the Germans at the gates of Moscow... with the nukes you've been developing since the start of the game. On the flip side, a few seemingly innocent strategic errors can spell doom for your entire war, pushing you all the way back to your capital and forcing you to cede territory or become a sattelite state. Took tons of territory but left no garrisons? Crap, partisans are rampaging around and destroying your supply lines and your unstoppable tank wave has no gas. Your spearhead broke through but got stalled by unexpected resistance? Now you are encircled and your men are fighting for their lives while cut off from supply.
Fuck yeah, sign me up!
So you want to take over the world, do you? But where do you start!? The world is a big place! Not to worry. We have plenty of time, so first things first. This game is going to take a lot of time. It will eat your life if you let it. Let us make this clear from the outset so that when we all descend into the black maw of chaos and the demon queen
Snorsleb gnashes us with her putrescent serrated teeth we will know that we chose that fate of our own will.
In mortal terms, we will probably be running two games. The hardcore game will need at least two unbroken hours open daily to play in, hopefully more. The weekend game will be a Friday-Saturday-Sunday thing and be run quite a bit more casually, generally starting when we have 4 and going until we have less than that. If you don't have this amount of time to devote to it then you would not want to play it anyway, this game is long.
Who are you?
Let me know! You can either PM me and we will get together to arrange a spot for you or contact me via my listed AIM. AIM would probably be better. Posting in the thread works too, but try to use one of the other methods in addition to that.
When can you play?
All our current players are Godless Heathen College Students (I think) and will therefore be avalible at the Proscribed Godless Heathen College Student Hours. (reads: 6:00PM EST - 12:00 AM EST on weekdays, virtually all day and night on weekends) Your hours may vary, but they need to fall within these very lax requirements or we simply can't work you in.
Getting connected:
There are two main ways of getting a game of HoI2 started over the intertubes these days; namely Hamachi and Direct Connect. We will be using Hamachi unless problems arise that force DC. I don't forsee any. You can download it -here-.
Skill requirements:
A brain and a will to show up. Seriously, we don't mind teaching at all and will (generally) laugh it off when you beat us. Just be willing to listen and learn if you are a noob and willing to teach if you are a vet. Not being a prick also helps.
House Rules:
No more than 4 stacks of Close Air Support or Tactical Bombers (total for both) per nation. That's it!
1.3 beta. Negotiable if you want to pitch a fit over it or something.
Now, screenshot time!
Th-T-Th-Tha-Th-T-That's all folks!
Well, sort of. It is to Risk as the space shuttles are to a horse-drawn carriage. If you are curious I could do a little writeup here or you could AIM me and I explain there, but let's save that for tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep and am going to go crash for the night.
By the way, I forgot to include the Hamachi link in the OP so here it is. Sorry about that.
Alternate history is awesome. Having helicopters as a part of the D-Day landing? Super cool.
Yeah, you have to be careful with that. Even experienced players can lose troops on beach landings due to having so very little territory to retreat into. I've seen it happen in China with it's pathetic 30% average infrastructure, and it's a thousand times worse in Western Europe due to everything moving lightning fast. On the plus side (sort of) if the provinces change hands enough times the infra is so wrecked that things finally start slowing down. Then again, that sort of diminishes your returns from the provinces without a lot of time waiting for the inhabitants to rebuild, but there we are.
Also, I started a writeup on HoI2 to explain how great it is but the game is just too bloody complex and interlinked for me to even scratch the surface. You just have to play the thing.
edit- Bhutan is a piss-ant, single province nation, that is a vassal of the UK, and landlocked in Asia.