OK need some help as I feel my next step is to drop kick my wife's laptop out into the rain.
My wife has had a screen popping up saying that there was an issue with the disk and it would also start to check but cancel out.
she had been saying it was acting weird. So thinking it might be a disk drive error i tried to defrag it. it wouldn't let me do it saying that the volume was in use or something like that.
trying to run dskchk or whetver the command was gave me the same error. so i restarted in safe mode and was finally able to run dskchk and it came up with nothing.
thinking my problems were fixed, i restart but i was totally wrong.
first thing i notice is the them is changed on it. a minor problem there
first major issue.
can't connect to the internet with the requisite can't even search for wireless networks
i try to run system restore on it and it says somethign to the effect of system restore can't protect your computer , please restart and run system restore again. which is a lie. it doesn't do that.
i still can't run defrag on it. i am currently running ad-aware but i doubt it will do much
i think the antivirus got disabled so i think maybe its some sort of virus.
edit: i can in fact check for viruses..am doing now
though i wonder if the disk drive is just shitting the bed
anyone have any suggestions?
chkdsk c: /r
The /r is important, it will actually check for disk errors. It won't let you run it in windows, you'll have to schedule it to run next time you start up your computer (it can take up to a couple hours).
it would start to check than crap out halfway through
So here is an update.
I can't run system restore, it says something to the effect that system restore can't protect your computer, restart and try again.
i also tried using recovery cds and it said they were not specific to the pc even though they were made on it
Further i ran some diagnostics, and the disk checks out fine as did the memory. i tried to boot in safe mode and run a virus check that way, but it wouldn't let me.
i also can't uninstall anything.
i am wondering now if its a virus rather than a bad sector.
I posted this over in the tech subforum, but I get the feeling more people view this forum than that one, and might be able to help me better or more quickly.