Alright, so I'm in the multimedia program at my college and we have our own computer labs full of multi-million dollar equipment. The labs are locked down and only multimedia students/profs have keycards to get in. And of course the janitors have regular keys for when they have to clean at night.
Anyway, I work as a lab advisor from 8pm to 11pm 2 days a week, which basically means I hang out in the labs, clean things up and generally make sure anyone working late doesn't fuck the place up. At the end of my shift, this creepy janitor always comes in the labs and goes on the computers in our 3D lab. He always does his cleaning beforehand, and he just sneaks in at 11 with his jacket on and no cleaning equipment so he's obviously not there to do his job. All the other lab advisors have noticed this and we're all creeped out by him. He's not supposed to be there. He's not a multimedia student, he hasn't paid an extra $1200 a year to use those computers, and we're pretty sure he's only there to watch porn.
Our program co-ordinator bitched the guy out once already, but it seems nothing has come of it. Tonight when I was straightening up the chairs, I flat out told him "you're not supposed to be using those computers. They're only for multimedia students." And his excuse is "I'm staff". Yeah, right buddy, the cafeteria ladies don't come down here to use the computers so you can just fuck right off. I told him I'm just doing what the program coordinator says, making sure only multimedia students are using our computers, and he said he's going to 'have a talk' with him. Since he got bitched out once already I doubt anything can come of that.
However, what do I do if this guy keeps hanging around? If he steals something or breaks something after my shift, then it's on me. I don't really have any authority to kick him out of the labs. I can tell him to leave, but I can't do anything if he just says 'no'. I think I'm the first lab advisor to actually speak up to him, so I'm going to make sure everyone else does the same thing on their shifts if they see him.
Creepy Janitor hangs around locked computer labs at night to use the computers, he is probably watching porn and is definitely not supposed to be there. What do I do?
In fact, nothing really sounds creepy about it at all except that he's not one of you guys! And that fact that he works a low level job, well, that right there just guarantees he's creepy, doesn't it? Seriously though, I think the fact that the dude makes sure all his work is done first implies some manner of responsibility. Sounds to me like he's just a bloke that wants to use a computer at the end of his shift, likely due to not owning one himself.
There are at least 4 other locations in the college where there are public computers not inside a locked multimedia lab. He could have easy access to these at any time. Instead, he chooses the computer in the far corner of the locked lab at 11pm when the last students leave.
It's not because he's a janitor. If it was 'creepy film student', it would be the same thing, because they are simply not allowed in our lab. None of the other janitors do this, it's just this one guy.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
I know it sounds cliche to think a janitor is 'creepy', but I doubt it's discrimination against a menial labour worker. I've known quite a few weird janitor's in my time from school and my work, and it's not entirely improbable that they might poke around into things they shouldn't during a night shift when no one is around. Don't you guys have a log-in permissions system in place? Also, have you tried to check viewing history?
I mean, maybe he just wants to slack off at work and surf the web for a bit. And if he just wants to slack off, then he probably doesn't want to walk to a completely different part of the campus, not when he has a computer easily accessible. Yes, that's still wrong, and probably something you can definately go up to the admin for., just not something I would describe as creepy.
But saying shit like "If he steals something or breaks something after my shift, then it's on me." makes you sound like you're jumping to conclusions again.
Around the college (all in the same building and no more than 30 second-1 minute walks away from each other) are the public computers. They suffice for doing shit in microsoft word, surfing the net, checking e-mail, etc.
The computers the janitor is using in our lab are our 3D computers, suitably beefed up to handle rendering stuff. There is no reason he needs to use these.
To log in, there are like... I guess 'networks'. There's the main school network, where when you log in you have access to the network drive associated to your username. However on these 3D computers, there's an option to I guess log in just to that computer with the username/password combo of student/student. I have no idea why this exists, but I'm not the sys admin and I can't do anything about it. Guaranteed this is what he is using, because only these 3D computers have that, not the other Macs or anything.
Me and the lab manager (not sys admin) tried changing the student/student password, but they reset when you restart the computer so that's no good.
edit: and honestly, I'm just as concerned about the 1st year students breaking shit or stealing shit, but they're never around late at night so it doesn't really matter
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
But more on point: If it were a matter of looking at porn after hours, why wouldn't he just do that at one of the other stations you mentioned? The public computers you spoke of, do they have any content filters on them? Do the 3D computers lack a content filter?
