This country appears to be moving in two very different directions, and it's really weird to watch.
I'm stumbling online, and I come across this nice chart:
According to
this article, marijuana arrests broke their all-time high, yet again, for the 4th year in a row.
To me, this paints a dark picture of marijuana legalization. If I knew nothing else, I'd think society was quickly turning against marijuana. After all, that would explain why we're arresting more and more people for it, right? It's taboo!
Well... kind of taboo apparently. It's taboo if poor people do it I guess. Apparently, it's okay when
Michael Phelps smokes, and despite photographic evidence, he doesn't get charged with anything.
So now I'm a bit confused, if we're arresting more and more people for marijuana, why are we letting this guy go?
Moving on, I go watch TV. I turn on MSNBC, and what do I see? A full story about
marijuana farmers. It's not some anti-drug scary story about the evils of growing this terrifying drug. No, it's a friendly reporter and a friendly stoner just chatting next to a ridiculous amount of marijauna. No one seems to be suggesting anything negative about it. If I didn't know it was weed, this could've been any vegetable garden.
So this is just getting weird now. The same drug that we see commercials trying to scare us away from daily? the drug that 800,000 people get arrested for in a year? The drug whose arrests keep growing? What the hell is this lady doing standing so close to it? It's dangerous, right?
And here's the final straw, what made me write this thread: Feds decided to stop raiding California marijuana farms entirely (
link). Essentially, the feds said "fuck it, go ahead, smoke as much as you want in California, we don't care anymore". Really?
Really? No one in their department can generalize this conclusion outside of California?
It just boggles my mind. The feds don't care who smokes in California, and now it (along with a couple other states) are free havens for marijuana smoking. People openly smoke, talk about smoking, grow marijuana. Hell, you can even get reporters to come chat with you about it in an innocent way.
But somehow, the second you cross the border out of California,
IT ROTS YOUR BRAIN AWAY. We have to arrest 800,000 people because, outside of California, it's
eeevvviiilllll. We need to make terrible misleading commercials on every major channel, to warn people away from the evil (provided they don't live in states where the government, media, and society are a-okay with it).
I'm not making this thread to discuss whether marijuana is harmful or fun or addictive or anything like that. This is a thread about marijuana legalization. About how arrests go up, yet so does legalization. This is a thread about the opposing forces at work and the bizarre direction it takes this country.
What do you think? Has anyone here visited both extremes of the drug-war recently? Perhaps can comment on the attitudes about marijuana in something like Texas vs California?
And there wasn't a retarded "war on drugs"
Right, but it's bizarre to see a war on drugs expanding at the same time that legalization is occurring, you know? If one held the spotlight and then the other, it would make sense. But the two together is just mind-boggling.
Of course, marijuana doesn't contain arsenic, cyanide, nicotine, or any of the other many, many carcinogens that cigarettes do. It also seems to fight lung cancer in cigarette smokers. A marijuana smoker also doesn't smoke anywhere near as much marijuana as a cigarette smoker does cigarettes.
Love this comic.