So, last night I bought a bottle of wine, but apparently, the one corkscrew this chickenshit apartment possesses went AWOL-- into the Abyss, as it were. At this point, most
untermensch would think, "I'll never drink that bottle of wine, I don't have the proper tools!" and then said under-person would die shameful a death in the gutter. What I did was bust out a couple of screws, a screw diver and a wire cutter and through the force of leverage and by of will, I got that bitch open.
I am now in the midst of enjoying sweet vino, a discount steak, garlic mushrooms, and the second finest James Cameron film (
Aliens, the first finest is, of course,
T2: Judgement Day). All of this because I have transformed my universe through power of will, just as Nietzche said in whatever Alan Moore book it was that quoted him.
Let us now speak of times in which we have beaten Fate right in its smug face and triumphed over our world through the power of will. This is the thread in which we become
Ubermensch, if only if it means tying one on during the weekday
Tossrock: Somolia, you know Mogadishu, Blackhawk down?
Qorzm: I'm sorry, I don't follow hip-hop
does that count
better than alien?
h5 MacGyver
The Ubermensch does not need a howling siren to know when his property is under tresspass
i love alien but it kills me that it looks like it is doing jazz hands in the air duct scene
I may get eviscerated for this but I find it funny that the Terminator franchise is almost exactly the same. Hopefully the 4th movie wont follow suite.
cause that shit was mexican coke
gotta drink that shitttt
what the fuck.
we was smoking hells of weed and planning
that's being a sucka
if there's bits of cork floating in your wine (or you had to pick them out) then you should just kill yourself now because you are and will always be trailer trash
just buy several boxes of Gallo and drink yourself to death
You are the devil.
The easiest way is to look at Sigourney Weaver's hair. Is it shoulder length? Alien. Is it concentrated in a ball around her head? Aliens. Is she completely bald? Alien 3. Is Ron Pearlman somewhere near her hair? Alien: Resurrection.
with a toothpick
what did you kill him with
no one should be without wine
a toothpick
it was a summer in the old BAD DAYS
a bunch of dudes pissed on my clothes
i systematically started fucking up the offending parties to such an extent that one could liken it to a 50,000 fee for jay walking
i'd tackle dudes even if they was in the midst of lady-folk
i elbowed one guy in the back of the head while running full tilt
there was much ass whoopin
his? or did you supply your own?
Does that make me a pussy?