I guess the best thing to do is to try and suss out what makes the 3D lab computers different than the public work stations, aside from the obvious 3D stuff. Is there any way to monitor what he uses on that station after he's done/the next day.
Who knows. Maybe he's developing himself an awesome 3D animated movie little by little.
I did see, last year in our photo lab, some random porn site in the history of one of the computers. I'm going to guess that the network doesn't have a filter on it.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
I can has cheezburger, yes?
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
And besides, he comes in at 11 and has a key? Your shift ends at 11, it's not your problem.
But on the flip side, if that's all it is, then there isn't really much to blow the whistle on (absolutely no pun intended).
However, if porn is *not* the impetus for his behavior, then I'd probably make an effort to figure out what he *is* actually up to before bringing the thunder down on him.
There's always still a good chance he's not doing anything harmful.
I probably wasn't very stern at all when I told him he shouldn't be using the computers, but then again it was the first time I've spoken to him and I also didn't want to walk in on anything... unseemly.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
Or talk to the shift supervisor of the janitor. I'm sure your physical plant would do something about it, because whoever you work for has no direct influence over this guys' job.
a. general password system, guest access is already setup.
b. buddy has keys to the whole damn joint anyway
c. You're worried about the security of your shit? He has the effing keys mang. Had em long before you ever got there. Will still have them long after you go.
d. He is staff. You're just a student. Your authori-tie is zero. Your prof? Is his peer, not his boss. They are co-workers.
e. You're not establishment, you're pseudo-establishment, with the illusion of accountability. He has actual accountability. And actual authority. He does, in fact, outrank you.
Two things you don't do, piss off the cafeteria staff, shit on your janitor. He could wipe his ass with every coffee filter in the house, and you, or your teacher, would never, ever know. If he's not bringing in food and bevvies, he can't actually do any harm, and isn't going to be anywhere he won't be already, what is the difference?
If he wanted to seminally defile every inch of your workspace, he could. He knows exactly where you like to work, amongst other things. Why worry about the harmless stuff you happen to see? Piss him off, and you might have a whole nother level of stuff happening to you that you'll never see. If you're nice, they can come in real handy.
I can understand your feelings, but my advice is not to take your token authority too seriously. You're granted some say and some responsibilities among your peers, but only to facilitate a learning process. If there is no one present but you, that process no longer exists. He is a genuine part of the institution, you are only a client of that institution, gilded though you may be.
There's no problem until there's a problem, and your feelings are not actual problems. Neither is what happens on the night shift. That's the school's worry, not yours.
Satans..... hints.....
And I'm not trying to piss off the janitor. I'm doing what has been relayed to me by the program co-ordinator. I didn't walk in to the lab and go "hey janitor get the fuck out", I was organizing the chairs in the lab and said "man, you're not supposed to be using those computers, they're just for multimedia students." Which is true. If anyone can just walk in and use them, then what the fuck am I paying an extra $1200 a year for?
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
if you want to go all super spy on him a webcam in the corner or a usb keylogger will do the trick, especially if he has a favorite computer.
or you could just get stern with him. if they don't give you authority to kick people out of the lab then what are you standing there for? if it's not his job to be there then he has no more right to be there than some kid who wants to be there. either you have authority over everyone who can't be there or no one who can't be there... if it's the latter than i don't know why they have you watching it.
best bet if probably to talk to the ssys admin about monitoring activity after 11
Maybe you could ask him to wait until you're gone to play on the computers? I dunno, there's really not much you can do about the whole thing.
BTW, in x years when you have a degree he'll still be cleaning up the building and farting around in your old lab. You aren't getting shafted 1200 bucks a year.
"it's not my problem anymore" really isn't something a guard of sorts should be saying
That was facetious. I'm saying the janitor could access it any time he wanted to, people have trusted him with that. There's literally nothing to do about this except maybe harp on your boss.
ooh well yes... that then
personally I'm all for super spy key loggers and webcam feeds.
have you guys considered a hardware password? this seems like almost the obvious first step. the school passwords their comps globally? great. pasword yours locally. only people who have paid the extra money get past POST
Talk to your boss about it, but I sort of agree with eternalbl. This is a dude that has all the keys to everything and everywhere. You telling him not to be somewhere won't stop him at all, and when you really get into the hierarchy, you're probably below him. If something goes missing when just the janitor is there, you aren't going to be held responsible. It may annoy you that he uses the equipment when he's not really supposed to, but I think you've done all you should.
This whole thing is not your business. You are charged with keeping an eye on the place from 8PM until 11PM, and anything that happens outside of that window is not your business. This is part of being an adult--as you grow, you decipher what is your responsibility and what is not your business.
Passwords? Keyloggers? This is shit that is also not your business. It's up to the sysadmin or program director to make that call, not you.
Imagine that the person with the master key (for want of a better term) wasn't the janitor, but was the head / dean of a different faculty. Would you try and kick that guy out or start keylogging etc? My thoughts are that you would not.
Simply report this to the sys-admin in charge of the lab each time it happens. They can then either deal with it as they see fit, or tell you to let it slide.
Either forgoet about it, because the guy obviously isn't going to stop based on the repeated requests, or go to a higher authority - his boss or Security.
This, in part.
I'm going to disagree with a lot of posters, but if this guy is somewhere that he shouldn't be, using equipment that he shouldn't be using as a student assistant it is your job to make your supervisors aware of this.
Let's put it this way: If you lock up at 11:00pm and the this guy is still in the room, what happens when something spills and ruins the keyboard? You're going to bear the brunt of the blame. This isn't about "leave the janitor alone" but instead about the responsibility a student assistant has to ensure that accountability is enforced. It is not your job to take care of the problem, it is your job to alert those who need to take care of this.
That said, this is my suggestion: Tell your supervisor. If you've had issues with this guy before it will be much easier. Ask permission to call Campus Safety (or whatever they're called) next time he refuses to leave. As you have said, there are public computers he can use if he wants, so at the very least he's using the lab as a means to slack off at work.
Bottom line is that he isn't supposed to be there, and if he causes damages you'll be held responsible as the "closing student assistant."
Yeah, I think you're right to be concerned.
I think you greatly overestimate the usefulness of excuses. I worked as a student assistant in a number of different departments while I was at school. Saying "but the janitor was there when he shouldn't have been!" isn't worth anything if something actually breaks.
This guy isn't head of campus security, he's a lab worker. OP, tell your program co-ordinator that this guy is going into the labs around 11. There isn't much else to do here, you don't have the authority. Inform your higher up and let them deal with it, it's what they're paid for.
Yeah but if he goes "Well everything was in order when I left and locked up" he really can't be held responsible for it.
That'd be like holding him responsible for the damages and destruction if some crook shows up 20 seconds after he takes off, kicks in the door, pisses on the keyboards, takes a dump into the PCs, and then draws dicks on the white board or something.
This issue reminds me of that somehow.
You have little authority to do anything about this.
You have done what you should have done; warned him, and told your manager/supervisor.
I would not stress too much about it unless one of your duties states you are required to ensure that no individuals remain in the lab after your shift ends.
On top of that many colleges/universities offer their employees free/reduced tuition. I do not know if yours does, but if so and he is not taking advantage of it I would consider it a wash myself rather than worrying about $1200 paid.
We didn't get to do much beatsticking or kicking around of people... even people who were clearly breaking rules. If an employee went and stuck their gum right in the middle of the big glass door while I was watching, I could nicely tell them to take it off and throw it away. That's it though. They had every right to turn, look at me, roll their eyes, and keep going. I couldn't chase them down. I couldn't yell at them. I couldn't DO anything. All I could do was write it down and call someone who cared.
That's why security guards are supposed to keep careful logs. You aren't a security guard, and you can do even less about rule-breaking than I could, but you CAN make a written record of everything you see on your shift.
You should probably do this if you're concerned, by the way. Write down the time you start your shift, the condition of the lab, etc, and the same for when you leave. If someone is in there when you leave, write down who it is and what time they got there, as well as the condition of the lab as you left it. Use pen and paper for this.
This is probably not really necessary for your job, but it sounds like you're mostly interested in covering your ass in case something happens. That's understandable and wise, but you've let somebody know what's going on, and they've decided whether or not they care enough to take it up with his supervisor. Perhaps gently remind your supervisor once that the behavior has continued, and write down that you did so. There's nothing else you can or should do unless you actually see him committing a crime, and then you should call campus security and/or the police. Beyond that, keeping a log is a good way to show that you fulfilled your responsibility to tell a superior about a potential problem, making any real fallout his responsibility.